Originally posted by Skell18
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Big Muthaf*ckin Buysnus 10th Anniversary Sale Starts Tonight at 8 EST
10 Mutha Fu##in rolls of General Tailored in Da Muthaf##in House Homies!
I only buy during these sales and I pay $2.27 a freeking can, plus I never run out. That's how it's done Boys and Girls...........! I am really enjoying the Tailored BTW! I got enough of everything else in that freeking big assed freezer to mix it up proper. My deepest apologies to all you retards who joined the EU BTW! Who wants to be in my will? BTW Skelly, I still owe you that last known can of Unobtainable goodness. Dance monkey dance!wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!