I caved in :/

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  • Belatorius
    • May 2014
    • 42

    I caved in :/

    So I started snusing back in may and was quite successful in not smoking for 3+ months and felt amazing. I was working better, sleeping fine (I work grave yard shift) and was over all thrilled to be the only swedish snuser in town (at least among my friends). Sadly though one off day while hanging with my group of friends I caved in an started smoking again. Every one of my friends are smokers you see, some more than other, some even chain smokers o.o Now Im not sure why I caved back in, old habbits die hard? But I did till about now and I saw my stash of snus in the freezer and im back at it again. Hopefully for good Been 2 days so far and only had one decent craving but a Grov portion put a stop to that.

    Wish me luck
  • joserra
    • May 2014
    • 191

    Originally posted by Belatorius View Post
    So I started snusing back in may and was quite successful in not smoking for 3+ months and felt amazing. I was working better, sleeping fine (I work grave yard shift) and was over all thrilled to be the only swedish snuser in town (at least among my friends). Sadly though one off day while hanging with my group of friends I caved in an started smoking again. Every one of my friends are smokers you see, some more than other, some even chain smokers o.o Now Im not sure why I caved back in, old habbits die hard? But I did till about now and I saw my stash of snus in the freezer and im back at it again. Hopefully for good Been 2 days so far and only had one decent craving but a Grov portion put a stop to that.

    Wish me luck
    Happens to me as well. I've found that snus helps you get rid of the cravings effectively, so even if you gave in and had a few smokes, you can continue snusing and not thinking about cigarettes.

    I still smoke sometimes but only while drinking. Going from smoking everyday to being an ocasional social smoker is a big improvement for me


    • Tristik
      • Jan 2009
      • 654

      Good of ya to not fall back into the habit. Having a smoke or two now and then, especially when out with buddies or having a beer, is no biggie. For awhile, I was buying Al Capone Sweets (small cigars about the size of a cig, no filter) when I went out drinking just to have something to puff on. Didn't really inhale them much at all, just got me past the psychological thing.


      • Ainkor
        • Sep 2008
        • 1144

        Originally posted by Belatorius View Post
        So I started snusing back in may and was quite successful in not smoking for 3+ months and felt amazing. I was working better, sleeping fine (I work grave yard shift) and was over all thrilled to be the only swedish snuser in town (at least among my friends). Sadly though one off day while hanging with my group of friends I caved in an started smoking again. Every one of my friends are smokers you see, some more than other, some even chain smokers o.o Now Im not sure why I caved back in, old habbits die hard? But I did till about now and I saw my stash of snus in the freezer and im back at it again. Hopefully for good Been 2 days so far and only had one decent craving but a Grov portion put a stop to that.

        Wish me luck
        I keep a vapor cigarette in my pack just for moments like this. I've been snusing for years but still get the urge to smoke now and again. The E-cig takes care of that right away and I don't miss on the social aspect of my smoking buddies.


        • vogi tobacco
          • Sep 2014
          • 78

          Dont worry man. I cave in every now and then. Quiting is hard. And drinking around friends is the worse. Keep strong.


          • SnuserSnuffer
            • Jul 2012
            • 211

            Tobacco is just tobacco. Try getting into ethnobotanicals. Using tobacco is kinda just being an herbalist. I think the old time indians would use "tobacco" but tobacco was what they referred to smokable plants in general. Caving in and all this talk seems to me that you need to use other herbs because when you do that tobacco isnt really on some pedestal anymore.
            To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


            • alopezg1
              • Jul 2013
              • 722

              Originally posted by SnuserSnuffer View Post
              Tobacco is just tobacco. Try getting into ethnobotanicals. Using tobacco is kinda just being an herbalist. I think the old time indians would use "tobacco" but tobacco was what they referred to smokable plants in general. Caving in and all this talk seems to me that you need to use other herbs because when you do that tobacco isnt really on some pedestal anymore.
              Pretty sure the old time indians didn't free base their tobacco or use cigarettes .... there is a massive difference between cigarettes and other forms of tobacco use .... they are unbelievably destructive , and much more addictive ; it's tobacco as a consumer product , so maximum efficiency at minimum cost ; any 'benefits' of the tobacco plant are obliterated by the fact that you systematically destroying your health . Is chewing on a coca leaf the same as smoking crack? .... no . I have used 'ethnobotanicals' in attempts to break my addiction to cigarettes , none of which worked . It does work for some people , and may be worth a shot , if other less potentially dangerous methods do not. i am planning on using them again when I am able, for the same reasons


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