Hello snusers. I have been snusing for a year or two every day. I have a question.
I notice that when I have a snus in (I tend to chain snus constantly most day) that I tend to drink a LOT. Not alcohol, just water or pop (soda). Is this normal? I was just wondering. It is a late night tonight, and I am packing my lip with a little more then usual, and notice that I have already drank two bottles of water. Not concerned, because I have been using snus for a while now... Just want to know if anybody else drinks more when snusing. Or am I weird?
I notice that when I have a snus in (I tend to chain snus constantly most day) that I tend to drink a LOT. Not alcohol, just water or pop (soda). Is this normal? I was just wondering. It is a late night tonight, and I am packing my lip with a little more then usual, and notice that I have already drank two bottles of water. Not concerned, because I have been using snus for a while now... Just want to know if anybody else drinks more when snusing. Or am I weird?