What was the most snus you ever bought at one time?

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  • Stark
    • Nov 2013
    • 120

    Lol, when I was in Sweden I came back with 25 cans and I thought it was quite a lot, but that's nothing compared to you


    • Shavasana
      • Oct 2013
      • 24

      Originally posted by pouchface View Post
      Can you get general los through the sales rep?
      I don't know if this is sarcasm going over my head, but I'm also in the US (just outside DC) and I can get General Los just by going down to the local tobacconist. Now Onyx on the other hand...


      • pouchface
        • Jul 2013
        • 150

        Originally posted by Shavasana View Post
        I don't know if this is sarcasm going over my head, but I'm also in the US (just outside DC) and I can get General Los just by going down to the local tobacconist. Now Onyx on the other hand...
        Not sarcasm at all. I live in rural VA and my local tobacconist declined to carry General because he didn't want to change distributors. I usually buy portions from convenience stores, which is fine, but I haven't seen any gas station los yet.


        • Randall
          • May 2010
          • 753

          I've ordered 6 rolls a few times. Waiting on a good sale/free shipping and I'll do it again.


          • vogi tobacco
            • Sep 2014
            • 78

            I am buying a mini fridge in a few days, then I am going to just buy a few rolls.


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