How Long Do people use one pouch?

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  • fatehbajwa
    • Aug 2006
    • 18

    How Long Do people use one pouch?

    I am a beginner to snuss and i love it.want to know how long do people usually keep a pouch in the mouth before taking it out?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    as long as you like, really... 20minutes to an hour or less or more. It depends on which snus as some have a longer lasting flavour than others, etc.


    • littledog
      • May 2006
      • 44

      Until it gets bitter. Usually about 20 to 30 minutes.



      • Andy
        New Member
        • Aug 2006
        • 8

        I keep snus under my lip for about one hour, until it stops delivering nicotine. (Makes sense!)

        The nicotine effect seems to reduce after a few minutes - but then it steadily increases again over an hour or so before fading away. If you take out the snus too soon then you are missing much of its effect.

        I mainly use loose snus. With packet snus I found I had to turn the packet round occasionally to get best effect.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          ^ i find that too, about the two-waves of nicotine. The first is fast, like five minutes or so, and then it settles and creeps up again. I think it's the nicotine in the tobacco around the surface of the prilla that goes in quickly, then as the pinch moistens deeper the second wave sneaks its way out over a longer period of time.


          • fatehbajwa
            • Aug 2006
            • 18

            i have been using snus for around 4 months now.I use portion snus(mostly Ettan). Over this time i have gotten into the habit of having a portion under my lip all through the day.
            I usually have 5-6 portions in a day but I let one stay under my lip even after the taste has gone(maybe around 3 hrs per portion) as I like the feeling of having a portion there all the time.

            Anyone else doing this too?

            And is there any harm in this?


            • StarWing
              • Aug 2006
              • 124

              Re: How Long Do people use one pouch?

              Originally posted by fatehbajwa
              I am a beginner to snuss and i love it.want to know how long do people usually keep a pouch in the mouth before taking it out?
              Most of the time, I have the Snus in for about 30 to 40 minutes, especially if I am just fumbling around at home, watching TV or whatever. But at times, even at home, but especially if I am out galloping around somehwere, like conversing with people, I will have the Snus in for an hour or longer (I think I have had it in 2 hours or longer);

              As for the mini-pouches, which I mainly started on back in July, there have been a few times I had forgotten it was in my mouth. I've already mentioned getting my hot dog mixed up with one, elsewhere in this forum. One time (at least) when I forgot I already had a mini pouch in, I inserted a GrovSnus Maxi Pad (whoops, I mean pouch :lol: ) in... my goodness, what a thundering head rush I got :!:

              Like others here, I turn my pouch over after a period of time (most of the time, after 15 to 20 minutes) to get the final stages of the flavor and nic.

              Snus On!


              • phetish
                • Aug 2006
                • 15

                i regularly go for an hour or longer. i've found that the snus that i like has a very slow flavor "profile". I tend to like portions of "dry" snus. they seem to have a longer lasting flavor.

                i especially like a rum and coke with a mocca mandarin. that will last me about 45 minutes. without the rum and coke, it'll last me 60-90 minutes.



                • lofat
                  • Sep 2006
                  • 154

                  it's rare that i will have a portion in for under an hour. i'll average 2 hours on one while working...


                  • nicotinedream
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 66

                    How long do you use a pouch?

                    I will place a fresh Taboka-green in and let it just set for 15-20 minutes. After that I will move it around for about 20-30 minutes until menthol is depleted. I will usually feel delivery in about 15 minutes.


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