1 cigarette a day

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  • alopezg1
    • Jul 2013
    • 722

    1 cigarette a day

    I seem to have finally given up and started smoking again .... I am on one a day at the minute ( 2 days in!) The first one was awful , today's one was slightly less unpalatable .... It seems i can get by like this ... I start getting anxious and have some minor craving after this , but tell myself i only have to get through the rest of the day and I can smoke again in the morning , this seems to be manageable .... i think i could sustain this .... although by now at the end of the day the thought of smoking again tomorrow does not appeal to me at all , but i can't seem to function really without them it's very strange.... I had a doctors appointment today and mentioned this to them , and they said 'everything in moderation' and that 1 a day probably isn't going to do me much harm! maybe I have an eccentric doctor , i certainly feel like it is doing me harm .... Has anyone had experience with this kind of thing ? bargaining with the last cigarette or something ... I mean when i started using snus i used as i would the patch or gum , just stopped smoking dead and sucked on snus , I would get to about two months 3 months once , and be a total nervous wreck , break down and smoke a cigarette , be repulsed by cigarette , then repeat the cycle ... this has been going on for nearly a year and a half . I am thinking maybe i took the wrong approach . People on here seemed to have eased themselves into it so to speak , so it was less of a shock or something , maybe I have been taking the wrong tac in that regard . I keep thinking maybe I should just go back to smoking full time and forget snus , but that makes me feel pretty nauseous , the thouhgt of smoking throughout the day and just generally feeling like absolute shite all the time ... I feel much better physically when I am not smoking , obviously ... it's just what it does to me mentally and emotionally whic i can't continue with. I have made a compromise i suppose
  • pouchface
    • Jul 2013
    • 150

    Have you considered taking up a pipe? If you don't inhale the smoke, it is much healthier than smoking cigarettes, and many people find pipe tobacco tastes better. That might help combat your cravings but taste and feel better.


    • Andy105
      • Nov 2013
      • 1393

      Sorry to hear you're struggling with it. Recalling why I hated it always helps me (the burned clothes, ashes, stink, breathing, etc.). Mostly the stink of people who just came in from a smoke outside makes me tell myself "I ain't going back to that". One a day isn't bad, but it would make it too easy for me to justify two a day, then...morning, lunch and dinner is only three a day....next thing I know, I'd be back at two packs and pissed off at myself.


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722


        Yes I have considered this but I am skint at the minute , and can't afford one .... my dad has a few laying around I may be able to 'borrow' ha ... i tried a pipe before
        and quite enjoyed it


        • alopezg1
          • Jul 2013
          • 722

          Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
          Sorry to hear you're struggling with it. Recalling why I hated it always helps me (the burned clothes, ashes, stink, breathing, etc.). Mostly the stink of people who just came in from a smoke outside makes me tell myself "I ain't going back to that". One a day isn't bad, but it would make it too easy for me to justify two a day, then...morning, lunch and dinner is only three a day....next thing I know, I'd be back at two packs and pissed off at myself.
          Yes i am concerned about the possibility of it spiralling like that ... but the thing is , and this very hard to actually explain explain without sounding like I am contradicting myself, but i really don't want to smoke anymore , i really don't ... and now when I have 'cravings' it's not so much that i think oh man i really , would love a cigarette right now , it's more a sense of feeling overwhelmed and a sort of panick feeling ... it always seems to happen in the mornings, i wake in withdrawal as i don't sleep with a snus in because the dreams are just insane , that sort of restless agitated feeling , that if you let it go on a while for me anyway escalates into a panic ... well i put a snus in and sometimes feel a sense of relief but sometimes instead of reliving the withdrawal , it makes the panic feeling increase ... i really don't know why . This seems to keep happening sometime the snus 'works' others it backfires , i have no idea how this works , i also notice it if i have left a snu in for a long time , i notice I am starting to have a panic attack , and take the snus out and the feeling subsides .


          • alopezg1
            • Jul 2013
            • 722

            this is also why i want to try a pipe see if I encounter the same problems i have with snus... maybe combine the two, i'd just have to stop going outside at least whilst smoking my pipe


            • pouchface
              • Jul 2013
              • 150

              Many pipers use both a pipe and snus. I snus most of the time because it is better for me and fits better with my lifestyle, and smoke my pipe about once every two weeks, sometimes more if I have a chance. Given the price of general over here, it's also much cheaper.
              Best of luck!


              • crisbv
                New Member
                • Feb 2015
                • 5

                Be a man and pop in a strong snus.


                • psychicferret
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 418

                  get an ecig instead of the one ciggy and snus the rest of the time, you can get some decent tobacco eliquids from house of liqudis, they have some cigerelo eliquid coming out soon that should be an easier vape.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I'm currently an occasional smoker.... it's been 9 days since I smoked.... I might smoke some tomorrow... but I'm only smoking at band practice and shows, and the rare visits from smoker friends(like tomorrow)... but other than that, I haven't been using any tobacco at all...


                    • Tristik
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 654

                      When I quit, I ended up buying those little cigars (about the size of a cig) for times when I knew I might want to smoke. Mostly when having a few beers or on the drive home after a bad day at work. Just gave me something to satisfy the mental craving of puffing on something. The ones I bought (Al Capone Sweets) came in 8 or 10 packs so they were less likely to go stale before I finished them. Plus, here in the States at least, cigars aren't subject to the same taxes as cigs are.


                      • psychicferret
                        • Jan 2015
                        • 418

                        yer cigerellos, sometimes i use them for sociel occasions or used to. Hamlet, candlelight and a few others ive seen, their not bad actually. A cheaper option would be to get a ten minute pipe and some decent pipe tobacco that doesnt burn your tounge if you have that side effect.

                        I still think the ecigs a good idea


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