The main difference between Snus and american moist snuff like skoal/copenhagen/etc is that snus is carefully manufactured to prevent fermentation of the tobacco, thereby reducing the levels of hazardous chemicals.
from Swedish Match :
the main ingredi-
ents – water, salt, sodium carbonate, aro-
matics and food-approved humectants –
all meet Swedish food standards. Prepara-
tion occurs using a proprietary heating
process that is similar to pasteurization.
Quality control is rigorous in the closed
process. All snus is kept refrigerated, both
while in storage and in retail outlets, in
order to maintain the best aroma and fla-
vor. The end result is a snus with very low
levels of nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons or other controversial sub-
stances, compared with similar smokeless
tobacco products.
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...
I e-mailed Swedish Match about a year ago inquiring about current TSNA levels of Timberwolf, Redman, and Longhorn moist snuff, which is made by their...