So they finally started selling snus in BC, Canada

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  • Kevin33
    • May 2010
    • 15

    So they finally started selling snus in BC, Canada

    Yeah.... finally they started selling it here in British Columbia, Canada about a year ago. General snus actually! In a fridge they introduced to most gas stations or 711s. Unfortunately I just switched over to smoking at this point (never been a regular smoker before). Interesting thing, since they banned displaying tobacco products, gas stations and stores are only allowed to advertise by putting up big black bold text writing 'WE SELL SWEDISH SNUS'.

    There's one freakin' biiig drawback. A box of general portion costs 21$. The tobacco tax label says '50'. Cigarettes say '20'. I guess the British Columbia customs didn't want to print up 24g labels and are forcing general snus to pay 50 grams worth of customs on a 24g box. In most of Canada, cigarettes come in 25 packs so I'd assume they don't pay 50 grams worth of customs on 24 grams of tobacco like here in BC.
    In other words, it is cheaper to order snus online and pay customs duties manually. Not to mention they only slap on duties for about fifty percent of orders.

    So for now regular snusers of BC, there's no incentive to buy it locally. I actually saw a guy buy two boxes of general mini mint. In Norway you'd be ridiculed as girly for snusing that :P Will see how snus fares here in Canada, though it'll be competing with e-cigarettes for the harm reduction niche.

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