Sit tight Frosted, admin is trying to work it out for you
Guys the problem is an onslaught of aggressive spamers......they try to hack accounts and then Pm spam to everyone else on the site. The problem seems to be wide spread according to reports from other Admins from an array of other sites. Our Admin is working tirelessly to try and find a stop gap measure to stop all this.
Anyway, I hope this will all be over soon. If you have any trouble let me know and we will do our best to get it resolved
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
we have an old Facebook page. If the site goes down I will pass along info there. If you are having trouble and can't log on to the site here...... you can let me know there......I will try to check it throughout the week until all of this is over
The day before the site went down I got a message from some a-hole about an e cig shop or something like that. Looked like they sent it to a bunch of other people. Perhaps that message you have was some spammer that got half deleted or something of the such.
I can now get onto the site from home but not at screen at all at work....nothing saying my ip address is blocked. Its no biggie as I can access the site from home and Im aware of the difficulties snuson is experiencing. Just wanted you to be aware.
Frosted, your situation is due to the new security software we have in place understanding is that it normally allows things like office networks........however, the hackers are fabricating Ips from countries not their own (in order to get around Ip blocks)...... what this means is that the system thinks that your network Ip is similar to one of the fabricated ones and thus it has been locked may resolve itself or we may be able to correct it when things settle down a bit.......but for now the problem may persist short term.....I apologize for the inconvienience
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I can see the site now from both the computers I use - the strange thing is that it is showing a new message. When I click it nothing new.
Anyone else getting this?
Nothing new in my inbox, but when I look at my message list, it shows one from 01/01/1970, with no title. I didn't have my iPad in 1970. I had a crayon.
@andy105 & mill - Sorry for the issues with phantom messages appearing in your inboxes. They should now be cleared. This was unfortunately some leftovers from a whole bunch of spam we had to mass delete last week.
If anyone else has similar problems just post in this thread and we'll take care of it for you.
Gone now...there was no message. It just had the 1 notification appearing when I logged in. After hours of clicking and searching for a message that was never there I gave up.
Glad it was not some huge hacking issue. Spam is one thing but hackers trying their best to screw up a board is even worse.
I read this article, and if these attackers were white, they'd be charged with a hate crime, but the anti-white bias of the government only charges that...