Thats Disgusting!

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  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    Thats Disgusting!

    So I just finished having a lovely breakfast with my fiance, and was feeling that a nice smooth portion of the General would help me settle my stomach on the drive home. I was in kind of a hurry so without really thinking I grabbed a portion and as we walked out of the restaurant (which was very busy), I began to place it in my upper lip thinking nothing of it. Many people saw me do this and let me tell you their faces were that of shock, surprise, uneasiness, and sickness. One girl even found the wherewithal to make a snark a** comment and said...."Thats disgusting!" To her family at the table. Meanwhile I turned to her father and gave him a little wink

    Still, despite my ability to keep my cool.....i couldnt help but feel a little bummed :chargrined:. Ya know, I know nicotine isnt my strongest standpoint. Its a vice, hopefully a mild one, but I wonder if everyone gave her social "sins" the stigma they deserved if she would be content with such a state. I wonder if gossip, judgement, premarital sex, over indulgence of yeast vomit (aka alcohol), or anything else she may do was judged accordingly with a snark ass comment of "thats disgusting" if she would be ok with it

    I dont know, I feel like it was an over reaction. I mean, for heavens sake it was a white portion Its not like I stuffed a nice muddy poop colored prilla up my lip. I cant believe how much of a social disgrace it is to use a form of oral tobacco.

    Do you guys discreetly place your portions? Or do you boldly smack them in your upper lip without any thought whatsoever
    Last edited by Polluted; 15-04-15, 06:28 PM.
  • Andy105
    • Nov 2013
    • 1393

    Bet the same girl that said that, picks her nose. I'm sure that she's had worse things in her own mouth Screw 'em. I just pop the portion in my mouth like I would a Chicklet or a Cheeto, and relocate it with my tongue. Nothing that anyone should find disgusting.


    • Polluted
      • Dec 2014
      • 120

      Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
      Bet the same girl that said that, picks her nose. I'm sure that she's had worse things in her own mouth Screw 'em. I just pop the portion in my mouth like I would a Chicklet or a Cheeto, and relocate it with my tongue. Nothing that anyone should find disgusting.
      Thats a good idea, maybe a dramatic lifting of my lip for that pristine 100% perfect placement is best done in privacy.


      • codyg140
        • Jan 2013
        • 705

        Like Andy said just toss it in and keep going.

        I get the odd look when I toss a portion in but really I just DGAF. Most people don't know what snus is, I'm the only person who does it where I live. Plus I'm use to the tobacco stigma from being a stinky smoker and from when I was a dipper carrying a spitter.

        Just enjoy your snus knowing they will suffer a boring bland life not knowing how good it is because they have a stick up there butt about oral tobacco.

        just like people who won't eat ox tail. Stuffs right good but some people think eating "tail" is gross

        now I'm hungry and want some snus


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Fsck 'em. Eight years of Bush, and eight years of Obama. That's most of the population, and all opinions you can freely ignore because they obviously lack even the rudimentary critical thinking skills. Keeping perspective is very liberating ;^)


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
            Fsck 'em. Eight years of Bush, and eight years of Obama. That's most of the population, and all opinions you can freely ignore because they obviously lack even the rudimentary critical thinking skills. Keeping perspective is very liberating ;^)
            Thats it!! I'm naming my next bird Perspective.
            Last edited by Premium Parrots; 16-04-15, 06:45 AM.
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • doubleg
              • Mar 2015
              • 21

              drinking rotten plant juice is way more gross, also like Ix said the average person is pretty friggin dumb


              • Tristik
                • Jan 2009
                • 654

                I just throw it in my mouth like a piece of candy, then let my mouth put it up in my lip. I don't make a show of it or anything. Most people that see me do it probably don't even know it's tobacco I just shoved in my cake hole. I've worked with people for years before they had the slightest clue I even used tobacco.


                • doubleg
                  • Mar 2015
                  • 21

                  I haven't been on the forum long but the last three threads started by polluted have a distinct "trollish" feel to them, I doubt his story actually happened.


                  • Burnsey
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 2572

                    Originally posted by doubleg View Post
                    I haven't been on the forum long but the last three threads started by polluted have a distinct "trollish" feel to them, I doubt his story actually happened.


                    • Polluted
                      • Dec 2014
                      • 120

                      This did happen to me even though I like to "embellish" my posts with "In your face" wording


                      • doubleg
                        • Mar 2015
                        • 21

                        Originally posted by Polluted View Post
                        This did happen to me even though I like to "embellish" my posts with "In your face" wording
                        lol so it's mostly a lie....but it's based on real events!


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          I guess you started a new trend.....Reality Snusing. Just like all the reality TV shows that are currently being aired.

                          Embellished Reality

                          carry on
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • addola
                            • Jun 2015
                            • 16

                            I was married. I was also a smoker. She knows I am a smoker. She used to kiss me and it didn't bother her...
                            When I told her that I will consider using "smokeless tobacco". She said: "oh that's disgusting". If you use that crap I will never kiss you. Stuff like that.
                            But I started snusing. I started to smell much better. We even kissed and made love while I had a portion in my mouth. Double money!

                            When people in the United States and other countries in Africa, and Asia and maybe southern America think of a smokeless tobacco, they think a guy who spits in a jar. My mother's side of the family use some sort of smokeless tobacco and they spit in a jar.
                            Her reaction came from her ignorance about what that thing is. It's the environment in which she grew up that tells if this is "acceptable" or "not acceptable". Here's an exchange I had with a Filipino guy: "Hey, do you guys eat dog meat in your country?". Him: Yeah. Me: "Yukkk". Him: Do you guys eat lamb meat in your country. Me: Yes. Him: Yuk.

                            Personally, I'd be pugnacious. I'd shoot back at her:

                            why is it disgusting?.
                            Oh, really? You do know that this is a pasteurized plant and salt with some oils, don't you?
                            In Sweden, snus is treated as a food product. You know, just like coffee.

                            To answer your question:

                            I proudly and openly put the portions in. I realize, though, that it's probably a good idea not to put the used portion in the catch lid very openly, specially when talking to a girl, on a first date... so there's that.

                            One more thing,

                            I'd ask Chad Jones (ChadIzzy1) about his experience. I recall him talking about explaining what snus is to his wife or a girl he was dating. I believe he said: "This would be interesting to explain". So maybe you should have that positive attitude.
                            Last edited by addola; 03-06-15, 06:27 PM.


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Originally posted by addola View Post

                              I'd ask Chad Jones (ChadIzzy1) about his experience.

                              I was with ya mate right up to the point where we started asking chad for girl advice........
                              Last edited by Snusdog; 04-06-15, 04:21 AM.
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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