So I just finished having a lovely breakfast with my fiance, and was feeling that a nice smooth portion of the General would help me settle my stomach on the drive home. I was in kind of a hurry so without really thinking I grabbed a portion and as we walked out of the restaurant (which was very busy), I began to place it in my upper lip thinking nothing of it. Many people saw me do this and let me tell you their faces were that of shock, surprise, uneasiness, and sickness. One girl even found the wherewithal to make a snark a** comment and said...."Thats disgusting!" To her family at the table. Meanwhile I turned to her father and gave him a little wink 
Still, despite my ability to keep my cool.....i couldnt help but feel a little bummed :chargrined:. Ya know, I know nicotine isnt my strongest standpoint. Its a vice, hopefully a mild one, but I wonder if everyone gave her social "sins" the stigma they deserved if she would be content with such a state. I wonder if gossip, judgement, premarital sex, over indulgence of yeast vomit (aka alcohol), or anything else she may do was judged accordingly with a snark ass comment of "thats disgusting" if she would be ok with it
I dont know, I feel like it was an over reaction. I mean, for heavens sake it was a white portion
Its not like I stuffed a nice muddy poop colored prilla up my lip. I cant believe how much of a social disgrace it is to use a form of oral tobacco.
Do you guys discreetly place your portions? Or do you boldly smack them in your upper lip without any thought whatsoever

Still, despite my ability to keep my cool.....i couldnt help but feel a little bummed :chargrined:. Ya know, I know nicotine isnt my strongest standpoint. Its a vice, hopefully a mild one, but I wonder if everyone gave her social "sins" the stigma they deserved if she would be content with such a state. I wonder if gossip, judgement, premarital sex, over indulgence of yeast vomit (aka alcohol), or anything else she may do was judged accordingly with a snark ass comment of "thats disgusting" if she would be ok with it

I dont know, I feel like it was an over reaction. I mean, for heavens sake it was a white portion

Do you guys discreetly place your portions? Or do you boldly smack them in your upper lip without any thought whatsoever