Changing between snus brands?????????????

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  • fatehbajwa
    • Aug 2006
    • 18

    Changing between snus brands?????????????

    I am into snus for around 2 weeks now.I was a heavy smoker earlier(20-30 cigs/day..Marlboro Lights).One thing that surprises me a lot in these forums is the relative ease with which most snus users change brand unlike in smoking where mostly people stick to one brand(I smoked marlboro lights all my life).

    Can neone put some light on this???????????? :? :?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    I guess everyone has their own reasons, but I guess it's because different snus brands have much more individual and distinct flavours while most cigarettes, and I'm speaking from experience here, just taste like cigarettes. Notwithstanding a few small brands like Djarum, etc, which have a very distinct flavour and character, cigarettes just taste the crap. Each different snus, though, has a very unique taste so it's worthwhile to keep a bit of variety, at least of the ones you like. I know some people just stick with one brand though... some people just love general or ettan or roda and that's all they'll use, etc. I guess we'd need some other opinions from people, though, to really get the whole picture.


    • Dave***t
      • Aug 2006
      • 104

      Yeah, it seems to do with the taste like Zero says. If there's real taste to take into account, then many people want some variety. If there's less of a taste factor, I'd say people look more for consistency. After they've settled on a brand they like, that is.

      Similarly with cigars, to an extent - people who smoke real cigars (eg proper hand rolled long filler cubans etc.) tend to vary their brands and sizes. For example, certain sized are considered better than others for a certain time of day.

      With snus it's also a lot about taste, so there's more incentive to change around sometimes.

      This kind of seems the opposite to what you'd expect - if there's a strong element of taste, you might expect people to love a certain taste and stick to it, and some people do. But some don't


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        yeah, shisha tobacco is the same - it comes in loads of different flavours and people like to have variety because there are so many distinct ones to choose from. Cigarette brands are more about image than anything, I think. Are you a Marlboro man or is something like Gauloise Bleu a bit more chic... I'm sure most smokers couldn't tell what they were smoking if you didn't tell them.


        • phetish
          • Aug 2006
          • 15

          personally, i've found that certain snus's compliment certain drinks, foods etc.

          instead of an after-dinner coffee, i'd rather have a CatchDry Vanilla Coffee snus. This weekend at a party, i had a mocca mandarin along with a rum and coke - very nice - very relaxing.

          to me the flavors are there to compliment what ever it is that you are doing.

          if not, then you are just an addict :lol:



          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Lucky Strike goes well with a nice strong coffee


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