I was pressing on the snus side with my finger, and pressing on the plunger side with my thumb. I was trying to pack it really tight so it would not give me mud mouth. I was pushing so hard, the snus side slipped off my finger, allowing my thumb to push the plunger with a shit load of force. My other finger were securing the middle of the ice tool so I didn't drop it. The pris then shot out onto my key board, and it was split in half lengthwise. I don't know how that could have happened. Anyway, I dumped it onto my desk, baked it, and popped it in. For me, General is not as tasty or easy to form as Skruf Sterk los. And sometimes, General tastes a little rancid to me. Could be the tin. I just tried Ettan los, which I got with the tool. So far, I'm liking it alot. I didn't have to bake it, it's holding together quite nicely, and of course...the taste is Ettan, which I like. (I've had the portions.)
My first lös experience.
Of course, Ettan is wonderful...reminds me of rich, chocolatey coffee almost. The los is quite salty though, and I find if it's all I carry with me, my lip gets pretty pickled. I understand now, must have surprised you! I always pack my icetool against the top of the can. It gives me a solid base to press on, and I don't get juice on my thumb.
Originally posted by MongrulGood advise about the tin top, I keep having to wipe juice off on my pants. My wife must think I'm picking my ass or something.
I fell asleep the first time with a portion and drooled on my pillow. My wife was getting ready the next morning and was like, "what the **** were you doing!?!"
Speaking of los, I got my order from SnusButikan. Included a tin of Montecristo, which I find to be very tasty! I like the Ettan also, but your right about the salt. I also got a tin of Mont portions, Romeo, the peach bits, and some other stuff. Now that we know the jackasses that run congress want more of our money....other thread, no rant here..... I'm thinking about ordering rolls and vacume sealing them. I did some tin management today, and found I had 10 open tins in the fridge! I keep opening up new ones to try, and I'm not finishing the old ones. But I don't want to throw any away. So, every one I had that was unopened, I put in the freezer in a zip lock bag. (Need to get vacume machine), the opened tins are in the fridge, and I'm working on the oldest ones first. They are about 3 weeks old now.