The Devil Uses Portions.....

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  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    The Devil Uses Portions.....

    First off, the price factor is a rip off. I just decided to sacrifice a fresh container of portion snus. I tore open every single portion, and put the tobacco in the can. It was honestly 1/3 full. (No biggie I thought, maybe los just has more water added and it fluffs up to fill the container).....this theory failed as well. I can now say with 100% certainty that you are getting a HELL of allot more bang for your buck with los snus.

    Second off, the portions give the illusion that its a harmless product. When it reality its the evil tobacco plant capable of sending one to hell physically and spiritually through cancer and addiction. Jesus would probably use Los snus, i can tell ya that. Its "honest", it doesnt "hide". Its ugly, and literally looks like some form of scat. Every time you open a can its a chilling reminder that you are indeed engaging in "Tobacco Use" :neglected: Along with the higher percent change of gum recession.....a visual reminders to others about your bad choice to use tobacco.


    Now that im done joking, I seriously im at crossroads here. I dont trust los. I dont want my gums to recede and snus lesions are more common with los snus as well. But I can not believe HOW MUCH you are getting skimped every time you buy portions. How does Swedish match sleep at night knowing they are doing this to people! Any ideas?
  • codyg140
    • Jan 2013
    • 705

    Buy Los and make your own portions.

    snus x sells fillable pouches as well as a couple other companies, they also have little accessories for filling the bags. After the initial investment it would be cheaper in the long run. Only pain would be taking the time to make your portions, and even then I see no reason why you couldn't just make a whack load of portions in one day then toss in the freezer and remove as required if stored properly.

    BAM problem solved, best of both worlds for ya


    • Andy105
      • Nov 2013
      • 1393

      I don't know how you can call it a rip-off when it says, right on the can, how many grams of snus it contains, and how much is in each portion. Plus, they have to pay gnomes to fill the portions. Im good with that. Unemployed gnomes become a crime problem in Swedish society.


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        ^^^ What they said....lots of choices out there and the information is there to see....being a gnom and filling your own pouches has a good therapeutic value and you can save some dough.....unless you make the 2 - 2.5 gram max portions like me.....


        • Polluted
          • Dec 2014
          • 120

          This is fantastic. I had no idea you could make your own portions, or that they sold such tools. Where can I buy them that will ship to US???


          • codyg140
            • Jan 2013
            • 705

            You can get them on northerner just search x tool. 120 bags for $1.90
            Prillian is another brand of snus bags but they seem a bit more expensive.


            • Polluted
              • Dec 2014
              • 120

              Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
              You can get them on northerner just search x tool. 120 bags for $1.90
              Prillian is another brand of snus bags but they seem a bit more expensive.
              I see it on Northerner, but when im on the US version of the site it wont pop up on the search. Will they have to be mailed from across the globe?


              • addola
                • Jun 2015
                • 16

                Portions are discreet. convenient, and less messy. You also get the catch lid for your used portions when you're out and about.

                There was a soccer game in the local league in my country where the TV cameras caught Michel Preud'homme, a former Belgian goalkeeper and a coach, baking what seems to be Ettan Los.

