Done buying rolls of random Snus

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  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    Done buying rolls of random Snus

    I hate how economical it is to buy rolls of snus on sale. However I just bought 2 rolls of General g3 Mint, and 1 Roll of Smokey oak and I am not a fan of either Now I am stuck with 30 cans of mediocre snus. I hope one of them grows on me. (To be fair though, all the rolls were half price from a relaunch sale So the price really was too good to pass up.

    All im saying is no more buying snus I have never tried before. This is the second time this has happened and I STILL have cans of GR that I cant stand from my last order.

    Odens mint, Ettan is the Gold standard. Ill just pay the freaking full is too short to use bad tobacco (and possibly shorter with it!) Everyone do yourself a favor and just get "your brand" of snus. If you wanna save cash, cut back on how much you use. And no matter what just be thankful to the Good Lord that you dont live in Canada
    Last edited by Polluted; 18-09-15, 03:35 PM.
  • Mr. Unloadingzone
    • Jun 2008
    • 317

    @ Plluted I always order only 1 or 2 cans of a new snus or one I haven't tried yet before committing to rolls. In the long run you save money.

    BTW, General Smoky Oak was discontinued last month with about a half dozen others:

    Snus History: Say goodbye to these snuses The following snuses have been delisted this month. If any were your favorites, we're sorry for your loss.

    The Catch Collection: The Catch Collection of snuses were mini portion varieties which rotated every 3-4 months each year. The final Catch Collection snus was Violet Licorice. This flavor in my opinion put the final nail in the Catch Collection coffin.

    One Catch Collection snus in particular was very popular: Catch Collection Lafayette Street. Swedish Match renamed it Catch Spearmint White Mini Portion Snus so this very good snus recipe lives on.

    The General Variation Series: The concept for these two snuses was novel but sometimes the old adage "If it's not broken, don't fix it" is wise to follow.
    General Variation Smoky Oak Portion and Rustic Blend White Portion were created under the theoretical what if back in 1866, Johan A Bomans had decided to change his final General Snus recipe?

    While I enjoyed both of these General Snus alternate reality snuses; particularly the Rustic Blend, history proves Bomans made the right decision giving us the General Snus which remains the best selling snus brand in the world.

    The LAB Fresh series: There are very, very few snus which take a flavor and then add a mint background that I like. The LAB Fresh Slim White Lemon, Mint, and Cool Mint Strong portion snuses were not any of them. They will not be missed by me; my sympathies if you were a fan.

    Nick & Johnny Desert Green: Despite a re-branding, this snus died a slow death of unpopularity.

    Catch Spearmint Long Slim Portion: This is an example that you can only have so many mint snuses in your brand portfolios before they start cannibalizing your own sales.

    This snus will be missed by many fans; there just weren't enough of you who bought it as your primary Swedish Match brand mint snus. The mini portion version will remain so if you really miss it, you can stick 2 mini portions in your mouth and continue the experience.

    Source: Snus Shake-up at Swedish Match


    • codyg140
      • Jan 2013
      • 705

      Polluted you live in Canada and use mysnus?

      anytime I try and make a order with them it says no shipping options to your country, and when I've tried to contact them to ask about it I've never received a reply.

      I just give my business to snuscentral/northerner/snusline instead
      Last edited by codyg140; 19-09-15, 02:20 AM.


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        I almost always order full rolls and so far I have not suffered too much.....Oden's Lakrits took a while to get through, but still not bad......I have ordered some single cans to try and got lucky, Blagul was a one can only thanks, and Jagerpris was tossed with a "wheeeewww" for not ordering a roll......


        • Tristik
          • Jan 2009
          • 654

          My main two are Oden's Cold and Offroad Frosted.

          So, even when stuff is on sale, it's STILL cheaper to buy my main brands.

          If there's something that intrigues me, I'll buy 1 can of it to check it out.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone View Post
            @ Plluted I always order only 1 or 2 cans of a new snus or one I haven't tried yet before committing to rolls. In the long run you save money.

            BTW, General Smoky Oak was discontinued last month with about a half dozen others:

            Snus History: Say goodbye to these snuses The following snuses have been delisted this month. If any were your favorites, we're sorry for your loss.

            The Catch Collection: The Catch Collection of snuses were mini portion varieties which rotated every 3-4 months each year. The final Catch Collection snus was Violet Licorice. This flavor in my opinion put the final nail in the Catch Collection coffin.

            One Catch Collection snus in particular was very popular: Catch Collection Lafayette Street. Swedish Match renamed it Catch Spearmint White Mini Portion Snus so this very good snus recipe lives on.

            The General Variation Series: The concept for these two snuses was novel but sometimes the old adage "If it's not broken, don't fix it" is wise to follow.
            General Variation Smoky Oak Portion and Rustic Blend White Portion were created under the theoretical what if back in 1866, Johan A Bomans had decided to change his final General Snus recipe?

            While I enjoyed both of these General Snus alternate reality snuses; particularly the Rustic Blend, history proves Bomans made the right decision giving us the General Snus which remains the best selling snus brand in the world.

            The LAB Fresh series: There are very, very few snus which take a flavor and then add a mint background that I like. The LAB Fresh Slim White Lemon, Mint, and Cool Mint Strong portion snuses were not any of them. They will not be missed by me; my sympathies if you were a fan.

            Nick & Johnny Desert Green: Despite a re-branding, this snus died a slow death of unpopularity.

            Catch Spearmint Long Slim Portion: This is an example that you can only have so many mint snuses in your brand portfolios before they start cannibalizing your own sales.

            This snus will be missed by many fans; there just weren't enough of you who bought it as your primary Swedish Match brand mint snus. The mini portion version will remain so if you really miss it, you can stick 2 mini portions in your mouth and continue the experience.

            Source: Snus Shake-up at Swedish Match
            Thanks for the update bro!

            None there I will loose sleep over........yet I don't like the general market trend of scaling back product types faster than new ones are introduced.

            Seems sluggish is how I would describe things now in comparison to pre PACT....I keep hoping for the ice to break.........speaking of which has anything else happened in SM's bid for harm reduction status
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • Burnsey
              • Jan 2013
              • 2572

              Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
              Thanks for the update bro!

              None there I will loose sleep over........yet I don't like the general market trend of scaling back product types faster than new ones are introduced.

              Seems sluggish is how I would describe things now in comparison to pre PACT....I keep hoping for the ice to break.........speaking of which has anything else happened in SM's bid for harm reduction status
              ? Now that you mention it, I thought the second round with FDA was to announced at the end of August, or beginning of news is good news perhaps, the proposal may still be under consideration.

              I was not snusing pre-pact, sad to say that made room for thousands of cigs in my nic uptake, but I think there is a lot to choose from out there, of course your a los guy so that is the exception, isn't it......


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Yea Los is a rare breed

                Since Pact probably about 1/2 of the los offerings have gone by the wayside or are not available to the USA........Think about it.....the entire Gotlandsus line is gone.......all but one of the LD offerings is gone.........Gellivare and Landstrom gone...........Oden's Original line is gone (as far as I know).......not to mention those that have come and gone since PACT (Pioneer and Gringo just to mention two).

                Now that said.........I do not think this is a dooms day sign for snus.........but I do see it as an unfortunate hibernation.........I also think the ground current of public opinion about harm reduction is beginning to slowly I guess it is a game of who can maintain until the thaw.
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • mattzq8sonoma
                  • Sep 2014
                  • 104

                  My opinion, from a somewhat inside perspective, is that portion snus is the future because of the discreetness, cleanliness, ease, cost, etc. and it's what the majority of Northern Europeans want. Los is still considered the pinnacle for snusers (example A: Kardus.....nuff said) but new los development probably mostly gets back burnered because of the reasons stated above. I know that there is a HUGE number of snus development projects going on, obviously I can't discuss any details, but old products are pulled off the market, to make room for new things that might sell better. This is no different than every other industry, and the decisions are mostly based on consumer insight/perception and sales numbers. Sometimes it sucks because you know that what gets axed is somebody's go-to snus that they would use the rest of their life if given the opportunity, but that's just the way of the world sometimes.

                  As for the MRTP application, there was the 2nd Open Comment period that ended August 31, and then the FDA gets 90 days or so to go over the new comments. As of right now, there is a tentative TPSAC meeting scheduled for January 14-15, 2016. I don't know if that's for the SM MRTP application, but I'm assuming it is since that's the only application out there that's been accepted and being reviewed.


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