I hate how economical it is to buy rolls of snus on sale. However I just bought 2 rolls of General g3 Mint, and 1 Roll of Smokey oak and I am not a fan of either
Now I am stuck with 30 cans of mediocre snus. I hope one of them grows on me. (To be fair though, all the rolls were half price from a mysnus.com relaunch sale
So the price really was too good to pass up.
All im saying is no more buying snus I have never tried before. This is the second time this has happened and I STILL have cans of GR that I cant stand from my last order.
Odens mint, Ettan is the Gold standard. Ill just pay the freaking full price......life is too short to use bad tobacco (and possibly shorter with it!) Everyone do yourself a favor and just get "your brand" of snus. If you wanna save cash, cut back on how much you use. And no matter what just be thankful to the Good Lord that you dont live in Canada

All im saying is no more buying snus I have never tried before. This is the second time this has happened and I STILL have cans of GR that I cant stand from my last order.
Odens mint, Ettan is the Gold standard. Ill just pay the freaking full price......life is too short to use bad tobacco (and possibly shorter with it!) Everyone do yourself a favor and just get "your brand" of snus. If you wanna save cash, cut back on how much you use. And no matter what just be thankful to the Good Lord that you dont live in Canada