The snus withdrawal

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  • necrobytez
    • Aug 2014
    • 44

    The snus withdrawal

    Time for me to take a break, how is snus withdrawal, anyone like to give a descriptive detail day to day? When does withdrawal end? Like completely? Cheers everyone!
    Im on day 2 but i took 3 fat loose snuses i hope it didnt mess up day 2?

  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    There are some threads here on quitting that might give you a lot of info and insight

    Use the search at the top right of the page to look for "Quitting Snus" that should get you started.

    Also, it might help others if you keep this thread as a journal of your experiences. No telling who it might help in the future

    Best of luck to you and let us know how it goes
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • Polluted
      • Dec 2014
      • 120

      First Week is hell. It's fascinating to watch your own brain rationalize any excuse in the book to buy another are aware of this madness but can do nothing to stop it.

      You will get tired, very tired as nicotine is a stimulant. Then you will get hungry, VERY hungry. You will also get constipated. This lasts 2 weeks....then it's done, but like any form of nicotine the craving never really dies so to speak....not for a loo long time, but it's purely psychological. I started snusing again because I simply missed my morning ritual of coffee and a portion of snus!

      I'm back to snusing, but all I do is use regular strength snus and try not to chain snus all day. I actually just threw out 20 cans of snus because there was a labeling issue on the website. Turns out they are 14 mg strength not the 9 originally listed.

      O ya, and when you indulge again (which you will) the first portion you pop in your mouth will have your head spinning


      • necrobytez
        • Aug 2014
        • 44

        Yup i relapsed! Haha, nicotine is addictive as hell! But i love/hate it.


        • taffyjock
          • Sep 2015
          • 121

          Serious question why torture yourself? If your doing almost zero harm to yourself and others but getting enjoyment out of it why quit nicotine?


          • Polluted
            • Dec 2014
            • 120

            Originally posted by taffyjock View Post
            Serious question why torture yourself? If your doing almost zero harm to yourself and others but getting enjoyment out of it why quit nicotine?

            There are lots of reasons. Some people actually do have gum recession caused by snus, sometimes the addiction itself can be very unpleasant ( leave your can at home for 1 day and see how you feel by the time you get off work ). Some people need all the extra cash they can get and importing tobacco from across the globe is definitely a luxury expense.


            • Polluted
              • Dec 2014
              • 120

              It's been 1 year since I started snus and I have decided to drop snus for a year to see if my life is better off without it. I am at the end of day 4. This is my experiance

              Day 1- feel super motivated. I don't feel great by any means but nothing unbearable. It wasn't too hard to simply get through the day. Still, there are negative feelings and some cravings but my motivation trumps them.

              Day 2- It's starting to get a little more real now. Motivation still there but definitely feel anxious and not too great. Anger starting to show up. Getting very frustrated. But I shrug off these feelings and get through the day. Little trouble getting to sleep so I put some mint tea inside a ripped tea bag and make a snus like thingy. The menthol actually burns like snus and I drift off to sleep. I should mention through my intestines feel like crap. Have weird abdominal cramps making me feel like I am going to crap myself

              Day 3- I am irritable as hell. Angry even. It takes the will of a warrior to not flip my shit at work. Co workers can tell something is going on. I'm much more quiet, freaking out and cursing up a storm inside my head when anything goes wrong in the kitchen. My wife tries to comfort me. Surprisingly this makes it worse and all I wanna say is leave me the ______ alone. But I keep my cool. I go to bed.

              Day 4- Anger is gone, although slightly irritable. I kid you not I feel "high" today. It's like an evil version of being stoned. I have no energy, there is an emotional fog over my head that makes it hard to articulate myself or communicate. I feel like a third party in my body. I just want this to be over with. Suprisingly I have had few cravings to do snus. The only reason I have wanted to use snus is because I want these withdrawals to end. I have a mild head ache now as well. Not like a caffiene withdrawal.......but it's there

              I will keep you updated
              Last edited by Polluted; 21-11-15, 10:38 AM.


              • piks101
                • Sep 2010
                • 691

                Originally posted by Polluted View Post
                It's been 1 year since I started snus and I have decided to drop snus for a year to see if my life is better off without it. I am at the end of day 4. This is my experiance

                Day 1- feel super motivated. I don't feel great by any means but nothing unbearable. It wasn't too hard to simply get through the day. Still, there are negative feelings and some cravings but my motivation trumps them.

                Day 2- It's starting to get a little more real now. Motivation still there but definitely feel anxious and not too great. Anger starting to show up. Getting very frustrated. But I shrug off these feelings and get through the day. Little trouble getting to sleep so I put some mint tea inside a ripped tea bag and make a snus like thingy. The menthol actually burns like snus and I drift off to sleep. I should mention through my intestines feel like crap. Have weird abdominal cramps making me feel like I am going to crap myself

                Day 3- I am irritable as hell. Angry even. It takes the will of a warrior to not flip my shit at work. Co workers can tell something is going on. I'm much more quiet, freaking out and cursing up a storm inside my head when anything goes wrong in the kitchen. My wife tries to comfort me. Surprisingly this makes it worse and all I wanna say is leave me the ______ alone. But I keep my cool. I go to bed.

                Day 4- Anger is gone, although slightly irritable. I kid you not I feel "high" today. It's like an evil version of being stoned. I have no energy, there is an emotional fog over my head that makes it hard to articulate myself or communicate. I feel like a third party in my body. I just want this to be over with. Suprisingly I have had few cravings to do snus. The only reason I have wanted to use snus is because I want these withdrawals to end. I have a mild head ache now as well. Not like a caffiene withdrawal.......but it's there

                I will keep you updated
                If this helps you with "your" goal to quit.. great but everyone's experience with using/quitting snus is going to be personal/unique.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  true that.....I quit for a while and didn't have any problems at all. Not a single issue. I found that amazing. But I'm sure everyones experience in quitting will be somewhat different.
                  Last edited by Premium Parrots; 21-11-15, 07:07 PM.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Polluted
                    • Dec 2014
                    • 120

                    Day 5- I feel some element of feeling normal. However it's causing moodswings. I can feel my brain grounding itself but am quick to spark. It isn't fun by any means but luckily tommarow is my day off so I can relax as best I can.

                    And I know there is a tendency to water down anything negative associated with snus here on this website.....but I'm not buying it. Especially 5 days off this stuff. I had no idea how big of an impact snus was having on my mental state, personality, and just how addicted I was. And this is a guy who only used 8 regular portions a day for 1 year!

                    I know it's not what an addict wants to hear. But for anyone who has ears let him listen! This stuff is addicting. I don't give a darn about its cancer risk or anything of the sort. Hell I'll play devils advocate, my dentist was amazed at my check up last week to know I used tobacco. He said my teeth and gums looked great , that is the first time in my LIFE I have been told my gums look healthy. However that is probably from me upping my game brushing BECAUSE I was using snus.

                    I'll keep ya updated. This stuff isn't fun. Regardless of what your physical health may be saying take my warning that each and everyone of us is indeed using "tobacco" and any psychological effects that come with it. It's a crazy mind game trying to free yourself from our beloved "food product" <_< Don't believe me? Just go 3 days leaving your cans of snus in the fridge. Watch how you act and how others see you. I'm paranoid my co workers probably think I'm bipolar because I am definitely NOT myself right now while I bleed this crap out of my system
                    Last edited by Polluted; 22-11-15, 08:57 AM.


                    • codyg140
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 705

                      Lol no one denies the fact that snus is both tobacco and addictive. Your experience will be your own. Just like PP I quit using snus no problem with little to no side effects. It was a different story with smoking and with alcohol.


                      • Polluted
                        • Dec 2014
                        • 120

                        Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                        Lol no one denies the fact that snus is both tobacco and addictive. Your experience will be your own. Just like PP I quit using snus no problem with little to no side effects. It was a different story with smoking and with alcohol.
                        Says the man who probably has a snus in his mouth right now. Sorry but you can not claim to realize what snus is, then in 1 breath claim smoking was so much more intense. It is the exact same drug here. Literally the exact same plant. Hate to break it to ya but there is no magical difference between snus or smoking in terms of psychological addiction. You are full of it good sir, and you are misleading folks while watering down the severity of what is happening here. And you have never quit snus if you are still using it. Your argument is weaker and weaker


                        • codyg140
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 705

                          You can believe what you want if it makes you feel better at night. There's more in a cigarette then just the nicotine that people get addicted too. Which is exactly why people have such a hard time quitting.

                          Good luck with quitting


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                            You can believe what you want if it makes you feel better at night. There's more in a cigarette then just the nicotine that people get addicted too. Which is exactly why people have such a hard time quitting...
                            I agree.
                            Smoking and snus are very different for me.
                            When I left the house in a rush without cigarettes, as a smoker, I had to stop and pick up a pack right away. I've left the house without snus, and just cursed myself and went about my business.
                            If and when I decide to quit snus, I'm pretty sure I could do it without writing a self-absorbed journal, making it sound like I'm on Sir Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition.


                            • taffyjock
                              • Sep 2015
                              • 121

                              The only similarities between smoking and snus is the come from the same plant & contain nicotine, Snus deliverers the nicotine slower but for longer instead of the spikes and troughs from smoking, theres no hand to mouth, no throat hit, different smell, less social & contains a lot less impurities that add to addiction, nicotine is a tiny part of smoking addiction.

                              saying that if you feel Snus is addiction you can do without, all the best quitting, me I like my harmless stimulants.


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