I've been very low on cash lately and have been buying cheap loose cigarette tobacco to roll, as well as some cheap 99 cent cans of dip. A couple weeks of smoking and dipping low-quality tobacco, and I couldn't stand it anymore.
General is around $3 a can around here lately at the cheapest, and it's a just a tad too expensive for me to use portions as I go though 12 portions a day easy. I've tried loose snus before, but it's always seemed too messy to use, e.g. at work. Nevertheless, you _do_ get more snus when buying loose.
I had heard of people modifying syringes into icetools, but didn't really think I would enjoy using a tool for tobacco much for some unknown reason. I had some free time yesterday, and on an impulse, figured I'd try it. I went to the local pharmacy, asked for a 3mL syringe and was told they only sell that size in bulk for more money than I had on me. Proceeded to ask if they sold any single oral syringes. She asked what I needed it for, and started to explain, but figured that was _way_ more than she needed to know, or would be able to understand with a short explanation, so just told her "well, I'm planning on... uh... it's complicated." She goes into the back and comes back with a 5mL oral syringe and handed it to me for free. It was somewhat of an awkward situation, but oh well.
I cut the tip off the syringe with my knife, and put a safety pin through the stem at the end so that the plunger would go all the way up to the end, but not come out. The first prilla I made didn't work too well; I realized the inside of the chamber was a little rough where I cut the end off and ****ed up the prilla when plunging it out. I filed that shit down and it works *perfectly* now. I weighed a prilla I made at the 1mL mark and it came out exactly 2 grams (8mg/g General loose), so for the last two days I've been making prillas at the 0.5mL mark to get roughly the nicotine level you'd find in a standard portion, and 1mL when I want an extra sterk.
I love this thing. If I ever have extra cash to spend in the future, maybe I'll get an Icetool, but this works great as-is, and it was completely free. I've been using it at work without any issue whatsoever (though I don't pull it out in front of customers
I knew tobacco was addictive, but I never thought I'd pick up the "needle"...
Honestly though, I have a bad habit of making too large prillas or pinches of dip when I do it by hand. This tool gives me as much precision as I need/want wrt to nicotine levels and prilla size. After two days, by now, I'd be close to finishing the can if this were portioned, but I still have the majority of the can left. I'm going to look into buying bulk online, and consider the less-expensive brands (Thunder, etc).
I could get a can of extra sterk Thunder and make 0.25 mL prillas. I'll get at most 45 prillas out of this can of General, but if it were extra sterk (or Oden's extreme!), I could get 74 8mg prillas out of a single can?! Unless I didn't do the math correctly, it looks like I could have 4 cent prillas. Even if I continue to use 12 a day (unlikely with loose), that's still less than 50 cents a day (!).
General is around $3 a can around here lately at the cheapest, and it's a just a tad too expensive for me to use portions as I go though 12 portions a day easy. I've tried loose snus before, but it's always seemed too messy to use, e.g. at work. Nevertheless, you _do_ get more snus when buying loose.
I had heard of people modifying syringes into icetools, but didn't really think I would enjoy using a tool for tobacco much for some unknown reason. I had some free time yesterday, and on an impulse, figured I'd try it. I went to the local pharmacy, asked for a 3mL syringe and was told they only sell that size in bulk for more money than I had on me. Proceeded to ask if they sold any single oral syringes. She asked what I needed it for, and started to explain, but figured that was _way_ more than she needed to know, or would be able to understand with a short explanation, so just told her "well, I'm planning on... uh... it's complicated." She goes into the back and comes back with a 5mL oral syringe and handed it to me for free. It was somewhat of an awkward situation, but oh well.

I cut the tip off the syringe with my knife, and put a safety pin through the stem at the end so that the plunger would go all the way up to the end, but not come out. The first prilla I made didn't work too well; I realized the inside of the chamber was a little rough where I cut the end off and ****ed up the prilla when plunging it out. I filed that shit down and it works *perfectly* now. I weighed a prilla I made at the 1mL mark and it came out exactly 2 grams (8mg/g General loose), so for the last two days I've been making prillas at the 0.5mL mark to get roughly the nicotine level you'd find in a standard portion, and 1mL when I want an extra sterk.
I love this thing. If I ever have extra cash to spend in the future, maybe I'll get an Icetool, but this works great as-is, and it was completely free. I've been using it at work without any issue whatsoever (though I don't pull it out in front of customers

I knew tobacco was addictive, but I never thought I'd pick up the "needle"...

I could get a can of extra sterk Thunder and make 0.25 mL prillas. I'll get at most 45 prillas out of this can of General, but if it were extra sterk (or Oden's extreme!), I could get 74 8mg prillas out of a single can?! Unless I didn't do the math correctly, it looks like I could have 4 cent prillas. Even if I continue to use 12 a day (unlikely with loose), that's still less than 50 cents a day (!).