I'm a Copenhagen MAN you scrubs......

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  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    I'm a Copenhagen MAN you scrubs......

    How I long for the days when I can say. I'm a _______snus type of man. But how the hell can you establish a snusing identity when your favorite flavor is changed, or discontinued all together! I feel like the dip world is more stable. I don't even chew and yet I know copenhagen snuff, southern blend, wintergreen, and even the seasonal black!

    Why does the snus world change so damn much. Why is swedish match practically shoving ettan or general white up my lip? Are those the only constants?
    Last edited by Polluted; 14-10-15, 12:29 AM.
  • codyg140
    • Jan 2013
    • 705

    They aren't shoving anything in your lip. What sells well they continue to sell. What sells poorly is discontinued and something new takes its place.

    Look at thunder, they do 5 new snus a year and the ones that sell well become permanent like the raspberry and melon, this years all sold poorly (.rightfully so) so they're all going away forever.


    • Polluted
      • Dec 2014
      • 120

      And that would be a textbook definition of logic surrounding this issue, but why is it EVERY snus company seems to have nothing but losers. Swedish Match, GN Tobacco, Jakobssons, v2.....Every single one of them burns 8 out of 10 snus they create. So what's the problem? Haven forbid you fall in love with a particular brand, give it 4 months and you either won't recognize the can, or it will be non existant.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        I for one do not understand the Swedish approach to business........to the point that.......I'm not even sure that one exists

        I think a lot of what we see is a Swedish attempt to capture a caricature of the American market while avoiding any association with dip.........thus fruity sweet flavors and a de-emphasis on los.

        The approach excludes the primary smokeless tobacco users and focuses on those wishing to leave cigarettes. It fails to account for the market share of those who are tired of having their gums torn up by dip and the annoyance of always having to spit.

        Needless to say any such scheme that targets a fictitious caricature will largely proceed by a blind hit and miss method
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Polluted
          • Dec 2014
          • 120

          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
          I for one do not understand the Swedish approach to business........to the point that.......I'm not even sure that one exists

          I think a lot of what we see is a Swedish attempt to capture a caricature of the American market while avoiding any association with dip.........thus fruity sweet flavors and a de-emphasis on los.

          The approach excludes the primary smokeless tobacco users and focuses on those wishing to leave cigarettes. It fails to account for the market share of those who are tired of having their gums torn up by dip and the annoyance of always having to spit.

          Needless to say any such scheme that targets a fictitious caricature will largely proceed by a blind hit and miss method
          You make a valid point. I feel Mustang was probably a direct shot towards the American dip community. Although I feel it's a tad silly given the name.....like its trying TOO hard to be American. They may as well named it the George W Bush Private Reserve, or perhaps Huurrraaaaa!


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            Originally posted by Polluted View Post
            You make a valid point. I feel Mustang was probably a direct shot towards the American dip community. Although I feel it's a tad silly given the name.....like its trying TOO hard to be American. They may as well named it the George W Bush Private Reserve, or perhaps Huurrraaaaa!
            So far my only minor complaint with Mustang....the amusing and generic can.....good observation polluted.


            • Kaplan
              • May 2011
              • 203

              I'm an Onyx man.

              We'll have to see if I can still say that twenty years from now. (Or even ten, or five...)


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I'm pretty sure dip comes and goes. They try new flavors, and refactor old flavors. If you don't like plain or wintergreen, there's a chance of losing your flavor. I've pretty much settled on Ettan, Röda, and General; all lös. I throw in a little of this and that on occasion, but at this point, I'd be happy enough using Ettan exclusively.


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  As a full-time snusser (I'm a General Extra Strong man myself!) ... I have to say that Copenhagen is a class product in the dip world and I love it ... sure it's not such a safe option ... but I will continue order myself the odd can of Cope as a treat ... it's a masterpiece!

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • squeezyjohn
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2497

                    Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
                    So far my only minor complaint with Mustang....the amusing and generic can.....good observation polluted.
                    I think they're bringing out a new version of it for Thanksgiving ... I'm not sure what the name of the snus will be but it will be turkey flavoured ... I think you can get the full details over on Chad's site.

                    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                    • Polluted
                      • Dec 2014
                      • 120

                      Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                      I think they're bringing out a new version of it for Thanksgiving ... I'm not sure what the name of the snus will be but it will be turkey flavoured ... I think you can get the full details over on Chad's site.
                      LOL be on the lookout for Samuel Adams flavored snus.....brought to you by Mustang. Or MUSTANG Cheeseburger and French Fries


                      • Skell18
                        • May 2012
                        • 7067

                        It's simple business, if it doesn't sell, they lose money so it's not viable, easy. I still mourne the loss of claq qui, but it obviously didn't sell enough to keep on (how I don't know I must have bought 1000s of can of it!) but they're not just going to keep it on just for me, they are businesses at the end of the day.

                        With dip, Copenhagen in its variants sell, so it stays. Black didn't sell that much when it was an all the time product, so, in crease sales from the die hards by releasing it seasonally, gotlandssnus do it and it works for them. They shift enough in a limited period to make it viable to sell. If Copenhagen sold a grits flavour I'm sure it would stick about hahaha.


                        • Scarab Executive
                          New Member
                          • Jan 2015
                          • 8

                          Originally posted by Polluted View Post
                          Why does the snus world change so damn much. Why is swedish match practically shoving ettan or general white up my lip? Are those the only constants?
                          Snus has a toe hold in the US. It looks like they're feeling around in the dark with the goal of hitting on something that'll elevate that.


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            Originally posted by Scarab Executive View Post
                            Snus has a toe hold in the US. It looks like they're feeling around in the dark with the goal of hitting on something that'll elevate that.
                            I'm sure it's tough for them to get the word out, with so many restrictions on tobacco advertising. The "no spitting required" alone would make some great TV commercials , and lure some folks away from regular American oral tobacco.


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