"High" off a regular portion

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  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    "High" off a regular portion

    Starks are so stupid. As one member said on this forum, "Why tighten the cuffs?" in terms of nicotine addiction. Sure it's a cool novelty but I literally am sitting here, high off a regular portion. I used 1 portion in the morning, then left my can at home during the work day. I sit here now with a portion in my mouth buzzed as hell, and it has 8 mg of nicotine 0_o

    Don't give me the whole..."But polluted! People use extra starks because they are quitting smoking! That's why they are made!" Malarkey I say!!! When you have Siberia portions clocking in at a level of nicotine that could potentially kill a man if you IV'ed it into his arm....it's time for an honest assessment of what's going on here. I'm putting fourth stark portions (like in the 22mg+) range are simply made for nothing more than kids trying to get "High". The problem is that the nicotine buzz dissapears with habitual use of ANY strength. In fact you are killing your nicotine buzz that much faster when you use starks.

    But here's the kicker, now you are that much more addicted! Not to mention are opening yourself up to the negative side effects of nicotine with full force!

    Don't be a sucker, don't be a shmuck who allows himself to be exploited by our favorite drug of choice or the dealers who are peddling it! Stick with regular portions, all of you! And if you ever find yourself needing to step back from tobacco for whatever the reason, at least you didn't practically "set the hook" into your own mouth.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Not a popular opinion around here, but I agree. Starks are a new innovation, but somehow Swedes managed to quit smoking using regular snus, as did I.


    • taffyjock
      • Sep 2015
      • 121

      I persoanlly don't see the problem with Nicotine addiction it's the same as Caffiene addiction and im sure as hell not giving up my coffee anytime soon. The problem lies not in the drug itself but in the delivery method.

      If higher nicotine means smoked tobacco abstinence is that a negative? because im pretty sure lower nicotine in smoked tobacco id not safer than higher nic smokeless.

      Not sure where 43mg becomes a lethal dose as im sure its between 500-1000mg for adultsso you'd need 10 portions in your mouth releasing all their nic instantly and still not reach the level. im not saying nicotine is completly safe but the dangers have been misrepresented for decades, common sense though would say to keep any nicotine products away from children.
      Last edited by taffyjock; 17-10-15, 04:25 PM.


      • Andy105
        • Nov 2013
        • 1393

        Don't know what I'd do without Preacher Polluted telling me how to live. I normally use 8mg portions, sometimes I like a little more. That doesn't make me a sucker or a schmuck, so don't spill your 48 oz. Slushee on your keyboard over it.


        • Polluted
          • Dec 2014
          • 120

          Originally posted by taffyjock View Post
          I persoanlly don't see the problem with Nicotine addiction it's the same as Caffiene addiction and im sure as hell not giving up my coffee anytime soon. The problem lies not in the drug itself but in the delivery method.

          If higher nicotine means smoked tobacco abstinence is that a negative? because im pretty sure lower nicotine in smoked tobacco id not safer than higher nic smokeless.

          Not sure where 43mg becomes a lethal dose as im sure its between 500-1000mg for adultsso you'd need 10 portions in your mouth releasing all their nic instantly and still not reach the level. im not saying nicotine is completly safe but the dangers have been misrepresented for decades, common sense though would say to keep any nicotine products away from children.
          Look it up. The lethel dose is around 60 mg....with 30-50 being enough to kill someone. However with snus all the nicotine in our portions doesn't get fully absorbed into out bodies. Which is why someone can use a siberia portion and not die, but YES if one were to consume 40 mg of nicotine to the blood steam instantly they would probably die....or wish they were dead


          • taffyjock
            • Sep 2015
            • 121

            Well on that bombshell I should be dead as I often spill 72mg nicotine on my skin, I've even left it there for 20 mins to see what happened and all that did was I got bored and washed it off.

            BTW the 60mg lethal dose was from extrapolated results in mice over a century ago and has since been proven dubious at best but more likely outright bullpoo


            • heders
              • Jan 2011
              • 2227

              The tolerance for nicotine builds after a while, the same as with caffeine. It will take a higher dose to reach the same effects as before when you are accustomed to it. The users of loose snus (the regular, old-fashioned way of using snus; the way this form of tobacco was intended to be enjoyed from the 1800's) generally use more than 1 gram for every prilla, making it stronger than 8mg. So most loose snus users would be considered being in the "stark" or "extra stark" range, nicotine wise, considering the amount they get from a prilla.

              Remember also that people are different. You might be able to have a portion of regular strength snus and be good for 8-10 hours on your working day without it, but most snus users are not like that. I for one regurarly use strong portions as I love it especially in the mornings and together with a cold beer. I also like to double up on regular strength portions if I don't have a stronger variants around. Lately I'm up to almost one can of regular strength snus a day, and the consumption gets a lot less when using stronger snus; probably half or less the amount.


              • Burnsey
                • Jan 2013
                • 2572

                Originally posted by Polluted View Post
                Don't be a sucker, don't be a shmuck who allows himself to be exploited by our favorite drug of choice or the dealers who are peddling it! Stick with regular portions, all of you! And if you ever find yourself needing to step back from tobacco for whatever the reason, at least you didn't practically "set the hook" into your own mouth.
                Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
                Don't know what I'd do without Preacher Polluted telling me how to live. I normally use 8mg portions, sometimes I like a little more. That doesn't make me a sucker or a schmuck, so don't spill your 48 oz. Slushee on your keyboard over it.
                Food Fight!

                Many of us were suckers/schmucks when we started up with the cancer sticks, some of us didn't know until we were well on our way to nicotine addiction, a simple thanks to Swedish snus for the enjoyable harm reduction will suffice ....... 8-12 mg is my comfort zone for nic in snus, but flavor trumps nicotine always.... I can't imagine life w/o General ES and Grov Stark.....carry on....


                • Kaboom
                  • Sep 2015
                  • 27

                  The 8mg will get me buzzed easily on a empty stomach, and satisfied on a full stomach.
                  After a good meal I'll often pop a stark just for that extra kick, but I don't find that makes the regulars any less satisfying for me...
                  Extra starks I'm just too much of a wimp to take, they hit me WAY too hard. I've been known to pop some thunder on occasion, specially if doing physical labout, but even them i find them a tad too intense.

                  I myself would probably avoid building a Stark/Extra Stark habit to avoid building significantly more tolerance but I'm not too concerned about the potential dangers of nicotine as i've gleaned from much reading that nicontine itself is pretty innocous, on par with Caffeine. However as much as I love coffee I also try to avoid getting buzzed off my face as it makes me cold and jittery.

                  To each his own I guess... This ain't heroin we're talking about... Besides, anyone chain-smoking 4 cigarettes is going to have a significantly higher blood nicotine spike than someone doing Extra Starks or those crazy-ass 22mg portions anyway... And plenty of people will light one cigarette after another and they don't seem to die or en up in the ER because of an overdose.


                  • united
                    New Member
                    • Oct 2015
                    • 3

                    Start a thread criticizing the snus industry for not giving you your "snus identity".....check
                    Start a thread criticizing everything about snus that you don't like....check
                    Start a thread on a forum designed for people who use nicotine and then act sanctimonious while telling them what they should and shouldn't do....check

                    What's next?

                    I mean jeez. Enough already. When I want to talk to my mom I'll call her.
                    Last edited by united; 23-10-15, 05:12 PM.


                    • Andy105
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 1393

                      Originally posted by united View Post
                      Start a thread criticizing the snus industry for not giving you your "snus identity".....check
                      Start a thread criticizing everything about snus that you don't like....check
                      Start a thread on a forum designed for people who use nicotine and then act sanctimonious while telling them what they should and shouldn't do....check

                      What's next?

                      I mean jeez. Enough already. When I want to talk to my mom I'll call her.
                      It just seems like we've been here before:


                      • taffyjock
                        • Sep 2015
                        • 121

                        2 portions of Thunder xtra strong in my mouth as we speak, what's that 32mg over 2 hours? Right at the point of light headed but getting a good rush, but I know I won't have any nicotine for 4 hours and that'll be a few puff of 3mg eliquid before bed.

                        Don't care though as I'm not smoking and still enjoying the switch.

                        Next order some Odins 43mg, 3 portions a day would probs do me.


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