Gellivare Snus factory will file for bankcrupcy

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    • Sep 2008
    • 98

    Gellivare Snus factory will file for bankcrupcy

    It is sad to enounce that our Snus supplier Gellivare Snus will soon file for bankcrupcy. They lost a case in court last friday against the Swedish tax authority where they will have to pay 130.000 USD in retroactive tobacco tax. Gellivare claimed they didn't have to pay any tobacco tax of an allready taxed tobacco. Another case in the beginning of the 1990's - Bengt Sändh Snus - didn't need to pay tobacco tax due to that they produce Snus from tobacco which was allready taxed.

    The familly owned small snus factory where the snus was made by hand will be missed very much... :cry:

    We still have some Gellivare loose Snus in stock for those who want to get a unique Snus for the last time.

    Best wishes,

    • Sep 2008
    • 98

    Sorry I forgot to put a link to the newspaper story:


    • KarlvB
      • Feb 2008
      • 681


      'nuff said


      • cocsp2002
        • Jul 2008
        • 509

        I never tried Gellivare, but I've never read any negative reviews, either. It's definitely sad to see a quality producer fold in this market, which seems like it's just getting ready to explode.

        Maybe Gellivare will sell its recipe to another maker, to preserve it's product's following. I don't know if this is common in the industry or taboo, but we can all hope, right?


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Wow, that's some bad news :^(

          I'm speechless... I figured they would last due to being small and nimble. Leave it to the government to step on the entrepreneur and crush a cottage business :^/

          I wish Roger and Doris well in their future endeavors, and their great snus will be sorely missed.


          • airwoodstock
            Banned Users
            • Aug 2008
            • 340

            It really is bad news. Due to lxskllr's posts about it, I was going to order some with my next order. I've only been snussing for a month and am still trying to experience all the flavors and rule on my favs. It's always sad to see a "Mom and Pop" business close but, when the government causes it, it's even more sad. Just my 2 cents.



            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              ****ing Bollocks! Pardon my French.

              This is really starting to get to me - not only do the bigger companies keep on changing the lines they make - but now the small independants are at risk. I've just really got in to Landstroms and had a pris in when I saw this post. I was going to order like the Northerner guy said - but it's not listed with Northerner anymore either. I was going to buy a good stock in.

              Will have to ration my last tin then!


              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                And the dark side of Sweden's über-socialist state - a crippling burden of taxation that drives small businesses into the ground. Tragic - Gellivare was such a unique and quality snus.


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  I'm not sure. Should I be happy that I never tried Gellivare and Landströms, or should I regret that. At least I will not be missing the brands due to that circumstance.

                  I'm with Zero, though the actual Swedish government is a conservative one and hopefully the last conservative one for the years to come. You won't find a difference between conservatives, republicans, democrats, socialists and liberals (and even communists, or however they might call themselves) anyway, in modern politics. All politicians are just looking for their personal profit, so we can only hope that the next socialist government (that historically ruled Sweden for decades) will AGAIN have a little heart for us snusers, besides of all the corruption that follows every politcal party, nowadays.


