Snus to Romania!! Any experiense!! HELP!

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  • rickygk
    New Member
    • Nov 2015
    • 1

    Snus to Romania!! Any experiense!! HELP!

    Hello, I just moved to Romania and need snus. Has anyone ever ordered from Snusline or anywhere else to Romania? I am a little worried about the customs and if I can get problems since its illegal in EU countries... Please help!
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Snus is not illegal to have or use in the EU. It is illegal to sell it in the EU (that is why many of the online snus shops have warehouses outside of the EU. That way they can sell it and ship it back into the EU legally.

    The snus shops that people mention here regularly are all good, reliable, and if they tell you they will ship to Romania, they will get it to you.

    The one thing I don't know is Romanian customs rates. Maybe someone could jump in that knows more about that........but outside of the customs issue, you should be fine with any of the main shops
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      You should be able to buy snus from Snusline, Northerner or Topsnus to EU countries ... they all certainly ship reliably to me here in the UK ... however - I would take Snusdog's advice and maybe place a small trial order to see what happens with local customs before risking a larger order.

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • apizzle1593
        New Member
        • Oct 2015
        • 11

        Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
        You should be able to buy snus from Snusline, Northerner or Topsnus to EU countries ... they all certainly ship reliably to me here in the UK ... however - I would take Snusdog's advice and maybe place a small trial order to see what happens with local customs before risking a larger order.
        Yup, in Antigua I had to be patient, it took about a month to arrive, and they taxed me 55% on my purchase, so be careful, if you put in a big $100-300 order, be ready to pay the tariff. For the most part I don't think customs cares much about the whole tobacco thing, as long as you're not getting enough for them to consider that "you're selling to the public."


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I would also be wary of disappearing packages. Don't order what you can't afford to lose.


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