Icetool Can Review (Warning: Picture Heavy)

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  • OregonNative
    • Aug 2009
    • 647


    Icetool Can Review (Warning: Picture Heavy)

    Hi all,

    I noticed we didn't have a lot of snus accessory reviews on here so I decided to write a review on the Icetool cans. For the mods; if you would rather this review be in a different location on the forum, please move it accordingly.

    Let’s get started. I'm going to be reviewing two (2) different Icetool cans; a "slim" can, and the standard can. These reviews will be ongoing; I'm going to provide an initial review, and then follow up reviews after using the products for a while.

    A little background on the testing standards: I'm an operations manager for a freight/transportation company and everything I take into work gets a hell of a beating. I've been through several heavy duty work jackets, several pairs of boots, etc. The nature of the work means that you shouldn't bring anything into work that you're worried about breaking. Additionally, working in an all-weather environment means that rain/snow/cold/heat is a factor on clothing, equipment, etc. Living here in Portland, OR means we get plenty of rain for a good portion of the year. I will NOT be babying these cans, they're going through the same conditions as everything else that goes into work with me. I've had more than a few plastic cans get smashed/destroyed at work, and a few cardboard/wax cans fall apart after a 12 hour shift in the rain.

    Icetool Slim Can
    Price Point: $30-35 USD
    Size: Diameter 72 mm / Height 15 mm
    Weight: 36g (grams)
    Material: Solid Anodized Aluminum

    My initial impressive of this can is that it looks and feels incredible. I really like the weight/feel/look of the can.

    The slim can is (as the name suggests) very slim. As you’ll see in the pictures below, the slim can had no issues swallowing up an entire can of Thunder Frosted portions. I’ve actually started to carry this can in a small outer pocket in my work pants because it’s easier to locate instead of digging around in deep cargo pants pockets. I’ll be uploading some size comparison photos soon.

    Another nice feature about this can is that is uses a rubber gasket instead of threads. I like this feature because it helps ensure a water-tight seal. As I mentioned above I work in an all-weather environment and I don’t want any water getting into my snus. Plus, if you’re ever broken a thread you know how much it sucks. Having a gasket system instead of threads also means that it’s faster/easier to remove the lid (especially while wearing work gloves).

    Looks excellent. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about the can from guys at work that use smokeless tobacco.
    Feels very well made/durable.
    Slim can is able to hold a full can of snus.
    Slim can is actually slim. It won't disappoint people that actually want a smaller can.

    I really have no complaints about appearance, function, etc. I think it would be nice to see more variety/colour options available.

    Realistically, I know not everyone will be willing to spend $35 on a snus can. That being said, I think $35 is a very reasonable price to pay for a product that is well made and used daily. Having broken cans in my pocket at work before, I think this product is worth it; at least for me.

    A follow up review will be done after I've had a little bit more time with this can. I'll also be adding some size comparison photos as soon as I've got time. I've been using it daily for several weeks now and I'm very pleased with it so far. I encourage anyone who owns an Icetool can to add in their own review/feedback.

  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    Nice review! About 4 years on my can now. Not picture worthy but what a life it has had. Lost it many times as they do seem to slip out of pockets in very comfortable chairs. I always keep about 4 flavors mixed in mine. Really a must have item imho. The build quality and attention to detail is a plus, just take a close look at the o-ring style seal on them. Haven't tested the bullet proof aspect yet.....probably would slow it down a tad.
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      BTW....I have a catch lid version....I keep islay snus in the catch portion so as not to cross flavor the main compartment snus. Here is a handy tip.....put one of these in a sock and you can kill a Hobo with it! Long story.......!
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        Originally posted by whalen View Post
        BTW....I have a catch lid version....I keep islay snus in the catch portion so as not to cross flavor the main compartment snus. Here is a handy tip.....put one of these in a sock and you can kill a Hobo with it! Long story.......!
        A self defense weapon? Whuda thought!!

        Great review caused me to poke around and find that the thin model is now available in silver, probably my choice. If ordering from Icetool direct, the freight is like six bucks by post, fwiw.


        • OregonNative
          • Aug 2009
          • 647

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          Nice review! About 4 years on my can now. Not picture worthy but what a life it has had. Lost it many times as they do seem to slip out of pockets in very comfortable chairs. I always keep about 4 flavors mixed in mine. Really a must have item imho. The build quality and attention to detail is a plus, just take a close look at the o-ring style seal on them. Haven't tested the bullet proof aspect yet.....probably would slow it down a tad.
          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          BTW....I have a catch lid version....I keep islay snus in the catch portion so as not to cross flavor the main compartment snus. Here is a handy tip.....put one of these in a sock and you can kill a Hobo with it! Long story.......!

          I've had to dig mine out of the couch a couple time because it slipped out of my pocket as well! I know your said you've had your can for 4 years, but I'd love to see some pictures anyway if you have any. Knowing that it's held up for years is a testament to it's build quality.

          Also, it's good to know that tossing one of these cans into a sock transforms it into an adequate hobo defense tool. North Portland where I work has roaming packs of feral hobos.
          Last edited by OregonNative; 19-03-16, 06:50 PM.


          • OregonNative
            • Aug 2009
            • 647

            Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
            A self defense weapon? Whuda thought!!

            Great review caused me to poke around and find that the thin model is now available in silver, probably my choice. If ordering from Icetool direct, the freight is like six bucks by post, fwiw.
            Thanks bro!

            I think ordering directly from Icetool would be the best option if you're not ordering snus as well. I'd also recommend looking at to see if they have the can you want in stock; shipping for the can alone ended up being $5.47 for me (to the USA). However, being able to buy directly from the manufacturer for $6 is hard to beat.

            I checked the cost of shipping for just the can at snuscentral and buysnus, and it ended up being $25.74 (snuscentral) and $5.47 (buysnus). I order most of my snus from snuscentral, but shipping everything with UPS is expensive so I wouldn't recommend recommend buying the can from them unless you were buying snus as well.


            • whalen
              • May 2009
              • 6593

              Originally posted by OregonNative View Post

              I've had to dig mine out of the couch a couple time because it slipped out of my pocket as well! I know your said you've had your can for 4 years, but I'd love to see some pictures anyway if you have any. Knowing that it's held up for years is a testament to it's build quality.

              Also, it's good to know that tossing one of these cans into a sock transforms it into an adequate hobo defense tool. North Portland where I work has roaming packs of feral hobos.
              Pictures of a dead Hobo? You want Parrots for that!
              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


              • whalen
                • May 2009
                • 6593

                I got to warn you that "IF" PP does post some favorite Pics, they are all going to be against a very "Blue" background! You should see his "Blue VULVA" series! A Classic! Real Quantico Quality stuff! He has a Very "Artistic" side!
                wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                • whalen
                  • May 2009
                  • 6593

                  Ice has a very good product too!
                  wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                  • OregonNative
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 647

                    Icetool Review Pt: 2

                    A good portion of this review will mirror the review I did on the slim can.

                    Icetool "The Can" (Standard Can)
                    Price Point: $35-40 USD
                    Size: Diameter Diameter 72 mm / Height 22 mm
                    Weight: 63g (grams)
                    Material: Solid Anodized Aluminum

                    I was just as impressed with the appearance and build quality of "The Can", as I was with the "Slim" Can. You can tell these cans were made out of solid aluminum and not formed into shape; this is going to make these cans incredibly durable. This can also uses the same gasket system as the all of the cans that Icetool currently makes. As mentioned before, I'm a big fan of using gaskets instead of threads. It keeps your snus air tight/waterproof but keeps you from having to unscrew your lid every time you want a portion/pris. Using rubber gaskets instead of threads also prevents you from stripping a thread which is a gigantic pain in the butt and something you wouldn't want to deal with; plus, rubber gaskets are replaceable in the event that it were to break/degrade/etc.

                    The diameter of this can came out to be 72mm/2.83", with a height of 22mm/0.86". Even though "The Can" is larger than the "Slim" can, it's still smaller than a standard plastic snus can (I'll be uploading size comparison photos after this review). The weight of this can came out to 63g/2.22oz (by comparison an iphone 6 weighs in at 172g/6.1oz). Even though this can is larger than the slim can, it's still incredibly lightweight and I don't notice it when carrying it around in my pocket. The can has a large catch lid for used portions or as Whalen suggested above, you can use this catch lid to hold additional portions. You'll see below after testing Whalen's recommendation, I was able to strategically (took a bit of careful placement) able to fit an additional 10 portions into the catch lid. I think this is an excellent way to store some extra portions for long work shifts, road trips, or shopping trips with the wife . Or you have the option to toss used portions into the catch lid if you're in a meeting, at church, or somewhere that people might give you evil looks for enjoying snus.

                    The can looks excellent.
                    Build quality is top notch, feels very well made/durable.
                    Despite this can being larger than the slim can, it's still smaller than a standard snus can.
                    The can easily stores a full can of snus.
                    Large catch lid that can hold an additional 8-10 portions if desired (thanks Whalen).
                    Can be used as a defensive tool to defend against hobos. (thanks again Whalen).

                    As I said in the review of the slim can, I really can't find anything to complain about with these cans. They look excellent, and the build quality is top notch. I'd like to see more designs/colors available, but that isn't anything against these cans.

                    The price on "The Can" is a couple bucks more than the cost of the slim can. For $35-40, you get your moneys worth. As I said before, some people won't be willing to spend $35-40 on a snus can, but you get what you pay for and considering these cans will last for ages I don't see $35-40 being a tough investment for something that you're going to use daily. Hell, I spend at least $30/week on coffee/energy drinks.


                    • OregonNative
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 647

                      Additional pictures


                      • OregonNative
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 647

                        Last part of this review before I do the followup reviews on the cans after some significant use/carry time. Size comparison photos for those who are interested.


                        • OregonNative
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 647

                          Originally posted by whalen View Post
                          Pictures of a dead Hobo? You want Parrots for that!
                          I need some extra ones to add to my collection. Where's PP when you need him??


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            That is the style I find to be the most useful. I have the los can, slim, and this one. I find the absolute top quality justifies any concerns to cost. I really cannot recomend them enough! I recomend getting two, one for each sock. Absolute top quality. I find it keeps my snus very moist, the sealing system is fantastic, and that little tiny gap is a great touch because you would never be able to open it without it. Whalen recommended non recompensed endorsement, Froggy approved!
                            *(Hobos not included)
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • whalen
                              • May 2009
                              • 6593

                              Originally posted by OregonNative View Post
                              I need some extra ones to add to my collection. Where's PP when you need him??
                              Pursuing his inner Ansel Adams?
                              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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