I went to Target for StarWars; the Force Unleashed, which is a great game btw. I impulsively browsed the small appliance aisle. I was going to pick up a $50 fridge that would have been more utilitarian and held more. But I like the fact that the little "kooltronics" Coke fridge could be operated with an included auto-lighter cable. It holds probably 25 cans max, though I'm not 100% sure as I have some N&J East and West in there and some American longcut, which are slightly smaller in size. The thing is said to keep its contents around 32 degrees below room-temp. Out of the box it got cold really quick, and it's working like a charm for my 2 dozen-or-so open cans. I keep my rolls and unopened stuff down in a drawer in the big fridge, some in the freezer. I almost broke the plastic door latch prying the thing open though before I set it up. It's modeled after an old-timey Coke fridge where you have to rotate the lever a quarter turn counter clockwise to open it. The instructions were packaged, not in the box, but in the fridge itself, so I just pulled until it popped open...nothing broken though. The thing is said to hold a six-pack, and with creative stacking, I'm thinking you could wedge 3 full rolls in there if need be. The pic is the closest I could find to the one I have, it seems there are or have been several designs available...mine has a round coke logo on the front...I drink the stuff, but I put a sticker over it as I'm not big on logo-branded stuff. I made the decision to get a little mini-fridge after throwing out half a dozen portion cans that got skunky after 3 or 4 weeks, even kept cool and closed. The Target site says it comes with a shelf, but mine did not. A decent buy to protect my ongoing investment in snus.