Recommend me a bergamot-ish snus

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  • kenworthy
    New Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 2

    Recommend me a bergamot-ish snus

    Recommend me some portion snus... preferably slim, perferably original (but I could do white).

    Something like Kaliber Original. I like Skruf original and white - but there is something fishy about the taste...? Is that just me? I love the bergamot in Kaliber - but can't buy it in the EU.

    And while I am on - is there any difference between slim and mini? Is it just a different word for a smaller size portion?
  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I'd say straight up General, which comes in regular and slim portions now. I think it's the mainstay for me when it comes to bergamot. It's actually in lots of snus so eventually you'll be able to pick it up in many others. Since so many snus ingredients can be found (Swedish snus at least) you should be able to research it more fully than you think. Another I would recommend is Oden's 69 but I think that's only in white portion, standard size. Oden's is more lemony but I think you'd like it.

    Skruf might grow on you but I agree, it's an acquired taste. Seeing how you like bergamot you might want to try Gotebourgs Rape. It's more juniper to me but I think it's the brightest, herb-tasting snus and it has a citrus note for sure.

    There is no difference in slim and regular portion IMO. There usually the same weight therefore have the same amount of snus. Technically the surface area of the snus on your skin has a difference in absorption rate but this is like splitting hairs with Mr. Clean. There IS a difference in portions and MINI-portions. See the weight per can and the amount of portions in it. That's your difference.

    General portions are generally rather full and so are the slim portions. I prefer slim portions because they have less bulge and simply feel more comfortable. Good luck and snus on.


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      Bergamot type snus is not rare, but some are better than others.

      I would suggest General first - I think it's the best. But LD original, Granit, Kapten, Knox and Odens no.3 are all great snuses on the bergamot spectrum ... of that list I prefer Granit.

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • kenworthy
        New Member
        • Aug 2016
        • 2

        Interesting that you both suggest General... but sad, because I cannot buy products from Swedish Match in the EU (unless anyone knows where I can...?!)

        However, I'll try Knox and some Odens 69 and see if I like - thanks for your advice!


        • trebli
          • Mar 2010
          • 797

          Kenworthy, you might also wish to try Oden's Extra Stark (Original Portion). I think it has a good bergamot flavor. It comes in at 17 mg/g of nicotine. If you want to see a video review, check this:


          • cliff0rd
            • Sep 2015
            • 98

            Actually they sell General in Switzerland, labeled as "chewing bags", but it's exactly the same product with a different label, and properly stored in his own refrigerator...
            Good luck!


            • Snakekeeper
              New Member
              • Feb 2017
              • 5

              I like general original/white. It has a nice earthy/peppery bergamot flavor.
              Last edited by Snakekeeper; 26-02-17, 05:43 AM.

