Has anyone ever actually had snus spoil?

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  • capt_cope
    New Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 7

    earwax not too high on my list of flavors to be done, though I'm still working my way through the vast variety of snus. It's a bit confusing to a recently converted dipper (it's now been a full week without a dip, longer than any patch, gum, or lozenge has managed) where my choices were wintergreen, straight, mint, or cope. Maybe some nasty skoal citrus, or even worse kayak grape. Now I'm confronted by so many tasty flavors I don't know what to do! My fridge is filling up with snus, and I've got another tab in firefox directed at buysnus.com right now.

    I will not ever leave a can in my car for more than a day now, as far as I'm concerned snus can spoil, or maybe it's the non-tobacco ingredients that went bad? Either way my only can of my favorite snus is now useless and half full.

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm really glad I stumbled upon this forum. Finally a way to replace dip with a habit that is healthier and more "civil" and discrete. No more spitters for me. Maybe a mini-fridge though...


    • ponysoprano
      • Jul 2008
      • 562

      Originally posted by stew.12
      snus has so much salt it never expires. suggestions on saltless snus?
      That's kinda like saying that beef jerky has so much salt it never expires. I have tasted both bad snus and bad jerky though, yes, salt is a preservative of sorts, but I think most of us agree that snus can definitely get skunky.

      @capt.cope: Yeah I've done the can-in-car thing a bunch this summer, and contrary to popular culture, Seattle weather isn't always as rainy and cold as it's made out to be. There were several times when I left an opened can in my car in 80-90 deg. heat, particularly Elixyr PE or maybe Offroad icemint tend to smell funny and dry out easily. the mini-fridge is awesome, I keep my stash 1/2 frozen and 1/2 fridged, then all of my open stuff in the little coke mini-fridge I posted about elsewhere.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        I keep all my back-stock snus in my freezer and put my current cans in the fridge when I have a chance.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by ponysoprano
          ...and contrary to popular culture, Seattle weather isn't always as rainy and cold as it's made out to be. There were several times when I left an opened can in my car in 80-90 deg. heat...
          Crap, it gets that hot there? That's on my list of places to move to from MD. I'd love to live in Ireland, but I don't think they'd take me, so that left Maine, and Washington. I need to find some place where that bad old sun isn't always shining in my eyes, and making me hot.


          • ponysoprano
            • Jul 2008
            • 562

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            Originally posted by ponysoprano
            ...and contrary to popular culture, Seattle weather isn't always as rainy and cold as it's made out to be. There were several times when I left an opened can in my car in 80-90 deg. heat...
            Crap, it gets that hot there? That's on my list of places to move to from MD. I'd love to live in Ireland, but I don't think they'd take me, so that left Maine, and Washington. I need to find some place where that bad old sun isn't always shining in my eyes, and making me hot.
            It's pretty mild, but June-August we see some heat. I've lived in this area generally my whole life and it seems like the weather [like everywhere] is more erratic in the last 15 or so years. The Puget Sound area is really nice, North Seattle down to Olympia. I like it enough here to stay. If you ever head this way for a visit, look me up.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by ponysoprano
              If you ever head this way for a visit, look me up.
              I certainly will. So far though, I haven't made it to the other side of the Appalachians :^D I've gotten to the Ohio watershed, but that's about it. I need to see more of the country...


              • Frump
                New Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 9

                Originally posted by stew.12
                snus has so much salt it never expires. suggestions on saltless snus?
                It does have an expiration date. At the bottom of the can under the "Denna tobaksvara...." is the expiration date. It's written in the swedish date format though, DD-MM-YY. Freezing snus will prolong its life but I have really no clue for how long you could freeze it.
                I have had a lot of cans that are really dry when you open them even though they've not been expired. I usually add a few drops of water to them and they tend to taste good. Totally dried out snus that's been in a can that I opened and lost somewhere and later refound goes into the wastebasket though.


                • Snusophile
                  • May 2008
                  • 531

                  I've never had any snus "spoil" on me, however, I did discover a nasty shock when i revisited my can of Jakobbsons after 2 months in my fridge. The last two portions were dried beyond repair, and the snus inside had the consistency of powder.


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