I've had a can of Ettan in my mini fridge for about 2 weeks, maybe 3, and I popped in a pris today, and it was AWFUL! I don't mean it didn't taste great this time, or even that it was slightly funky; it was BAD! I spit it out after less than 10 minutes. I'm not sure if it's spoiled or what, but I think I'm going to throw it out. I should have known something wasn't right when it didn't bake well...
Has anyone ever actually had snus spoil?
I mean it tasted bitter, sharp, kind of acidic. It's a little dry; not so dry that it's unusable, but drier than a new can. The juice literally made me nauseous. I spit it out fast...6, maybe 7 minutes.
Part of me says maybe if I let it sit for a day or two it'll be fine, but the other part of me says, it's a third of a can, just chuck it. I'm not sure what I'll do yet.
I'm thinking the following are probably true:
1. Ettan is good, but not so good that I can't afford to toss out 5 or so mediocre pris.
2. I have, oh, 25 or so other cans of fantastic snus (ok...23 or so, I have 2 kronan...) to fall back on.
3. Quality control for anything food or food-like is not 100%. I might have just gotten a skunky can.
Overall, I'm not going to go nuts over it, I'll probably give it one more try and if I feel the same, just chuck it.
Don't waste it..........give it to Heather. :PGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
haha! cocsp2002: Your wife seems mighty cool!
re: snus spoilage. When I started to increase my orders and before I realized the joy of cold snus and importance of refrigeration...I would have 3-8 open cans out and a few went kind of gross, but nothing like you described. Offroad and Phantom portion get skunky and dry and taste a bit off. Retro tastes like crap anyway, but even worse when dry and open for a few weeks. I found a can of Gotlands green that had 3 left and had been open in excess of a month, those all tasted ok though. I'm at the point in my snus-OCD now though where I fridge everything and throw some stuff out if it's been open 2+ weeks. I tend to take white portions to work and leave em in the car, as they seem a little more stable.
lol OCD........yea thats me. I only take as many portions out of the fridge as I think I am going to use in a day. AND I add either 6 drops of coffee or water to the tin. I like my snus the same as my women.........extremely moist. :wink:Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Unfortunately I just had a can of Skruf Tranbar that I am suspecting is spoiled after a few days in my car. I tried one portion today and it was epically bad. VERY bitter from the start, and it never mellowed out. When it was fresh it started mellow and was smooth, with subtle undertones of cranberry. Now it's like a big ball of earwax, I can't even taste the tobacco behind the bitterness.
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