It’s been a while...I had to make a new user account, but found my old one (ChaoticGemini) and it says I haven’t been here since 2012. I’ve tried to pop-in a few times over the years, but could not remember my password and had no access to my old email. Is there anyone still around from that many years ago?
I’m feeling like a new snuser all over again. I had settled in to a regular snus and would occasionally grabbed a random can or two to try, but that was it. Now, my regular has been discontinued and I’m struggling to find a new replacement. I loved Nick & Johnny Original Strong. All the recommendations say that Feneral is supposed to replace it, but I know I dislike bergamot. So, I’m ordering random cans and not finding satisfaction. I’m getting ready to make another random can order and hoping some of my fellow users (and perhaps N&J lovers) have some ideas of what to throw in my order.
I’m feeling like a new snuser all over again. I had settled in to a regular snus and would occasionally grabbed a random can or two to try, but that was it. Now, my regular has been discontinued and I’m struggling to find a new replacement. I loved Nick & Johnny Original Strong. All the recommendations say that Feneral is supposed to replace it, but I know I dislike bergamot. So, I’m ordering random cans and not finding satisfaction. I’m getting ready to make another random can order and hoping some of my fellow users (and perhaps N&J lovers) have some ideas of what to throw in my order.