Originally posted by cocsp2002
How many rolls will you order if mail ban approved?
I probably will get enough for a year. After that I should be able to figure out a way to get it. If I cut back a bit I think about 600 rolls should do it. :wink:Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
In all honesty, probably only 1 roll or so.
There are a few tobacco shops in the area, all within an hours driving distance, whose suppliers also carrry swedish match products, the stores themselves just do not at the moment.
I figure i could ask an owner if he could order me a roll at a time and if the roll is say $25 bucks i would say i would be willing to pay $30. Something to encourage him to order it you know.
I think with the economy in the sink that this is the last thing on their minds.
Unless they do like they did to online gaming.
They could pass a bill or bailout plan and then basically piggyback this bill with one of those.
They passed the Port Act a couple of years back and a congressman or senator piggy backed their bill with it so they knew it wouldnt face any opposition. And it passed.
This is all I will say about this issue.
Remember when y'all were smoking?? Remember how much taxes y'all were paying?? Even if I order UPS, I am still WAY better off financially then when I smoked, so I ain't gonna stress it.
My typical snus orders are already between $120 - $200 now, I have just shifted into a fewer/bigger order mode. So nothing would really change. I have played with the UPS pricing method on Buysnus, and the bigger the order, the more it is. So I'm not sure where the sweet spot is.
As other have said, Congress has enough on it's plate. And with a bill like this, it risks pissing off a certain small segment of constituents. Far more angrier people if it passes than if it doesn't. Sure the anti tobacco folks would be pissed, but regular Joes?? I really doubt it. At the moment, ALL of Congress is feeling heat over this bailout mess. I simply don't see them in a rush to piss off even more people, no matter how small that group is.