Xobe needs help

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  • soundslikesnoos
    • Jul 2008
    • 21

    here we go again.

    Originally posted by Xobeloot
    OMG. dude. I am not even going to read that response. I am too drunk and the lack of spacing is too much on my eyes!


    anyways, here is my order. Red: This shit better be good!

    Elixyr Power Energy portion 1pack 2
    Göteborgs Rapé No2 Portion 10pack 1
    Lucky Strike Portion 1pack 2
    Pall Mall Original 10pack 1
    1 random can of snus 1pack

    Hahah well what do u know....the shit talkin, always rude, 'dude...for all things sacred', and now 'blah blah blah Ilm too drunk..u need spaces...EPIC fail'..Xobe got back to me asap. Yeah u better make it fast. Hey I thought this site was for tobacco users to come together and appreciate others thoughts and ideas. Am I right? Well why is it that everything u say to me is the opposite onf that Mr Xobe? And don't say.."well sorry u feel that way...I...I...".

    Say the truth. Say something like..."hahah well I have no friends cuz of this and the ones I do have on here...BARELY like me cuz of this. Acknowledging the problem is the first step tho right"? And then I'll reply..."hahha yep...good job".

    By the way, how did u like those spaces I didn for ya? Was it good enough or did I still do something wrong. Please point it out. Find my faults and let me know. U disrespectful $#@%$. Snus on!


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      The spacing was great! Thanks!

      As far as the previous nightmare post, thanks for the tutorial on Copenhagen (yes, I actually read it). As a Georgia boy, I wasn't aware of that info.

      Anyways, Thanks for your wonderful contribution to my thread here.

      With all due respect,



      • soundslikesnoos
        • Jul 2008
        • 21


        Originally posted by Xobeloot
        The spacing was great! Thanks!

        As far as the previous nightmare post, thanks for the tutorial on Copenhagen (yes, I actually read it). As a Georgia boy, I wasn't aware of that info.

        Anyways, Thanks for your wonderful contribution to my thread here.

        With all due respect,

        *deep sigh* here we go again. See how ur message for the most part was sincere but with the added slight insult of 'nightmare' regarding my previous responce that u threw in there? *throws hands up in the air* I give up its just who u r. I accept that now.

        At first when I started coming in here I noticed ur little picture that u have up....ur icon. It looks kind o like it has an evilish flair to it. it looks like it has axes over a wampam type thing hanging up with what looks like a pentagram in the middle. At first I thought nothing of it but now I know its meaning. Ur the devil himself. U know how Christians have the symbol of the cross? Well u and the other members of ur cult have that.

        *throws holy water all over my screen* begone unclean beast....begone...in the name of the father...the holy ghost...LMAO, I crack myself up. Just playing with u man. Just take it easy on people. U might run across some sensitive ones like me. Snus on!
        Thanks for the heads up on the space thing tho. I have noticed that I don't paragraph correctly and need to correct that. Next on the list is turning my "u's" into "you". Am I on the right track? Once again....snus on!


        • soundslikesnoos
          • Jul 2008
          • 21

          Re: sigh

          Originally posted by soundslikesnoos
          Originally posted by Xobeloot
          The spacing was great! Thanks!

          As far as the previous nightmare post, thanks for the tutorial on Copenhagen (yes, I actually read it). As a Georgia boy, I wasn't aware of that info.

          Anyways, Thanks for your wonderful contribution to my thread here.

          With all due respect,

          *deep sigh* here we go again. See how ur message for the most part was sincere but with the added slight insult of 'nightmare' regarding my previous responce that u threw in there? *throws hands up in the air* I give up its just who u r. I accept that now.

          At first when I started coming in here I noticed ur little picture that u have up....ur icon. It looks kind o like it has an evilish flair to it. it looks like it has axes over a wampam type thing hanging up with what looks like a pentagram in the middle. At first I thought nothing of it but now I know its meaning. Ur the devil himself. U know how Christians have the symbol of the cross? Well u and the other members of ur cult have that.

          *throws holy water all over my screen* begone unclean beast....begone...in the name of the father...the holy ghost...LMAO, I crack myself up. Just playing with u man. Just take it easy on people. U might run across some sensitive ones like me. Snus on!
          Thanks for the heads up on the space thing tho. I have noticed that I don't paragraph correctly and need to correct that. Next on the list is turning my "u's" into "you". Am I on the right track? Once again....snus on!
          I laughed even harder when I read my response and saw your name at the end there. *shaking my head* I take all that I said to you back. You get on me for a reason. I just can't do anything right. Snus on!


          • RobME
            • Jul 2008
            • 387

            Originally posted by Xobeloot
            I am too drunk... anyways, here is my order...
            Big mistake, hope you don't regret it. (But) You could probably handle any of this shit, so... no big deal.

            For a roll of something new, I would've reco'd some Cuban. Probably a good thing I got here too late.

            One day tooleboX (you should) try it ...

            Good Luck! 8)


            • jamesstew
              • May 2008
              • 1440

              Sounds like all good stuff, why not get some Phantom portions though?
              Since you don't like having a teabag in your mouth maybe you should consider some Mocca+ next time. They are almost unnoticeable but have a really nice tobacco flavor. I'm at the point now that I almost prefer portions most of the time, not at home alone though, then it's time for loose.


              • sentry103
                • Sep 2008
                • 271

                Wow thats ballsy. A whole roll of Rapè and Pall Mall. Never tested. Respectable.


                • snusfather
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 227

                  Originally posted by sentry103
                  Wow thats ballsy. A whole roll of Rapè and Pall Mall. Never tested. Respectable.
                  :lol: His testicles will thank him! :lol:


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Originally posted by RobME

                    For a roll of something new, I would've reco'd some Cuban. Probably a good thing I got here too late.
                    I have had the Montecristo. Wasn't very impressed.

                    Anyways, we'll see about the pall mall and gr2. If I like it, great! If I hate it, i'll sell it off


                    • RobME
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 387

                      Originally posted by Xobeloot
                      I have had the Montecristo. Wasn't very impressed.
                      I agree with you about the Montecristo. The (bitter)bergamot kills it for me, (you read my 'review'), but the anise in the RyJ, makes it a different animal. Very nice, very smooth. Still hope you try it one day. 8)


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        Yeah. The anise is exactly what keeps me from ever trying RyJ.


                        • RobME
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 387

                          Well... live & learn my friend. You know you're getting old when you stop trying new things (and I'm almost twice your age).

                          Personally, I strongly dislike anise flavors (think: licquor, anisette, etc.), but with snus... it works for me. 8)



                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            See, for me it is the complete opposite. The only things I can tolerate anise in are liquors (absenthe, jager, etc).

                            Interesting how that works, eh?


                            • RobME
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 387

                              Originally posted by Xobeloot
                              See, for me it is the complete opposite. The only things I can tolerate anise in are liquors (absenthe, jager, etc).

                              Interesting how that works, eh?
                              Yes, but I'm still not clear; Does this mean you've tried anise flavored snus, and not liked it? Or that you haven't tried it, and assume that you won't like it.

                              There are other licorice/anise flavored snus products. I don't care for them either. Maybe you've also tried and not liked them. Cuban tobacco is so different in character and taste from that used in any other snus, that the anise (that might not do it for you in other snus brands), really works well here. I won't belabor the point though, just wanted to reitterate my nsh opinion.


                              • Xobeloot
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2542

                                I have already tried some licorice and anise flavors and found them to be unsatisfying (ld black, offroad licorice, and gotlands grey).

                                I tried them to see if I could enjoy them (because I like oliver twist original that has a quasi-licorice flavor), but I couldnt get into them.

                                Not to mention that I am not really looking to go out of my way and pay a premium for a cuban tobacco snus that I may not enjoy.


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