Xobe needs help

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Xobe needs help

    You all know my affinity for Phantom and offroad Los by now, but I am getting more and more interest in getting myself a roll of portions to keep on the side.

    I am up in the air about whether I want 1847 (which I know I like), Lucky strike, or the new Pall Mall.

    Based on what you know about my tastes, which one will I like? (never had luckies or the pall mall)
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    Based on what you like...


    Nothing would surprise me.

    I don't care for 1847. Lucky's are good and smokey. Pall Mall is in the freezer unopened as of yet.

    Dude all the possibilities and you narrow it to three very similar brands.

    For you I recommend G. Rape #2.


    • rollinred
      Banned Users
      • Aug 2008
      • 115

      based on what I know of your tastes I think you would like Rape # 2 portions. Unfortunatly they are white portions, therefore, a little smaller.

      I do notice that you like a lot of the exact same things I like. Phantom blue is my third favorite, origional my fourth, and offroad origional my 7th. But I also like the cranberry that I got in my last order and # 2 has a very very good berry flavor. Not to strong at all, but just a constant tobacco/berry mix that is not too much either way.

      Of course the white portions are a little smaller, so that is a negative. But being they are only in white portion I was affraid that there would not be enough flavor... and I was VERY wrong. This stuff has flavor instantly and it is the only snus I can keep in for more than an hour, and it is still the exact same flavor when I take it out up to two hours later.

      I definatly suggest getting at least a can of this as it might be your ticket, although you may have tried it already, IDK. Also if I am not mistaken you are one of those that does not like the typical swedish match flavor, and this does not have any of that.

      Otherwise you cant go wrong with montecristo, and for a good price deal, knox is also good.


      • TropicalBob
        • Feb 2008
        • 316

        You asked for a choice among three, and I use all three. I'm surprised how much I like the new Pall Mall, but my order would be:

        Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, 1847.

        All are good, but I find I keep reordering Lucky Strike.

        On the other suggestion: I had a can of Rape given to me by someone who couldn't stand it. I, too, couldn't stand it and trashed it. The smell alone will empty a room.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Originally posted by TropicalBob
          You asked for a choice among three, and I use all three. I'm surprised how much I like the new Pall Mall, but my order would be:

          Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, 1847.

          All are good, but I find I keep reordering Lucky Strike.

          On the other suggestion: I had a can of Rape given to me by someone who couldn't stand it. I, too, couldn't stand it and trashed it. The smell alone will empty a room.
          Thank you bob!

          I have no desire to try GR#2. I get more than emough of my sweet and citrus and berries from my dailies. The ones I posted are ones that have a listed profile that I cannot get from my favorite producer.

          I used to love Grov, but it just wore old, and I couldn't stand the film it left in my mouth anymore.


          • rollinred
            Banned Users
            • Aug 2008
            • 115

            Originally posted by Xobeloot
            Originally posted by TropicalBob
            You asked for a choice among three, and I use all three. I'm surprised how much I like the new Pall Mall, but my order would be:

            Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, 1847.

            All are good, but I find I keep reordering Lucky Strike.

            On the other suggestion: I had a can of Rape given to me by someone who couldn't stand it. I, too, couldn't stand it and trashed it. The smell alone will empty a room.
            Thank you bob!

            I have no desire to try GR#2. I get more than emough of my sweet and citrus and berries from my dailies. The ones I posted are ones that have a listed profile that I cannot get from my favorite producer.

            I used to love Grov, but it just wore old, and I couldn't stand the film it left in my mouth anymore.

            See xobe, barber even recommended #2 and I was typing while he was doing so. We both had the same idea. I actually think after you saying you get enough sweet flavor that you will actually now like #2 even better. Because it is not really a sweet flavor. It is actually kind of... sort of a.... sour flavor. I dont know how to explain it. I am sure you have had sour patch kids candy... or I am guessing so. Take one of the red ones and tone that down A LOT, and then make the tobacco flavor equall to that of the sweet/sour flavor, that is rape. Impossible to describe but a very MUST try. And keep in mind that it is not a synthetic flavor like sour patch candy. It is a very natural flavor.

            In fact I popped in my last rape #2 portion just so I could get that taste and try to properly describe it, because I think this truely is the portion you want.

            If you think it is sweet just put it this way. I cant stand skruf stark because it is to sweet. And I LOVE #2, but most say I am nuts for saying skruf is sweet.

            GET IT. GET IT. GET IT

            Rape #2 FTW


            • Jason
              • Jan 2008
              • 1370

              I think you would probably like all three; they are fairly similar in taste. I am actually somewhat surprised that you have not tried Luckies yet....


              • rollinred
                Banned Users
                • Aug 2008
                • 115

                yeah xobe its the anoying RR again.

                I have had this rape in for al least half an hour and I have to update and say there is not much sweet taste at all. It is almost a purely sour fruity taste. Again the good type of sour taste. But it is no where near like pucker your lips sour. The sour and tobacco are evenly destributed and the sweet is the most suttle sweet of any snus I have tried. Not even really noticable.


                • ponysoprano
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 562

                  Mr. X, I'd say go with what you like, I'm an 1847 portion[and white] fan, if you like it, it's a safe bet...if you don't like it, still a safe bet because you could use it as wampum to trade one of us goobers for something else!


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Yeah Jason. I always want to buy portions, but then I get them and i just get pissed off that i have a teabag in my mouth.

                    I truly cant stand using portions, but there are some situations where I am starting to see that I could definately use them.

                    Moving my way up in the company I work for... I am not always going to be able to have my mountain of los that I usually do.

                    So yeah, once again... no desire to buy GR#2 (or any SM for that matter), BUT... I will order a can with this order. All the people who have ordered Phantom on my word deserve their suggestions to be honored.


                    • sentry103
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 271

                      Be brave! One of each! Your testicales will thank you!


                      • rollinred
                        Banned Users
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 115

                        Originally posted by Xobeloot

                        So yeah, once again... no desire to buy GR#2 (or any SM for that matter), BUT... I will order a can with this order. All the people who have ordered Phantom on my word deserve their suggestions to be honored.
                        And I have done such on your word, even though I had absolutly no desire to, and I was pleased beyond belief.


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          If I dont like it, i'll mail it to you RR


                          • soundslikesnoos
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 21

                            Re: Xobe needs help

                            Originally posted by Xobeloot
                            You all know my affinity for Phantom and offroad Los by now, but I am getting more and more interest in getting myself a roll of portions to keep on the side.

                            I am up in the air about whether I want 1847 (which I know I like), Lucky strike, or the new Pall Mall.

                            Based on what you know about my tastes, which one will I like? (never had luckies or the pall mall)
                            I know ur probably going to hate this but in my opinion its snus but just the american version. Its tobacco and it looks like snus but just made by a different process. As a metter of fact...'snus' is the Swedish word for 'dip'. Well since the cat is half way outta the bag, might as well pull that furry motha all the way out.....I LOVE Copenhagen Long Cut! I know what ur all thinking...."that mouth cancer in a can?...eww". Yeah yeah I know. But the thing is that these days Copenhagen is in the teens ppm (parts per million) of nitrosamines and the lowest amount in snus is 2 ppm I think. Not including that artificial 'totally lose the tobacco experience' Wine and Chef crap which is supposedly free of them. But anyway, the almost non-existant increase in Cope compared to regular snus is well worth it in my opinion. The taste is like no other tobacco in the world...Cope Long Cut that is. Not the other flavored crap like Black, Hickory flavors and the sweetend Straights. Truely the ultimate in tobacco experience. Not only is the taste of American Cope far better than any snus I've tried, but it doesn't irritate my throat with that nasty drip that snus creates, doesn't pickle the hell outta my lip like snus...the list goes on. I mean, loose of all variey's used to pickle my lip so bad, making it white and wrinkly as hell that I would think....'here comes the cancer' after every use. Cope hasn't done it once. Thought snus was supposed to be low cancer causing/ irritating? *shrugs* the only thing that's bad about Cope is that u have to spit. But the flavor of snus would make me salivate making me spit anyway. Oh and did I mention, LONG CUT won't give uu mud mouth? Oh and did I mention that it won't drip down from ur lip causing ur teeth to brown making u uneasy to smile? Even if u upperlipped Cope, it still won't drip and brown ur teeth. Wheeww..the taste of the original is something special. I read somewhere that its aged for 2 years in oak barrels to give it its unique taste. And U can taste the woody taste in it actually. Its amazing actually. Perfect flavor of pure tobacco and oak. I imagine that dude that created Cope back in the 1800's sippingon some whiskey thinking..."hey...this shit is aged in a oak barrel...why not baccy" and then did it. Who would have thought? Haha. And if I have got u interested Xobe or anyone else reading this but ur still worried about the mouth cancer thing....its a relatively low risk just as snus. Do the research. I know several people who have been using it for 20+ years and they're fine. I even had 2 of them let me oberve the dip lip and I saw no signs of lukoplakia(however that's spelled) or anything to that nature so I wouldn't really worry unless u constantly have one in. What I did notice on them both is gum recession tho. One really bad. But I suggest switching sides often, even to the top or pack a dip in ur cheek near ur molars so no damage can be seen at least. Either that or go to the dentist and get it fixed. Yes that's righ..I said fixed. There's a procedure. Snus on! Or in this case...AMERICAN snus on.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              OMG. dude. I am not even going to read that response. I am too drunk and the lack of spacing is too much on my eyes!

                              EPIC FAIL!

                              anyways, here is my order. Red: This shit better be good!

                              Elixyr Power Energy portion 1pack 2
                              Göteborgs Rapé No2 Portion 10pack 1
                              Lucky Strike Portion 1pack 2
                              Pall Mall Original 10pack 1
                              1 random can of snus 1pack


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