Fresh Snus?

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  • mwood72

    Fresh Snus?


    Can anybody recommend a website that sells really fresh Snus? only I've noticed it varies from site to site and with the brown portions freshness seems to be everthing.
  • StarWing
    • Aug 2006
    • 124

    Re: Fresh Snus?

    Originally posted by mwood72

    Can anybody recommend a website that sells really fresh Snus? only I've noticed it varies from site to site and with the brown portions freshness seems to be everthing.
    I have ordered from Northerner a couple of times, and their Snus seems to be fresh (generally good a couple of months or more [depending upon the brand and style]). There sight is at:

    Of course, how long it takes to get to your address is another thing, since it is not in refrigeration in delivery transit. It takes a week to get the where I am at (Virginia, USA) - I put my orders from Notherner in the freezer as soon as I get them, which works out well from me.

    OTOH, If you choose one or more of the Snus Brands from Swedish Match, (for purchase of FULL Rolls only), they might delivery to your area, and for my area, they use UPS (I get the orders in about 2 to 4 days after ordering). Their main entrance site is:

    Just select your place and Country from that page.

    Snus On!


    • phetish
      • Aug 2006
      • 15

      I've ordered from Northerner myself. on my last order, it was delayed 3 or 4 days waiting for a can of something that was out of stock. Transit time was about 3 or 4 days to Los Angeles.

      I ordered from as well. everything was instock when i ordered, but delivery time was slightly longer. either way, it was 7 or 8 days from ordering to delivery.

      just my experiences...



      • StarWing
        • Aug 2006
        • 124

        Originally posted by phetish
        I've ordered from Northerner myself. on my last order, it was delayed 3 or 4 days waiting for a can of something that was out of stock. Transit time was about 3 or 4 days to Los Angeles.
        That's pretty good time, at least compared to the transit time it takes to get to me - always 7 days - and oddly enough, I am of the opposite side of the U.S., which is closer to Sweden.


        • mwood72

          Thanks all for the advice posted.

          Unfortunately Swedish Match won't ship to me as I'm in the UK (ref the EU ban) That's a real shame as I would imagine their's would be the freshest coming direct from the factory.

's seem to be pretty fresh but buysnus seems to be even fresher but unfortunately they seem to penalise on postage unless you order at least 1/2 dozen tins at a time I guess I'll have to start ordering more at a time if I go with


          • StarWing
            • Aug 2006
            • 124

            Originally posted by mwood72
            Thanks all for the advice posted.

            Unfortunately Swedish Match won't ship to me as I'm in the UK (ref the EU ban) That's a real shame as I would imagine their's would be the freshest coming direct from the factory.
            That is sad that Swedish Match won't allow UK people to buy from their site. I saw UK on the list so I assumed they did, so I clicked on UK and saw the message. Those drop-down lists are probably for their various regional offices (like for us in the U.S., it is in Richmond, Virginia (just a couple hundred miles from me), so each regional office must comply with the laws of the Country the office is within. Which explains why my Snus Cans from Swedish Match get these little extra 'warning' stickers (U.S. Political Propaganda crap) like the labels that come on the American-type snuffs (Skoal, Copenhagen, etc.), E.g. "This products is not a safe alternative to cigarettes", and so on. (My researches show Snus is a safeR alternative).

            Originally posted by mwood72 Also
  's seem to be pretty fresh but buysnus seems to be even fresher but unfortunately they seem to penalise on postage unless you order at least 1/2 dozen tins at a time I guess I'll have to start ordering more at a time if I go with
            Northerner prices usually seem to be better to me, even with the 'point' system buysnus has (of course, if you get a lot of people to sign-up, you get points for what they buy, and that might make a difference after you have a lot of people signed up and buying, I guess).

            At least you can 'import' Snus for personal usage.


            • lofat
              • Sep 2006
              • 154

              I like that has a handy shipping calculator that will give you your shipping total based on what is in your cart and how many grams till the next price tier. I like to play around with different tins and weights till I get the lowest shipping I can.

              I have only ordered from them so far and found that most of thier product was very fresh excluding the Ettan loose which was passed it's date but still good.

              The folks at also included a free prismaster with my first order, which I thought was pretty cool.

              I will try an order from for comparisons sake.



              • sydb
                • Feb 2007
                • 27

                Originally posted by mwood72
                Thanks all for the advice posted.

                Unfortunately Swedish Match won't ship to me as I'm in the UK (ref the EU ban) That's a real shame as I would imagine their's would be the freshest coming direct from the factory.
                Strange, are in Sweden and they (as you know) ship to the UK. Are we UK snusers benefiting from an illegal trade?


                • bcsiegl
                  • May 2006
                  • 23

                  I first ordered from buysnus last year and rec'd the shipment in 9 days (about 7 business days). I later ordered from Northerner and it took about a week. All the snus was fairly fresh.
                  I ordered from Northerner again, (they were offering Kardus for a low price) but found the Kardus was past its expiration date. :?
                  I have read some complaining that Northerner takes too long with shipping now (and charges an EU tax to US customers if you don't select UPS shipping).
                  Looks like I'll be a buysnus customer from now on.


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