Only 3 cans open at a time for me. Currently General Sterk, Probe Whiskey, and Gustav Classic. I try to keep a rotation of one stark, one flavored, and one regular snus. Next up: Ettan, Gottland yellow, and N & J.
Snus Check
Currently I'm about to finish yet another can of General; I also have open cans of Gustavus and Probe.
I have to say, I probably won't order the Gustavus again. It tastes similar to General, and I don't like the mouthfeel very much. Probe is also a good snus, but is too sweet to use every day. I probably won't order it on my next order, but by the time that's done with, I'll probably be ready for another can.
I'm debating what to open next, Offroad Licorice or Phantom blue. I also have a can of Kronan in the back of my snus fridge...I've been dreading it, so I may just have at it next to get it out of the way...