I'm traveling through South Georgia on my way home to Orlando Florida. I just stopped for the night and all I have left is one portion of General. The convenience store next to hotel has various Copenhagen products. I never understood why you cant load Copenhagen in Icetool and stick in upper lip and not have to spit like snus. Wondering if anyone has tried this. The rest of my trip will be hell if i dont have some snus to enjoy tonight and on the restof my drive.
Can I Snus with Cope?
Apparently you weren't a Boy Scout. You're not prepared huh? See if the store has any dip in pouches. If they do then take one and cut the end, remove about 2/3rds, then fold the pouch over and insert under your upper lip. It will run but its a good alternative. You still may have to spit alittle. Just be a man and swallow it. Throw out the left over dip. My buddy used to dip in school and swallow all the time so the teachers wouldn't know.
If they don't have pouches the just take a wee bit and use the upper lip like snus.
huh? what?Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I see you are located near Chicago. That's were Im driving home from. Just dropped my daughter off at Univ of Chicago Law School. I purchased some Cope Long cut and made a small pris with Icetool. This stuff tastes funky compared to los. Much stronger on the palate. Im going to keep a cup next to me so I can spit some and not swallow much juice.
Originally posted by Premium ParrotsApparently you weren't a Boy Scout. You're not prepared huh? See if the store has any dip in pouches. If they do then take one and cut the end, remove about 2/3rds, then fold the pouch over and insert under your upper lip. It will run but its a good alternative. You still may have to spit alittle. Just be a man and swallow it. Throw out the left over dip. My buddy used to dip in school and swallow all the time so the teachers wouldn't know.
If they don't have pouches the just take a wee bit and use the upper lip like snus.
huh? what?
I upper lip RedMan and Grizzly regularly with very little need to spit, and when there is juice, I swallow it to no ill effect. I'm actually upper lipping a TimberWolf wintergreen pouch as I type and I just swallowed some juice, not a whole lot, but I have a sensitive stomach and I'm fine. I've found that packing a Prismaster with longcut though is difficult, though possible, it's easier to just use fingers and pack a tight ball. Once it's in place, spit the loose stuff out and rinse your mouth with some cold tapwater, that seems to work for me, and then the wad tends to stay put without much juice. btw: I don't trust Cope for some reason and will not use it, not sure why.
I put my cope right in the center of my lower lip and don't spit at all.
Just let your mouth hang open a bit and let the saliva flow behind your teeth without pushing any spit to the front where the dip is and you really don't have to spit.
The other option is to get a mouth full of spit and get LOTS of juice out of the stuff in one big pull. Get one or two big spits out of the way and then it mellows out to the point where you wont have to spit.
*WARNING* Xobeloot claims no responsibility for any uncontrollable vomiting that may occur while utilizing any of the above methods. The US Surgeons General has deemed that Xobeloot is an idiot and most people will get sick using the dipping methods listed above. Use at your own risk.
Originally posted by Xobeloot*WARNING* Xobeloot claims no responsibility for any uncontrollable vomiting that may occur while utilizing any of the above methods. The US Surgeons General has deemed that Xobeloot is an idiot and most people will get sick using the dipping methods listed above. Use at your own risk.
that should be your signature.
huh? what?Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Hey I'm 30 minutes north of Chicago. If ya need some snus PM me. Hell, go to the snus exchange ..........I have alot to find homes for. You are welcome to do it tonight [no traffic] if you want. No problem my friend. Stop on by. PM me.
or email me premiumparrots@comcast.net
man thats a long drive. I couldn't do it snusless
huh? what?Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
JGC: I realize that this is a forum, and these are all opinions, so I feel comfortable in saying that Skoal Citrus tastes like vomit to me. LOL, no offense, but that, Apple blend and Vanilla blend are the three most vile products (tobacco or otherwise) that I have ever had in my mouth. Now, don't get me wrong, I know people that love all three of those flavors, but man, I just don't get it.
P.S. I keep a spit can in my car, too. It's neat, it fits in the cupholder and has an angled top with a crescent shaped opening and a lip rest so everything ends up in the cup part. It was about 2 bucks at Wal-mart, and the plastic material must be coated with something, because I've never had to use anything but cool water to clean it out, and it leaves no residual odor.
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