anyone here quit smoking for at least a couple of months?

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  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    I smoked 11 cigarettes between December 2006 (when my first snus-order arrived) and November 2007. Every single cigarette was appreciated (!) as a reminder, that I don't need (and don't want) them anymore. Since November 2007, I haven't smoked a single cigarette nor have I smoked anything else.

    According to what I once have read on (they may update their estimates now and then), it takes 18 months on average to get off the smokes for good. I may have accomplishes that goal a little earlier but I don't think that anyone needs to stress anything. Snus with it's positive health effects will take over sooner or later. For me it took about a year to realize that my health is really improving from staying off the smokes, that I now consciously avoid. Prior to that some parts of my switch to snus was just to overrun all the anti-smoke-regulations, but now I think I'm a snuser for good.

    Nicotine-wise, there isn't a difference at all, I guess (and I've been a heavy smoker).

    It's a personal thing and I'm still no anti-smoker. Shortly said, snus surely needs some intention to overcome the smokes, but not much.

    Just my 2 cents, not more.



    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      My doctor told me I would develop emphysema in my 30's if I did not quit; this is probably the biggest motivation for me. It has been several months since my last cigarette, and I feel worlds better; no more sore lungs, coughing up phlem in the morning, smelling like crap, or dirty looks from anti-smokers. As well, it's nice that I can have a steady flow of nicotine in my body all throughout the day, as opposed to getting short hits of nicotine and craving another one in an hour.


      • Dead Rabbit
        • Mar 2008
        • 315

        9 monthes without smokes thanks to snus.


        • cocsp2002
          • Jul 2008
          • 509

          I would say I smoke maybe 2 to 3 cigs a month out of curiosity/lack of time for a that I found Toque though, I may have my "quick fix" routine problem solved...we'll see!


          • Dr. Vonsnuffenhausen
            New Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 4

            A friend let me try snus early in the year and I slowly phased out of smoking. I've been ordering from Northerner and buysnus and haven't touched [anything] to smoke since April or thereabouts


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Re: anyone here quit smoking for at least a couple of months

              Originally posted by pcguy
              I quit in early august, last weekend I picked up a cig from a friend and just tried it out of curiosity. WOW....

              It was like the first time I ever smoked one, vile and disgusting. The very first puff I coughed like hell and put it out immediately. To think I did over a pack a day for 28 years is astounding to me now.
              This is the greatest part about snus, I think. Because you get used to having your nicotine, that one cigarette you have a few months after quitting actually makes you happier about quitting than if you'd been nicotine starved and may otherwise have started back again. You only get the disgusting aspect of that first-again smoke rather than the awesomeness of a nicotine hit after so long. Good work, man, and good luck keeping quit!

