Kardus 2006

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  • Dave***t
    • Aug 2006
    • 104

    It seems there's a tension between whether or not pouch snus is equivalent more to smoking cigarettes with filters (ie not generally frowned upon in terms of taste) or to smoking Cuban Cohibas through a sock.

    I'm inclined to err on the side of the former, but with Kardus being the classiest incarnation of snus, it makes sense that tradition will win out, and that's fair enough. There's plenty of other portion snus for portion users who don't want to try loose.

    Personally I've taken Zero's approach and despite using pouches most of the time because they're practical for me, I have a tin of Kardus sitting in the fridge (in my case at work, as I work long hours) for use when appropriate. I'd suggets you just give that a go, Joe


    • Joe
      New Member
      • Sep 2006
      • 6

      I just put in a new order for snus and added on can of Kardus to my order of portions.


      • moisty
        • Jun 2006
        • 38

        I was feeling a little (lot) frivolous and ordered a can (jar?) of the 2006 'superior' blend Kardus, now I have not opened or sampled the snus as I have a stinking headcold and that would seem a waste since I wouldn't be able to taste it. I can't even taste Skruf Stark today. Seriously!

        Now there is one thing that I am VERY unhappy about, after paying nearly $45 for a 100g box of snus they have the nerve to re-use the leftover 2004 boxes. That's right, my megabux 2006 Kardus blend has 2004 plastered all over the dam box!!!! :evil:


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I think 2004 is like a "since 2004" sort of thing... like Kardus was born in 2004, yeah.


          • moisty
            • Jun 2006
            • 38

            I would love to believe you, but we both know they are just re-using packaging!

            Thanks for trying to make me feel better though! :P

            I have since had a couple of pris's and have been thoroughly impressed with the flavour. It is obviously very similar to the smaller tin kardus, but with more depth and body, got a slight whiff of vanilla when I opened the lovely jar!. I found it much easier to form the pris with the 2004/6 too, maybe due to freshness or a more carefully controlled moisture content!?!


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              I just think of it like MacAllan, est. 1824 :lol: We're witnessing the early years of a classic


              • TheCanuck
                • May 2006
                • 38

                I just got a box and tried it yesterday. It's more evenly cut than the regular tins (less small and large bits) and it seems to be less salty. It packs more nicely and stays in place a bit better. I feel it has a slightly richer taste than the regular tins.
                A nice change of pace, but one box is enough.


                • Joe
                  New Member
                  • Sep 2006
                  • 6

                  I got my snus order in the mail and along with it the can of Kardus. It seems like very nice excellent quality tobacco, but I can't get past all of the pieces of tobacco "floating" around my upper lip. I can't enjoy it at all.

                  If they come out with a Kardus portions then I'll buy it, but for this can it's useless to me.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Don't give up on it so soon, mate. It just takes practice making a well-pressed pris that won't fall apart.


                    • moisty
                      • Jun 2006
                      • 38

                      Agreed, kardus takes a little more effort than some to form a good pris but strangely seems to stay together better than most when you succeed! :wink:


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        I totally agree with moisty.
                        Case in point: Like I said about Bacco; it's very coarse and kinda like a powder but once you make the pris right it stays together very well under the lip.
                        On the other hand Ettan for example is very very easy to roll but continually "drips"** down on my front teeth and lips so I'm constantly licking them clean and biting on the grits. Darn.

                        ** has somewhat the consistency of mud.


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Originally posted by Zero
                          Well, my Kardus came in today - it's suprisingly similar to the normal kardus in the tin. It's maybe a bit heavier (seems like it packs into a prilla a bit more easily) but I might have a hard time to tell them apart in a blind test. I'll have to do a close side-by-side to really flesh out the differences. Top quality stuff, though, and the box it comes in is very classy 8)
                          Ok, after opening my first tin of "normal tin" Kardus since getting my 2006 Kardus, I take back everything I said up there! It had been a while between trying the tin Kardus and when I got my special 2006 box so the memory was distant, but comparing them side-by-side now there is no comparison. The flavour of the two is certainly related but the box Kardus is a bit more bold and mellow while the tin Kardus is a bit sharper. The cut of the boxed Kardus is also thicker and looks almost hand-rolled like fine gunpowder tea compared to the much finer-cut strips/shreds of tin Kardus. Both very nice, but tin Kardus is certainly the "little brother" of the two.


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