All hail the snus arrival!

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  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    All hail the snus arrival!

    Nothing is as cool as looking at a stack of snus on your desk!

    Here is what I got: (all portions)

    Phantom Classic Blue (1)

    Catch Licorice (1)

    Elixir Pepparmint (1)

    Tre Ankare (1)

    Ettan (1)

    Grove (1)

    General (1)

    Offroad Orange (1)

    Gotensborgs Rape (1)

    Roda Lacket (1)

    Catch Dry Eucalyptus (1)

    So far I tried a Gotensborg and loved it and I am working a Phantom Blue right now. I am about 20 minutes into the Phantom and I can honestly say I really like it! There is a "herby" hint to it if I flick it with my tongue that is pretty good.

    I was looking forward to getting a Kronan though. I read somewhere that it was pretty bad I figured I would start with the worst and work my way up from there.

    My first impression though is that the Triumph has a very similar flavor over all to the two that I have tried. It is sweeter but it has the same undertones of flavor from the tobacco. I find that really refreshing since if there ever is not an economical way to import snus I could be perfectly happy with the local stuff.

    Wish me luck and hope I don't get all nic'ed out today from trying flavors

  • eli
    • Apr 2008
    • 243

    I dig it, I really like Grov,General and Roda from your list (not a phantom fan, sorry Xobe...)

    Got a can of Lucky Strike Portion and Skruf Stake los on my desk right now... delicious delicious Skruf Stark... can't get enough of this stuff.

    A roll of Grov los is going on my next order.


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Re: All hail the snus arrival!

      Originally posted by Ainkor
      I was looking forward to getting a Kronan though. I read somewhere that it was pretty bad I figured I would start with the worst and work my way up from there.
      I don't know; there are a couple on your list that I would consider a lot worse than Kronan, but it really comes down to personal taste. :wink:


      • RobsanX
        • Aug 2008
        • 2030

        Great selection there! You should get a pretty good idea of what you like from those...


        • ponysoprano
          • Jul 2008
          • 562

          Right on man! sounds like a good day at the mailbox!


          • Ainkor
            • Sep 2008
            • 1144

            Originally posted by ponysoprano
            Right on man! sounds like a good day at the mailbox!
            Indeed, indeed.

            Now to take a few days and sample to my hearts content!

            First basic observation...

            Snus is to salt as Camel snus is to sweet.


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              Glad to hear your order arrived! I'm getting ready to place an order for 3 rolls General los; or maybe 2 rolls and a roll of Roda. We'll see...I never quite know until I pull the trigger.

              Definitely looking forward to hearing about your samplings though!


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                That mix is really good. You have pure tobacco to sweet, whites, classics, minis.

                I look forward to hearing your opinions.


                • Grim
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 850

                  Yeah good order.

                  I personally hate Kronan.

                  Its like a vinegar, pickle, perfume taste that I threw it away after the first Pris.

                  It was aweful.

                  Same with Gustavus, i loved it at first and then Gustavus turned on me.

                  Still dig my Lucky Portions, Pall Mall Orig Portions, and Ettan Los.

                  Good order though.


                  • Ainkor
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1144

                    Re: All hail the snus arrival!

                    After a day of sampling, I will say that one potion does not equal a full understanding of the complexities of flavors yet so that will come much later. I will throw up my first impressions though of each.

                    Not a single one was disagreeable which is good but not to sound like a wine snob, my mouth is not used to the typical snus flavor profile yet so it will take a bit to get passed the salty-ness and be able to discerne the subtle flavors that accompany most of these.

                    I think this is what I have enjoyed most about snus so far is the experimental aspect of it. When I was smoking it was purely for the desired effect with the flavor of the smoke being way less important. Snus almost has the feel of a hobby versus an addiction at this point.

                    On to the impressions!

                    Phantom Classic Blue (1) - Ahh, the Xobeloot special, but in portions. Over all, not bad. Much more flowery that I am finding I like but not completely overpowering. I could use this snus. Who knows, I may even grow a manimal beard in hommage to Xobeloot and re-up my level 70 druid account on World of Warcraft!

                    Catch Licorice (1) - I am admittedly not a fan of black licorice but this is interesting. It is a white portion and I almost found myself wishing it dripped a bit more. I dug the flavor and it lasted a good long while.

                    Elixir Pepparmint (1) - I like this flavor quite a bit although it didn't have the staying power I was expecting. It had a nice nic hit and was not overpowering flavor wise. This could be a re-order based on first impressions.

                    Tre Ankare (1) - Decent flavor, a bit flower in the long run. This was only a quick snus as my wife decided she wanted dinner right after I put it in.

                    Ettan (1) - I have one going right now. Very subdued and mellow. Very little flavor overall, not as salty as most of the other portions. It feel like a utility snus meaning it just works and is very middle of the road.

                    Grove (1) - Very flowery, I am assuming that is the juniper flavoring added, a common theme in snus I have noticed. The flowery flavor I felt overpowered the tobacco flavor and was too dominant. Over all not bad but more grandmotherly purse like (who ever sad that was priceless!)

                    General (1) - Similar to the Ettan as a standard snus but with higher flower highlights.

                    Offroad Orange (1) - If this is orange I am Bill Gates. It tastes like they took the snus, threw it in a tub, ate an orange and crapped the orange poop into the tub, mixed it and said presto! Don't ask me why I will try it in a week or so but I am willing to. It did not agree with me yesterday.

                    Gotensborgs Rape (1) - This portion I for sure enjoyed. I would have preferred it to be less salty but even though it has the same flower highlights as Grov, Ettan and General, it is quite different in it's effect.

                    Roda Lacket (1) - I dug it! More to come later as I can't find my notes on it. I will probably spend a day with this one first to understand it more.

                    Catch Dry Eucalyptus (1) - I liked the flavor. Who woulda thought I could eat something eucalyptus flavored! Very discreet in size and flavor and the slight menthol is not overpowering but only wafts into my mouth occasionally.

                    I am going to spend a day with each snus in order to understand them more and "bond" with them.

                    I am going to start off with Roda Lacket as my go to snus for today and see where that takes me. I have the pleasure of being on the road a lot so it will give me plenty of time to contemplate flavors and such.



                    • cocsp2002
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 509

                      I feel like I should warn you before I go into my rant, but I don't use portions anymore (don't like how they feel in my mouth) so I've only tried a couple portion snuses. Lossnus and portions sometimes vary greatly within the same brand, so take what I say with a grain of salt (no pun intended).

                      Roda is an awesome snus. I'm kind of impressed that you picked up the flavor similarities in Roda, General and Ettan. We briefly discussed whether or not SM has a "base tobacco" that they just flavor to make the brands, but my opinion is that they do. It's cost effective, all they have to do is sift the ground tobacco into the desired grind size, flavor and package. Less machinery cleaning, more money making. However, I think of those three like so: Ettan is the "vanilla snus", being the least flavored, and the saltiest, Roda is the "started snus", a little sweet, a bit fruity, fine grind and great mouthfeel, easy to bake and easy to keep together in the mouth, and General is the "grown up Roda"; a little more spicy, a little more bergamot, and more coarsely ground. This is a good los for "bonde"-ing...ok, that pun was intended. However, though I prefer Ettan the least of all the SM products I've tried, I like all three of these snus. General is my overall, everyday go to snus, in fact. I'd have to say that Roda is a close (CLOSE) second, though. It's a bit mellower, and doesn't wear out the taste buds as much.


                      • Ainkor
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1144

                        Thanks for the compliment cocsp2002. I am digging the world of snus. it is quite the enjoyable experience all around.

                        Today I hung out with Roda Lacket and I have to say that after a day, the flavor really grows on you. It being a white portion it was dryer than I was expecting but it held up well for around an hour each time. The flavor was good for about 35-45 minutes then with a little tongue action could be fired back up for about 10 or 15 more. Good nicotine content. I enjoyed the flavor of the snus. At about 30 minutes the flowery flavor really comes out as the saltiness wears off a bit.

                        I wonder if the flowery flavor I am tasting is the bergamot. I did a bit of research and it is interesting after reading on on bergamot I see that it is a citrus tree grown in Italy mostly and it is a flavoring used in earl grey tea.

                        I would say that I could use this snus on a daily basis for sure.

                        I was really tempted to order some los, but well.. it is a miracle that my wife is not complaining about me snusing so I figure I better not push it for now :P

                        For tomorrow, I will take some General with me and share some thoughts about that!



                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          Re: All hail the snus arrival!

                          Originally posted by Ainkor
                          Who knows, I may even grow a manimal beard in hommage to Xobeloot and re-up my level 70 druid account on World of Warcraft!
                          I Ordered two of the limited edition Wrath Of The Lich King Expansions. I'd be happy to sell it to you at 25% less than what it will ebay for


                          • Ainkor
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1144

                            Re: All hail the snus arrival!

                            Originally posted by Xobeloot
                            Originally posted by Ainkor
                            Who knows, I may even grow a manimal beard in hommage to Xobeloot and re-up my level 70 druid account on World of Warcraft!
                            I Ordered two of the limited edition Wrath Of The Lich King Expansions. I'd be happy to sell it to you at 25% less than what it will ebay for
                            I have been playing a bit on test so far. I just don't have the time to put into it like I used to. It's a shame too, it's a fun game.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Ainkor, another step in your snus journey. I am really happy for you. You remind me of when I was new to snus, thank you for taking me down that memory path.

                              You will definitely have a much better idea of the snus world. You have a good representation of the types of snus out there.

                              I still have some suggestions for your nest order. But for now, enjoy all the new tastes and experiences.


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