Today was a good day

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Today was a good day

    Was almost quitting time at work when the mailman walked in with my lovely yellow envelope.

    In it:

    1 Roll GR#2
    1 Roll Pall Mall Original
    2 can Lucky strike Original
    2 cans Elixyr PE
    1 Can Elixyr Peppermint (was the freebie can)

    I came home to find my order from Toque in the mailbox

    1 Bullet of raspberry
    1 bullet of original
    1 sample of chocolate (Thanks Roderick!)
    1 sample of vanilla (Thanks again Roderick)
    1 25g can of raspberry.

    I tossed the snus in the fridge while still at work and popped a GR#2 shortly thereafter. All I can say is that I am quite glad that I pulled the trigger and ordered a roll instead of a can. This was a wild order (as I had never had the stuff) that turned out well. I really like this stuff!... And to think that I wasnt going to order it at first.

    I have a Lucky in now (again, another unknown buy) and it is quite enjoyable. Very similar to PM1847, just without any citrus. Will buy again.

    I love the Elixyr PE, utility snus for early AM functionality.

    Will respond w/ my thoughts on the Pall Mall when I get to it (it is yet another snus I have never tried yet jumped straight into a roll).

    _______________________________________________________ ______

    As far as the Toque Snuff goes:

    First off, I got the bullets as a means to be discreet, but the snuff inside seems a bit too moist/sticky to work in the thing. I have to smack it on the table to load the chamber... Nothing discreet about banging something on a table.

    Nonetheless, The original is a nice tobacco aroma, the chocolate is fantastic (wish I had ordered that one in bulk, and the vanilla is ok (but not as good as the chocolate).

    The tin of Raspberry I got, thats a whole different story. Maybe it is from the heat from the shipping time/sitting in the mail box, but the stuff smells like ammonia and fart without a trace of raspberry. No way am I going to put that in my nose.

    I am following the lead of someone from Snuffhouse who said they took theirs and layed it out on a paper towel for a day to air out and it was fine after that. I hope he is correct, because if it still smells the way it did when I opened the can after airing out... there is no way in hell that im going to put it up my nose. I think I'd have a more pleasant experience huffing dog shit. Again, I'll keep you posted on that scenario.

    Anyways, thats my day. Happy! Happy!
  • ponysoprano
    • Jul 2008
    • 562

    re: bullets, the site says you've got to empty part of the snuff into the bag it comes in to make the snuff bullet work better. The ammonia smell is a by product of the snuff manufacture process and should air off in short time, same went with my blueberry, as I used it and shared it with others, ammonia scent went away. Did you have to use your AK? I understand it was a good day.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Nope... I didn't even have to use my AK... I have to say it was a good day :lol:


      • sentry103
        • Sep 2008
        • 271

        Ahhh the suspense was killing me. Glad you like all you have tried in your order.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Originally posted by Xobeloot
          Nope... I didn't even have to use my AK... I have to say it was a good day :lol:

          by AK do you mean AK-47 to go postal and blow the crap out of the idiots you run into? or AK as in FAAAAACK?
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            :lol: :lol: Do you also have a drop top? And if so, when you hit the switch, does the ass drop?

            You lucky bastard. I'm still waiting for my order; it's been almost a week and a half! :x


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              I'm also still waiting for my Toque order. I love the chocolate! The original and whiskey/honey both wear off scent-wise in just a couple minutes, but the chocolate lingers for quite awhile! Also, it gives a nice hit that I feel at the base of my skull...sounds harsh, but I'm starting to like it.

              I would definitely order 25g of chocolate, and I did order bullets of orig., choc., and raspberry...planning on mixing choc and rasp, sounds like a winning combo to me!


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                Well, im onto the pall mall.

                Excellent snus. Not much more to say about it. Still happy.

                Oh, and the funky stink in my tin of raspberry is almost gone after a few hours being laid out.


                • Grim
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 850

                  Just a reference to the ammonia smell.

                  Read that the ammonia smell is a sign that the snuff is very fresh and that yes, airing it out helps to let some of that aroma off and still preserve the snuff integrity.


                  • Toque Snuff
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 337

                    LoL! LoL! LoL! thanks Xobeloot, I haven't laughed so much in ages.

                    If you buy Toque from a shop chances are it's sat on the shelf for a few months and will have completely aired. We ship our snuff straight from the factory and it's the freshest you can get. The nasal snuff enthusiasts love the freshness including the ammonia, a naturally occurring aroma when snuff is fresh, just air it for a couple of hours and keep checking it, it should soon smell of wild raspberries.

                    If it still smells of flatulence either we’ve got a problem or you’re eating too many raspberries.

                    With regard to the bullets we try to pack as much snuff as we can into them . We tell buyers on the site that they are hard packed and that they should empty ¾ back into the bag. This will allow your snuff to flow freely.

                    Keep me posted regarding the development of the bouquet.



                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      HAHAHA! yeah Rod... The scent of ass has fully left (from my snuff at least... I cannot speak for myself!)

                      The stuff smells great now.

                      I'm definately going to be ordering some Chocolate. That sample is fantastic!

                      Thanks again man


                      • jamesstew
                        • May 2008
                        • 1440

                        Did you even get to see the light on the Goodyear Blimp?

                        If so, what did it say?


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          It said "it's gonna be a good day"

                          god we are so incredibly white :lol: :lol: :P :lol: :lol:


                          • rollinred
                            Banned Users
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 115

                            See Xobe, arnt you glad I tried so hard to convince you on the Rape #2. It is great stuff, I never thought I would like it either. Kinda like P Blue.

                            #2 has that unique tart flavor that I love, I will be ordering more myself.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Xobeloot my old friend, as usual, I'm late to the party these days.

                              Glad you like the Pall Mall, most quality snus and an immidate favorite for me. And it warms my heart you like theElyxr so much. Glad I could give you your start :wink:


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