Offroad Licorice Review

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  • cocsp2002
    • Jul 2008
    • 509

    Offroad Licorice Review

    So, I finished my can of Kronan today (thank god...ok, it isn't bad, but it for sure isn't good!) so I decided to treat myself with a "candy snus". I decided on Offroad Licorice (OR Lic).

    Initial impressions: The can smelled like a Good n' Plenty...initially a good sign IMO. I opened it up, and, as is usual for V2 los, can was PACKED. I swear they mark 45g on the can, but they pack a few extra "value grams" in can barely pinch the stuff from a fresh can. *As a sidenote, I've adopted the dippers' "can snap" method prior to a hillbilly or an icetool load since it compacts the tobacco more, and for a pinch it gives an empty space in the can for a quick corner bake.* I did a quick fingertip bake in the can by just mashing the pinch into the rest of the snus and popped it in.

    The flavor is so bold! It's definitely a powerfully flavored and very sweet snus. Too sweet for an all day snus, but definitely good for a few pinches a day as a change of pace from spicy General, which wears my tastebuds out a bit by the end of the day. Not terribly salty, which is a nice curveball in comparison to SM snus which seem to be a bit saltier than the rest. Due to the hillbilly pinch, the nicotine release happened fairly quickly, but it was not an overpowering amount of nic. It seems to be just right to get that relaxing fogginess that I look for late in the evening, and previously only got from a big pinch of General or a hillbilly of Roda combined with a pinch of Toque.

    Right off the bat, I have decided I like this snus, but not enough to order more than say, 2 or 3 cans per order, as I don't expect to go through it at the same pace as my go to's. I'm going to wait until I kill almost the whole can to decide if it'll be a regular part of my order (it's definitely better than Probe for a sweet fix) from now on, but for a first sample, I was VERY impressed.

    Thanks to lxskllr for recommending it, as I love the black licorice/anise flavor. This makes me hopeful for a return to V2's products, as I didn't like Phantom Classic yellow all that much. Hopefully I'll crack my can of Phantom Classic blue this week and post on my impressions there, but the OR Lic made me hopeful for the results.

    And to Xobe...this could be proof that I'm not just an SM whore. Sometimes Bud drinkers enjoy a Miller, too, you know.
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Oh... I'm a prime example of that my friend. I just received a $100 order of nothing but portions. That is definately Miller time for me :lol:

    I am definately enjoying all of em too .

    GR#2 with a pinch of Toque Raspberry while out walkin' the dog on a cool fall day in Georgia... Life is pretty damn good!


    • cocsp2002
      • Jul 2008
      • 509

      I ordered a bullet of raspberry, but it hasn't come yet. I found that chocolate is pretty good with my General, though...spicy and chocolatey! I like that a small pinch can give you a quick shot of a little nicotine to tide you over until the snus starts to run. I'm thinking of mixing a little snuff into a pris to see how that works, and I'll definitely be mixing some chocolate and raspberry together.


      • Grim
        • Jun 2008
        • 850

        I agree with using a pinch of snuff to jump start a new portion or pris.

        I do the same thing.

        Throw in a portion/pris then hit to bumps of snuff in each nostril and then wait for the panic attack, j/k, but it is nice because the rush hits then mellows as the snus takes effect 5 mins later and you feel good.

        its like a power or energy portion with out using your gag reflex, lol


        • cocsp2002
          • Jul 2008
          • 509

          Agreed! Now, I've never tried the PE portions...I just don't like portions, but even if there was a super power make-you-a-sex-god energy los...I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot...well, you know...


          • cocsp2002
            • Jul 2008
            • 509

            Hate to be a serial poster, but I've spent a day or two with both my cans of OR Lic and Phantom Blue...

            I think I've figured out why I gravitated away from V2. The juice makes my stomach queasy. I'm not sure why, I love the flavor of the Blue (kind of reminds me of green jello in a way...) and the licorice is fantastic. I find, however, that after about 2 or 3 pris, my stomach gets all queasy when I put one in. Has anyone had this experience?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I think it's the nicotine. I get that with most of the V2 lös also. I've had to spit the snus out early a few times. The last time I was at work, and I popped in some Liquorice. I felt half sick, and got very sleepy.


              • cocsp2002
                • Jul 2008
                • 509

                Yeah, that could be it. Maybe take the time to bake the pris really tight to slow the nicotine release?

                I've never been one to get knocked out by nicotine though, and SM snus has never had that effect.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I've gotten that rarely with other makers snus, and it's usually late at night or when I'm fatigued. V2 is the only snus that's given me that under "normal" conditions. Packing it tighter would probably help, as well as a smaller pris size. V2 may use higher nicotine portions of the plants, or it might be more alkali given more nicotine per pris.


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