That is way cool, but it's jacked in the fine print not only you have to buy 3 rolls of Tabocca, but you have to be the person who's referred the most registered, purchasing customers
Wow... I'd pay good money for that. It looks awesome, and since I'm also a cigar lover, it would look great with my cigar stuff. You know they didn't make just one of these, I gotta find one for purchase...
I got an email with the contest but being in the states there is no way. The fridge looks great. I just got a camel fridge for my bar at home but I had to take out all the tin tras and just stack my snus cans in it. Cool thing is it does not say Camel anywhere on it. it cam with 2 sets of decals one said Camel Snus the other just is SNUS. So I opted just for the Snus decals. But the Monti one looks so much cooler. Also it would go great in my bar next to my Cigar stuff. Oh Well.
The fridge does look awesome but three rolls of MC plus shipping would set me back about $239 (thanks to EU taxes), and as much as I love MC I can't justify that kind of expenditure right now