Another 1847 Review

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  • ---Nicotinic Acid---
    • Jul 2008
    • 134

    Another 1847 Review

    About 10 portions left and I cannot bring myself to finish the can. It's going in the garbage. This is the only snus I've tried that I did not enjoy.

    Windex. Not the pleasant and slightly sweet ammonia hint you find in Grov, but pure unadulterated windex with no pure tobacco flavor shining through. The closest thing I've tried to this flavor is Onyx, but there's a difference: Onyx tastes good.

    Not a waste of money though: The can will make a fine snuff box.

    No disrespect to its many fans, just my opinion.
  • firemarth
    • Sep 2008
    • 43

    Pleasent + Ammonia?



    • Azrsuperstar
      • May 2008
      • 55

      1847 is the can I plan on opening next, I'll post my thoughts later. I hope I don't end up pitching it.


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440

        It's funny but I've had two cans of this stuff and I liked it very much for the first couple of portions. Then the taste seems to degrade very quickly. No point IMO in buying this when Gustavas is so similar but much better.


        • bmwgsa
          • Jul 2008
          • 248

          I liked the 1847 original and white. Never got that "windex" smell thing out of them.

          The only snus I ever got the windex out of was Phantom Blue


          • reshumate
            • May 2008
            • 94

            1847 was atrocious IMO. I don't like 'bitter' snuses. Probably only snus I hated worse was Knox.


            • Azrsuperstar
              • May 2008
              • 55

              Nothing special, but I'll keep tin.

              Finally, I've gotten around to opening the one can of 1847 I own. Thus far, nothig special. I don't get the "windex" complaints, but I do feel that this snus doesn't have enough presence. Slightly bitter, with a mild tobacco taste. I do detect some level of sweetness. All in all, not the best, but far from the worst. I can't justify buying this snus again, given that there are other brands, including some of the discount varieties that pack more of punch for my hard earned dollars.



              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                I tried the original and white portions and both had something a bit overpowering flavor wise. It might of been the pepper or ammonia. The original portions also dripped as fast as General Onyx which I did not enjoy.

                On the opposite side of the spectrum I thought the Pall Mall white portions
                have a very similar flavoring but just too bland for my liking.


                • toekuttr
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 197

                  I liked these at first too but the bitterness just kept building. The initial flavor is excellent, dunno why the bitterness, if it's added they could surely do without it.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Well, I agree completely. The best thing about 1847 is the tin. I use it as an ashtray. It's easily the most offensive and horrible snus after most things from V2. It's slightly more horrible than Offroad Long Cut, but probably because I hate floor cleaner more than I hate mothballs :?


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I find it odd that so many of you don't like it. Maybe it's me, but I find it quite good, and it's replaced Grov portions for me when I want a mostly pure tobacco taste.


                      • itchystiches
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 194

                        It was a real love/hate thing with me and 1847. At the start of the roll I thought it was awesome, really dug the taste. By the end of it I was avoiding using it pretty much because I too got the windex taste going...

                        Probably wouldn't really buy it again in a roll but not bad for a change of gear.



                        • pcguy
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 139

                          I liked the 1847 enough that my last order was a full roll of 1847, and a full roll of lucky strike. They are both excellent daily use snus.


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