A pris & a sniff.... Sensory overload

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    A pris & a sniff.... Sensory overload

    I loaded up a nice big pris of the V2 Limited Los sample Dark Vanilla, followed by a nice big sniff of Toque Vanilla.

    I think the only thing that could make this any better would be some tasty pie! islanesia?
  • ponysoprano
    • Jul 2008
    • 562

    yeah man! Toque vanilla is a snuff I could use every day. The only reason I don't is because I have so much snuff and snus right now. I know you had trouble initially with the raspberry Xobe, but the cherry toque is sooooooooo good, at least the 10g. tin I got. I've found mixes can be awesome too, like vanilla/raspberry or peanutbutter/vanilla. Hell, the vanilla mixes well with everything, even peppermint. What think ye of the whisky and honey snuff?


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      I'm not really a fan of anything cherry. I haven't ordered the honey/whiskey snuff. That just doesn't sound appealing to me


      • Condor
        • Sep 2008
        • 752

        I must be immune to snuff. I try it and its good for about 2 minutes. Then it goes away. I wish I had the same "long lasting" experiences as you guys.... perhaps I'm doing it wrong. As I understand it, sniff it like youre taking a normal breath or smelling a flower....i dont snort it, and it doesnt really burn...just a little, but like I said it goes away real fast.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Oh, Don't get me wrong. I definitely do not have a long-lasting experience. Scent-wise, some of them last quite a bit, but as far as the nicotine goes... Snuff reminds me of smoking. Take a sniff, get a quick pick-me-up, and then it goes away almost as quick as it came on.

          I seem to use it more so as a little bonus boost now and again. If I did nothing but snuff all day, I think I'd need a bulldozer to clean all the brown boogers out of my sniffer.

          Certain snus/snuff combos just seem to work perfectly. This was one of them.


          • Toque Snuff
            • Aug 2008
            • 337

            Try wetting/licking your fingers and taking a good sized pinch, then don't snuff but rub the snuff into your septum on both sides. It is best if you are sitting down when you do this.
            Please report back when you have tried it.


            • airwoodstock
              Banned Users
              • Aug 2008
              • 340

              Originally posted by Xobeloot
              I seem to use it more so as a little bonus boost now and again. If I did nothing but snuff all day, I think I'd need a bulldozer to clean all the brown boogers out of my sniffer.
              I'm pretty much the same way Xobe. I have fun trying to pair snuff tastes to snus flavors. Any idea when V2 will release the Dark Vanilla Lös? The two vanillas sound like a great pair!!!


              • Condor
                • Sep 2008
                • 752

                Originally posted by Toque Snuff
                Try wetting/licking your fingers and taking a good sized pinch, then don't snuff but rub the snuff into your septum on both sides. It is best if you are sitting down when you do this.
                Please report back when you have tried it.
                Ok, I tried this, and it maybe lasts like a few minutes longer. I don't know what the deal is. I have some Toque chocolate, peppermint, and raspberry...the mint lasts the longest of the 3, but the chocolate is my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I really like the product while it lasts, but I just don't have the experiences that others have...maybe 5 minutes tops, then it's gone. I'm just jealous of those that have the awesome long lasting experiences....


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Snuff is subtle. Other than a few highly scented snuffs, mine don't usually last more than 10 minutes or so. One of my favorites, Toque natural only lasts a couple of minutes. The great flavor's worth it though :^)


                  • sentry103
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 271

                    Ok I finally ordered some Toque. Chocolate x2, Blueberry, Toffee, Raspberry, and Menthol.

                    In my stop smoking quest which is going good, (cigarette free for a couple of months now) I still have a bit of a craving every so often especially in the morning. I don't feel like putting anything in my mouth in the morning except coffee. I am hoping that snuff will fill this lil niche for me. Anyway thanks for all of you for letting me discover yet another nicotiine delivery system (i've never even considered snuff before this forum).

                    Oh I hope I get the other reported benifet of clear sinuses.

                    If I like it, I hate you all for introducing it to me... .. just kiddin.


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      good luck Sentry, I know you'll hate us in the morning :lol:


                      • sentry103
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 271



                        • Grim
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 850

                          One of the reccomendations for quiting using nasal snuff is to take a sniff whenever you would normally smoke a cig =, helps to quell nic cravings and ritual behavior.

                          I quit with snus because i always hated a cigarette in the morning, always tasted bad, so i usually didnt start smoking til close to lunch.

                          So snus helped me there.

                          But the snuff should help you out.


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