Gee, can't imagine what its like to REALLY run out of snus. I mean, in Denmark we might not have the biggest selection of snus on the market, but at least we CAN buy it (in lös only) in some stores. And as I mentioned in another post: I live i Copenhagen and thats only 30 min. in train from Malmö, Sweden, so ...
But sometimes I run out of snus too, but then it's because I'm completely broke or something like that. Once I had to survive four or five days on a box of Mocca Mini White w. Anis (which we're given to me by a 'friendly' person a long time ago). That was about the worst substitute ever, and in retrospective I would have been better of with a bunch of dirty leaves from the side of the road (I'm sure they burn better and more under the lip than the powerless Mocca).
But again, my troubles is practically nothing compared to those of non-scandinavian snusers.
I have been off snus for a couple of months, but now im back again. Before I took the break from it I ordered 15 different cans to try from Northerner....
Ian Robinson, 43, had to leave his job after developing arthritis, but the authorities have ruled he is not entitled to disability benefits and he must...