Personal tastes compared

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  • Tutu
    New Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 6

    : General Loose, Skruf, Skruf Stärk, General Original, Montecristo, Nick & Johnny loose, Ettan

    : Lucky Strike, Kronan, Göteborgs Rapé, General Stärk

    : Röda Läcket (eeew), General Onyx, N&J Portion


    • victoryredchevy
      • Jan 2008
      • 303

      First off, General is by far my favorite overall brand.
      General portion, General Onyx, Gustavas Original portion
      Grovsnus portion, Goteborgs Rape white portion, Ettan portion
      Kronan portion, Roda Lacket white portion, Lucky Strike portion, Skruf portion

      :?: These are some I am curious about trying, but I don't want to waste money on if they're not good.
      Phantom portion, Rocker portion, Goteborgs Rape No. 2, Knox portion, Tre Ankare.


      • databat
        • Dec 2007
        • 66

        I highly recommend Gotborgs Rape No. 2. It has a smooth berry flavor. No tartness and not candy sweet. I would say it's sweet enough to make it taste delicious without being overpowering. No citrus taste either. No detectable harsh bite to it. It's probably the smoothest snus I've ever tasted so far. It's a bit hard to describe if you have never tasted lingonberries. I enjoy it so much, I've made it an everyday snus for me. It doesn't even go sour if you keep it in for several hours. (just looses a little flavor)

        At the very least I think it's worth the price of 1 tin just to try it out. Of course I intend to try out every brand and flavor. :P


        • RealmofOpeth
          • May 2007
          • 407

          Originally posted by victoryredchevy
          :?: These are some I am curious about trying, but I don't want to waste money on if they're not good.
          Phantom portion, Rocker portion, Goteborgs Rape No. 2, Knox portion, Tre Ankare.

          I thought they stopped making Rocker? Knox portion is good. rich tobacco flavor. decent nicotine. made by skruf (so it tastes a little similar).
          I have phantom portions but haven't tried them yet.


          • victoryredchevy
            • Jan 2008
            • 303

            Just got another shipment of snus in yesterday and it made my day. I got my General and Gustavas and a tin of Phantom to try. My two old favorites were fresh and didn't disappoint, but I was dissapointed with Phantom. First off, when I opened the can the smell was quite awful and it was the same result when it came to the taste. Wow, this stuff is pungent. I know some people have really given Phantom some decent reviews, but it's not my brand of snus. Way too strong in smell and weird taste. Cool tin, though and very good price. I'll have to choke through the whole tin of this stuff cause I don't waste snus, but it's gonna be very hard. I think on this next order, I'll throw in a few cans of some loose stuff to change it up a bit.


            • Lauritzen
              • Nov 2007
              • 30

              I've been snusing for a bit longer now and I think my list should be updated!

              RODA LACKET! This has now skyrocketed to my best and favorite portion snus by far.

              Goteborg's Rape, GR#2, General, Catch Eucalyptus, Nick (And Johnny), Skruf Stark, Offroad Strong, Gotlandssnus Julesnus

              Mocca, Kronan, Tre Ankare, Catch Classis Menthol, Grov

              :x Catch Licorice, yuck...

              And just like last time, these are all portions and I still prefer white portions while I'm on the go although the strong portions are awesome for first thing in the morning. I don't think I'll ever switch to loose because I'm quite happy, but who knows?


              • Kindrd
                • Oct 2007
                • 266

                The top looses:

                Skruf Stark, Gotlands Yellow, Landstroms, Prima Fint, Kronan and Gustavus.

                The top portions:

                Gotlands Yellow, Goteborgs #2, Ettan, Grov, Skruf Stark, Kronan and Gustavus


                • Karey
                  New Member
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 11

                  Things change, here's my updated list:

                  General loose, General stärk portion, Röda Lacket, Grovsnus, probe, Romeo y Julieta, skruf stärk, skruf cranberry, lucky strike, Nick & Johnny

                  Ettan, göteborgs rapé, skruf portion, kronan, level, Röda Lacket portion

                  :? Catch

                  :x Mocca, flavoured snus, rocker (exept the grey one), Tre Ankare, most dannish snus.


                  • Mariner
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 21

                    I am just starting out, and I am still experimenting. Haven't smoked for more than a month now, and I've been a heavy cigarette smoker for twenty years. 8)

                    For now I've mostly been trying portions, but an Icetool may very well be in my near future. I'm Norwegian, so all snus has been bought over the counter.

                    Opinion so far ( portions unless otherwise stated):

                    Best in class so far: General loose (available everywhere, classic, even refined, and I'm a sucker for bergamot), Göteborgs Rapé #2 white portion (simply mindbogglingly good - could easily have been cloying, but I find it very well balanced) and N&J "brown portions" (mmm... interesting taste and a very respectable nicotine payload)

                    Skruf Stark portion (almost a tie with N&J), Röda Lacket loose (very nice taste, almost bakes itself, but possibly a tad weak in the nic department)

                    Göteborgs Rapé white portion, General maxi portions, Montecristo portion, Lucky Strike original portion, Röda Lacket white portion

                    :? Ettan original portion, Skruf original, General onyx (jury's still out, but I find it a bit too lemony), General white

                    :x Catch licorice (nasty - tasted like an ashtray from a greek tourist café)

                    What can I say? I like a lot of stuff.

                    I have also tried Göteborgs Rapé loose, but unfortunately I don't think I can judge that conclusively yet. That tin (the first I bought over the counter in Sweden, of all things) was a month or so past its "best before" date, and the snus was very dry. Felt like rubbery putty or half-dried clay rather than the moist goodness I expect. The taste was promising enough, and we'll see if I can revive it by adding a tiny bit of water.

                    Currently my 'must try' list includes Gotlandssnus (esp. yellow), possibly Romeo y Julieta, plus more loose, including Skruf Stark, Ettan, Grov, and Landströms.

                    I also have a can of N&J loose waiting in my fridge back home. Factory fresh IIRC, bought over the counter here in Norway this week (mid March). Looking forward to that one.


                    • victoryredchevy
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 303

                      Tried some new brands

                      Got another order in today. Got my usual Luckys. I've got a portion of Nick and Johnny in right now and so far, I like it. It reminds me of a concoction of General and Roda Lacket. It has a citrusy-spicy character and a sweet-salmiak character, too. I'm feeling the stark kick right now, also. I'm anxious to try the Gotlands Yellow. I opened, since it isn't sealed like most, to catch a wiff and found it does smell quite different than other snuses. I also threw in a tin of LD Black. I could smell the salmiak aroma through the unopened tin. Smells good. My tin of los was General, as usual. I love it. Although, I am disappointed that the lid had a hole in it like the first tin of General los did that I ordered several months ago. I'll probably use it anyway. I may hit up Buysnus for another tin, to help cope with my loss :wink:.


                      • victoryredchevy
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 303

                        In reference to my previous post, I really ended up thinking N&J was just OK, not great. I tried the Gotland yellow portion and really liked it. Very balanced. The aroma is strong and misleading to the flavor. It's very subtle and pleasant tasting. The scent reminds me of Knox portion, but the taste is much different. I can see myself using it much more often. I've also tried the LD Black. It smells like a can of liquorice, basically. The taste was suprisingly subtle, though. I'm not a big liquorice fan, but I do like these.


                        • Skadelphius
                          New Member
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 12


                          finally tried enough different kinds to post a tenative list of my favorites (theyre all portion):

                          Ettan, General (i think i liked it a lot, been awhile), Nick and Johnny stark, Gotesborgs Rape White

                          Skruf stark, Grovsnus

                          :? Offroad cranberry stark (stuff was crazy!), Level, Kronan, Skruf

                          :x Phantom


                          • Smarvy
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 86

                            OK, I've been wanting to post in this thread for a while, but I've been forcing myself to wait until I've tried most of the snus available (that I'm remotely interested in). So, here goes:

                            General, Skruf Stark, Gotlands Yellow, Gustavus, Kronan, Knox

                            :P Granit, Grov, Landströms, Gellivare, N&J, Luckies, Julesnus

                            Göteborgs Rapé,


                            I know I'm missing a bunch. Not sure why I don't like Ettan either, just don't.


                            • The Wolf
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 132

                              I've been enjoying pretty minor selection of different brands so my list is what it is. I've found the ones I absolutely love, though.

                              Röda Lacket, Ettan
                              Göteborg's Rapé, General Onyx (black portion)
                              :| Ettan (white portion), Göteborg's Rapé (white portion)

                              Haven't had any bad brands so far but portions aren'y my cup of tea except for General Onyx. I've had one portion of Nick and Johnny which was pretty good, but can't put it anywhore above since it's been sooooo long I've had it. Sure I've tried many more brands than mentioned above, but can't quite remember them. Also I can't remember how General's lös was. Good I'd expect.


                              • aj01
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 149

                                Montecristo in Norway

                                Mariner: Go hassle your local Deli DeLuca or 7-11. They should have Montecristo portion in their required listing. Deli Deluca has the Romeo y Julieta as well.


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