Personal tastes compared

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  • nzkiwi
    • Jan 2007
    • 141

    general silver is about 6mg/pouch. Probably about perfect for me.

    skruf mini 5mg/pouch, not bad.

    update!! I am now officially a large portion snuser.

    General Onyx

    General, Lucky Strike, Granit, Grovsnus, Gotesborg #1.

    kronan, Roda. L, L.D original, catch mini cassis menthol.

    Catch Eucalyptus. Don't have to many, perhaps some of the cans I have left in the freezer for to long.

    I prefer white portion over regular portion. White portion keeps better.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Cool, like a mini-plus. Probably not my cup of tea - i've got two rolls of skruf stark in my freezer :lol:


      • nzkiwi
        • Jan 2007
        • 141

        General Onyx, in a league of it's own.


        • victor meldrew
          • Feb 2007
          • 34

          I'm a very new snusser. I've tried several pouch of Ettan, and became quite green after 5 minutes...
          Now, I enjoy my Mocca mint, Metropol Licorice, and purchased today mini Catch Dry Mini eucalyptus and licorice because of the good reputation and advised by a colleague completely addictive !
          I bought Wise eucalyptus as well... to stay wise !

          Nicotine shoot is nice. I quit cigarettes from now, definitly.


          • nzkiwi
            • Jan 2007
            • 141

            that's cool, I love snus too.


            • TBonehawk

              As for portions, I mostly use Kronan. Plus, they are so cheap, you really can't beat them. I mostly use them when I'm around people in public. Otherwise, I prefer loose snus. Thus far, I really like everything I've tried, except for Level (freebie with my last order from Buysnus a few months ago). I tried to like it, but it just never happened. A buddy of mine said it smelled "like poop". Sure, I finished the whole can, but I was throwing in extra fat cubes to get done with it!

              tried: Loose: Knox, Roda Lacket, Goteborg's Rape, Gottlandsnus Grey, Gottlandsnus Julesnus, Kronan (all were solid)

              Portion: Lucky Strike black, Ettan, Kronan, Strong Cut, Skruf Stark (all solid as well - nice burn from Skruf, nice tase from Lucky Strike)

              I've got a loose mystery 10-pack ('the mix') on the way from buysnus right now. I can't wait to see what they've sent me! I sent in a request to not get any Level. If they send me three cans (the max they can send of any one with the mix, I will never buy from them again) I'll also get the free Nick and Johnny loose to try out. I like having a variety of loose snuses around to break up the routine. I get excited about my next pyramid.

              p.s. If you're lost about my names for snus, see my other post on pet names for snus.



              • nzkiwi
                • Jan 2007
                • 141

                Just started using Snoose(snus), Experience is limited.

                L.D original(red), Skruf tranbar, Kronan.

                Knox, Granit, Level.

                Kicks wild berry.

                Have my eyes on lucky strike next(watch out).

                Will update as experience broadens.


                • marspatukka
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 38

                  I'm about to order a 5 or 10 can-set of Offroad Cranberry strong's, but are they any good? I've heard some bad stuff about offroad loose, but how's the taste with these? Can you speak of Offroad Cranberry and Skruf Cranberry in the same sentence? It's pretty damn cheap so it doesn't have to be a 100% copy of Skruf, but I'd appreciate if someone would tell me their experiences of this snus .


                  • nzkiwi
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 141

                    Tried bacco original loose. Not bad for the price. I'm a sucker for bergamot and citrus. You could mix bergamot and citrus with mud and i'd like it. :lol:


                    • Craig de Tering
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 525

                      Originally posted by marspatukka
                      I'm about to order a 5 or 10 can-set of Offroad Cranberry strong's, but are they any good? I've heard some bad stuff about offroad loose, but how's the taste with these? Can you speak of Offroad Cranberry and Skruf Cranberry in the same sentence? It's pretty damn cheap so it doesn't have to be a 100% copy of Skruf, but I'd appreciate if someone would tell me their experiences of this snus .
                      My reply in another thread: (although moisty disagrees...)


                      • marspatukka
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 38

                        Allrigty then, had allready read that one but didn't realize Bacco=Offroad . Think I'll give it a try, apple-aroma cranberry-snus sounds interesting


                        • nzkiwi
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 141

                          I believe they made some changes to the Bacco recipe and renamed it Offroad.


                          • gopherbob
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 125

                            So which brand is in now... offroad or bacco? My last order about a month ago says bacco on the can.


                            • nzkiwi
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 141



                              • Craig de Tering
                                • Nov 2006
                                • 525

                                Yeah, according to the people at Bacco made some changes to their snus recipes and rebranded/renamed it Offroad.


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