Personal tastes compared

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  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    Originally posted by Hydroxine
    Odens (every sort!), Ettan lös, General Lös
    Göteborgs rape Lös, Skruf Lös
    :/ Maybe like some american snus or somthing

    I just like every snus there is, there isn't any "bad" snus for me, unless its just not well-made.
    How can you say that you like American snus and then say "unless its just not well-made"? There is NO American made snus that is well made...just saying


    • heders
      • Jan 2011
      • 2227

      Grovsnus Original Portion
      Grovsnus White Portion
      Grovsnus Lös
      General Original Portion
      General Long Portion
      General White Portion
      General Onyx
      General Strong White
      General Extra Strong Portion
      General Lös
      General Ekstra Sterk Lös
      Ettan Original Portion
      Ettan Lös
      Nick & Johnny Original Strong
      Nick & Johnny Original Strong White
      Göteborgs Rapé White Portion
      Göteborgs Rapé Lös
      Lucky Strike Bold Strong Portion
      Lucky Strike Nites
      Jakobssons Mint Strong Portion
      Jakobssons Melon Strong Portion
      Jakobssons Wintergreen Strong Portion
      Jakobssons Classic Strong Portion
      Jakobssons Fläder Lös
      Jakobssons Plain Lös
      Thunder Frosted Extra Strong (Long+ and regular)
      Skruf Stark Original Portion
      Odens Extreme Portion

      Odens Extreme Lös
      Thunder Chrome Coffee Supreme Long+
      Thunder Chrome Chocmint Long+
      Thunder Berry Blend
      Granit Original Portion
      Skruf Original Portion
      Lucky Strike Original Portion
      Gustavus Original Portion
      Gustavus Original Lös

      Not my cup of tea:

      Marlboro Strong Portion
      Most Offroad (except Frosted) + Phantom
      Jakobssons Fläder Portion
      Jakobssons Ice Fruit
      Monechristo Portion (it was OK but nothing more)
      Thunder Wintergreen
      Göteborgs Prima Fint (good snus but too mild for my flavor)

      I don't know if I'm forgetting some, lol.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        All Los

        Dont like: Probe, Offroad Berry

        Once liked but turned on me: Kronan, Skruf, Gul

        So so: Pioneer, Prima Fint, Offroad (in whatever form), Knox, Ettan, General

        Wish I could get: LD, Gustavus, Retro, N&J Los, Gotlands Plain, Gellivare, Landstroms
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • DanielO
          • Nov 2011
          • 66

          Like: Pretty much any smoke or tobacco flavored snus
          Dislike: odd flavored snus (mint, melon, coffee, you get the idea)

          One that deserves special mention is Odens Extreme los. I like it when I can get it to behave, but it's too moist for me to effectively bake, so I don't use it often.


          • dman21
            • Jul 2012
            • 1141

            Thunder Cool Orange
            Nick and Johnny Radical Red
            General Wintergreen
            General Mint
            Olde Ving

            Thunder Cool Mint
            Thunder Frosted
            General Original Portion
            General ES portion
            Goteborg's Rape Lime
            Camel Snus Mint (when all else fails and I am outta the good stuff)

            Most Oden's
            Most Jakobsson's
            Thunder Wintergreen
            Thunder Berry
            Skoal Snus


            • Faylool
              • Dec 2012
              • 496

              I don't like any mint type snus and I've never tried it. The thought makes me feel sick. And if the snus is too salty I have to make tiny portions or it just ruins it. Kronor is one I'm trying hard to like but it's fairly nasty and too salty too.i don't prefer portions. I like to make my own pouches with tea bag and rip off extra tea bag. Thinor medium or fat depending on everything!


              • tattooer601
                • Jun 2010
                • 942

                Originally posted by Faylool
                I don't like any mint type snus and I've never tried it. The thought makes me feel sick. And if the snus is too salty I have to make tiny portions or it just ruins it. Kronor is one I'm trying hard to like but it's fairly nasty and too salty too.i don't prefer portions. I like to make my own pouches with tea bag and rip off extra tea bag. Thinor medium or fat depending on everything!
                If ya never tried a could ya know you wouldnt like it?
                Just Wonder How


                • NorwegianInSpain
                  • Feb 2013
                  • 29

                  Skruf Strong Portion is my only "love" snus. Realize reading this thread I have not tried as many as I probably should. Can anyone recommend a similar portion to Skruf Strong Original Portion? I like that it's a little "firm" and portions are fairly thick.

                  Hate any kind of flavored snus, and "white" portion.


                  • Brugs
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 47

                    Grov Lös, Grov Original Portion, Ettan Lös, Ettan Portion
                    Göteborgs Rapé (lös and white), Skruf OP, Röda (portion and lös), Odens Lakrits Extra Stark, N&J Black Tarmac, General Lös, General White, Thunder Frosted
                    General OP, Jägarpris, Jakobssons Fläder


                    • WZRD
                      New Member
                      • May 2013
                      • 3

                      I just started snusing, and have barely tried 5 flavors so far, so my reply isn't very helpful to the cause althought my favorite so far is probe whiskey, which is odd cuz 3/5 I bought were mint because I generally love mint everything, mint icecream, I'm quitting from menthol cigarettes, and I even prefer my mint gum to burn, but for some odd reason I like the probe whiskey and general los more.

                      I also wanted to mention I love how this post is setup, clearly defining we're talking about opinions, rather than like youtube music videos where everyone argues about what the "best" music is.


                      • silanh
                        New Member
                        • May 2013
                        • 1

                        General Mint
                        Olde Ving

                        General ES portion
                        Goteborg's Rape Lime
                        Camel Snus Mint (when all else fails and I am outta the good stuff)

                        Most Oden's
                        Most Jakobsson's


                        • jkfriday
                          New Member
                          • Jun 2013
                          • 11

                          Having snused for a couple of months now, and having sampled many different snus, with my tastes changing very frequently, I can say that I strongly dislike the V2 snus I have tried (Thunder and Phantom) - they taste cheap, and chemically. The same goes for Oden's (Extreme portions, Extreme loose, and Cold). I won't be buying any of those again.

                          Skruf make an excellent loose snus, easily my favourite so far of the los I have tried. Other than that, I can see why Swedish Match products are as popular as they are - even if the flavours and textures aren't always up my alley, the tobacco is always first-class. Onyx is probably my least favourite SM product, however.

                          Regardless, I haven't had a smoke (nor the desire to have a smoke) since I discovered snus, and for that I am very glad.


                          • Faylool
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 496

                            Yay for you! I like Scruf Stark Los a lot myself. Ettan Los is very easy to use all day too. I pinch my Los into tea bags so I can make big or sense in doing small. Get more for my money


                            • saberz
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 66

                              Islay Whiskey
                              Ettan Portion/los
                              Göteborg Rape`
                              General Mint

                              Jakobsson Strong Mint(grew on me)
                              General Wintergreen
                              General Classic

                              General Licorice

                              Going to be a battle to finish those two. Really can't wait to order more, especially a roll of GR and Islay Whiskey.


                              • Shavasana
                                • Oct 2013
                                • 24

                                Jakobsson's Wintergreen
                                Thunder Frosted
                                Oden's Pure Wintergreen/Cold
                                Lab 06
                                Skruf Stark Los
                                Skruf Xtra Stark

                                General Mint
                                General Licorice
                                General Original
                                Ettan Los
                                Jakobsson's Mint
                                Islay Whiskey

                                Lab 02
                                Blue Ocean
                                Jagarpris (Is this still around?)
                                Mocca Midi Maple (Glad it's gone)
                                Goteborg Rape
                                Almost all white portions so far really, they're just uncomfortable and rough on my gums...


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