Personal tastes compared

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  • victor meldrew
    • Feb 2007
    • 34

    Question from a very new snusser :
    With Metropol Licorice, when I take a new portion, the first ten minutes are sometimes disgusting. It's not with each portion.
    It's sometimes awfully salted, I must spit and spit again or drop the portion in the rubbish.

    Is it usually very salted, enough to need to spit ?
    Am I definitly a white mini portion user ?


    • marspatukka
      • Dec 2006
      • 38

      Originally posted by victor meldrew
      Question from a very new snusser :
      With Metropol Licorice, when I take a new portion, the first ten minutes are sometimes disgusting. It's not with each portion.
      It's sometimes awfully salted, I must spit and spit again or drop the portion in the rubbish.

      Is it usually very salted, enough to need to spit ?
      Am I definitly a white mini portion user ?
      It might just be the "juice" that's coming out, that's the reason I prefer white portions . Sometimes I put a normal (not white) portion on my hand and give it few punches before putting it under my lip, that takes some of the juices away and makes it more comfortable to use.


      • victor meldrew
        • Feb 2007
        • 34

        Thanks for the advise Marspattuka, I'lm going to try as you say.
        But Metropol a white portion, it's written on the can.


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          Originally posted by victor meldrew
          Question from a very new snusser :
          With Metropol Licorice, when I take a new portion, the first ten minutes are sometimes disgusting. It's not with each portion.
          It's sometimes awfully salted, I must spit and spit again or drop the portion in the rubbish.

          Is it usually very salted, enough to need to spit ?
          Am I definitly a white mini portion user ?
          Is it the SALTINESS or the tobacco BITTERNESS that makes you spit?
          If it's the saltiness then maybe licorice isn't your thing. not everyone likes licorice (american licorice candy is usually sweeter whereas salmiak-type licorice common in Europe is salty)

          On the other hand; if it's the bitterness just give it some time. After a while you get more accustomed to this and/or develop less saliva. You said yourself that it's not with every portion. In time you'll notice it less and less.


          • victor meldrew
            • Feb 2007
            • 34

            It's only the saltiness, and some portions are awful, some others are very mild...


            • gopherbob
              • Jan 2007
              • 125

              sounds appropriate to stay away from the licorice snus


              • victor meldrew
                • Feb 2007
                • 34

                Just received Wise Citrus. Taste is very sweetened, not salted at all, perfect !
                I'm going to try Catch dry eucalyptus and licorice. Hope it wil be good.

                Question : do I need to keep white and dry cans in the fridge ? Is it preferable or not ?


                • gopherbob
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 125

                  I would say 'yes' keep them in the fridge. Unless you take a can on an adventure.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    yeah, white portions are more resistant to un-cold temperatures, but in all cases snus should be kept cold when possible.


                    • victor meldrew
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 34

                      What about (saltiness, sweeteness, etc)
                      General Mini White Portion Citrus ?
                      LD Mini Portion Citrus ?
                      Tre Ankare Mini Portion ?
                      Piccanell ? which one is the swetest ?
                      Oliver Twist Citrus ?

                      Thanks for your useful pieces of advices.
                      I've opened Catch Dry Mini Licorice : very great taste.
                      Catch Dry eucalyptus : not so bad, but not so good.

                      Wise is my prefered portion for the moment (I know, it sounds like a baby snusser...).


                      • marspatukka
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 38

                        Catch portions are too sweet for me . I think that even snus that has some added flavour should taste like snus, if I want a candyish taste in my mouth I'll just go buy candy :P . So I don't have too much experience of flavoured mini portions, and I think our snus-tastes are pretty far from each other so be aware of that. Anyway, here's what I think of some snuses on your list:

                        General is pretty good. I think that if can says "General", it's almost 100% sure quality. Not too sweet IMO. Tre Ankare is pretty decent stuff, nothing special but nothing to be disapointed about. Oliver Twist isn't actually snus, it's some kind of chewing tobacco. Small black pieces that I put under my lower lip, pretty fun to use for a while but that's it. For a long-term use they'll get pretty boring and there's very little -if none- nicotine.


                        • immunoem
                          New Member
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 5

                          Hi all,
                          tried quite a few varieties over the past year or so. I've tried both loose and portions. I prefer portions, mainly for the convenience and because I haven't found a way of 'politely' removing loose snus from behind my lip. I usually end up with my head in the sink.
                          Anyway, here are my comments on the most 'memorable' brands:

                          General Onyx, Goteborgs Rape, Strongcut, LD mini
                          Nich & Johny, Catch dry (various flavours), Mocca (mandarin), Gustavus
                          :cry: Roots, Kicks

                          Heading to Austin, Tx in a couple of weeks so hoping to try Camel snus if is is still being sold over there.



                          • chainsnuser
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 1388

                            Skruf Stark Portions, Probe Whiskey loose, Offroad Strong Cranberry Portions, Ettan loose, Röda Lacket loose

                            Skruf Cranberry Portions, Röda Lacket White Portions, Knox Portions, LD Black Portion Salmiak, Mocca Mandarin White Miniportions, Strongcut Portions, Ettan Portions, Kronan Portions, General Portions (Original & Mini), Nick & Johnny loose, Göteborgs Rapé White Portions, Metropol Lakritsrot White Portion

                            :? Grovsnus Portions, General loose

                            LD Guld loose

                            The list will be updated.



                            • gopherbob
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 125

                              chainsnuser your likes are very similar to mine, keep me updated on your likes and dislikes.


                              • chainsnuser
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2007
                                • 1388

                                Surely, gopherbob. I plan to regularly update the list. And I will definitely check your list again, before my next order.



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