only portions Catch dry licorice, Wise Citrus, Tre Ankare Mini Catch dry Eucalyptus, Metropole Licorice LD Mini Citrus, Mocca Mint, Wise black (disguting burned taste)
Ettan, Landstroms General, Skruf, Probe
:shock: Roda Lacket, Goteborgs Rape,
Large Portions
Ettan, Rape No.2, Diplomat, Skruf, R & J, Onyx
:shock: General
I was thinking it would be great to set up a little website/database that consolidates all these post into a single place. Then people could find recommendations based on the snus they like or reviews on different types of snus. Kind-of-like a social network for snusers.
For me, Nick & Johnny is the absolute best Snus. I was looking for a Snus that was comparable to Cope Snuff, and N&J is better in every way.
Offroad licorice is nice as well, although the very strong aroma gets to be a bit too much towards the end of a can. Flavor is very good, no overpowering, and the price is right.
Anyone like rocker? I bought a can of citrus and menthol. The menthol wasn't bad, has a slight numbing(cooling) sensation on the gums. I think rocker will become competitive now that they have money behind them(reynolds).
Im just a beginner so my taste seems to be evolving a bit at the moment so this may change in the future. However these might be useful to other beginners.
I really like Skruf tronbar, Göteborgs Rapé, General, Ettan
Ok snus for me is General White, GrovSnus, Catch Eucalyptus
I really didnt like Röda Lacket. It made me drool like a St Bernard and I swallowed loads of juice and got the hiccups. Tasted ok so might try it again but not for a while.
So far I havent had any problems with sore gums, juice (except Roda Lacket) and I am starting to really taste the snus now I am off the ciggies and am begining to taste again.
Just got a Tre Ankare portion on the go and its quite nice.
Problems so far:
I am using the large portions which seem to have just the right amount of nicotine for me but seem a little big for my mouth. They are fine when I am sitting working but when I smile or laugh they make me look weird or pop out. I think I might get used to it and am experimenting with positions in the mouth at the moment. That or stop smiling. :wink:
I keep falling asleep with them in and they taste foul when I wake up. After about an hour I have to take them out usually.
Actually the Tre Ankare is giving me loads of juice now. :shock:
Got a can of Roda Lacket today, and I can't taste it at all. Same for Ettan.
Can't taste anything at all, good, bad, or neutral.
General is very nice though. The slight peppery taste with the lemon is quite nice indeed. Very well balanced.
Both RL and Ettan can be pretty muddy (RL even more so) so I can somewhat imagine what you mean,
I liked RL when I started snusing as its taste was delicious but its consistency was somewhat waxy and sometimes it felt like my saliva-covered tongue couldn't pierce the waxy taste-barrier. (Prolly my own imagination but yeah...)
I think I might get used to it and am experimenting with positions in the mouth at the moment.
You could try to move the snus a little more to the side. The snus then is almost invisible. It surely produces a bit more saliva, but I never had any problems with the juices.
You might also move snus portions from one side of your mouth to the other to prevent your gums from getting sore on one side.
Besides of that, it simply takes some days until your gums are used to snus, so the problems will certainly disappear quite soon.
I was thinking it would be great to set up a little website/database that consolidates all these post into a single place. Then people could find recommendations based on the snus they like or reviews on different types of snus. Kind-of-like a social network for snusers.
Can't remember the name of it, but there's a music site with a similar principle, it has some kind of programme that displays what other bands you'd probably like if you express an interest in a particular band. Anyone know it? It displays the results as a sort of floating spider diagram.
Sounds like it'd be perfect if it could be customised a little.
Chewing is definitely not a new way of enjoying tobacco - it is a rather old tradition - but the new, modern Nordic Chew is more like snus than traditional chewing tobacco. It looks the same way as Swedish snus and comes in loose form or in portions. ...
So I am a snus addict, as I am sure most of the senior members are as well. (I know a few have a stock pile of more then 100 in their freezer. I am starting...