Originally posted by Master Chief
Personal tastes compared
This is a sticky topic.
Well, here's to the evolution of tastes!
When I first started, I used almost only white mini portions, but have branched out into los snus. I still don't feel comfortable using los in public! But I now have a much wider variety to enjoy in private!
Nick and Johnny, Wise Citrus, Skruf tranbar, Catch dry licorice, Mocca mint
Catch coffee vanilla, catch cassis menthol
Nick and Johnny, Roda, Roots licorice lime, Offroad licorice (this is so sweet I think of it as "dessert" snus!), Probe whiskey
:? Gustavus Original loose, Gotland Grey
Now I am waiting to try Skruf Stark los, as well as all the other Offraod varieties! :P
Hmm... haven't posted mine yet.
Though, admittedly, I haven't tried that many varieties, for the ones that I have tried, here goes (portion unless otherwise specified.):
General (Silver, Original), Nick & Johnny (heck, this one needs an extra smiley...
), Offroad Cranberry Strong, Skruf Stark (Lös)
Granit (maxi/regular), Röda Lacket, Tre Ankare
Level (o. m. g. soooo terrible...), Gustavus Classic
I'm pretty sure that's all of the varieties that I've tried. I plan on trying some other ones soon, though. :wink:
updated : July 25, 2008
Loose :
(Nick) and Johnny(gone but not forgotten :cry
Offroad Long Cut 'Pure Tobacco'
Röda Lacket
skruf stark
Regular Portions :
General Onyx
Diplomat Vit
Göteborgs Rapè No. 2 :? (need to try again)
Nick (and Johnny)
Röda Lacket White(RL + Dr. Pepper = the breakfast of champions)
knox :? (used to be, but I became tired of the aftertaste)
Jakobsson's Classic(excellent mellow snus)
Lucky Strike
Mini Portions :
mocca+ tobacco flavor(Packs a wallop for a mini!)
skruf tränbar
Camel Snus Original(gets a smiley for getting me turned on to the real stuff, not for taste)
Not much interest in the loose category. Why not? It takes a while, but with some time and practice it can be controlled (as opposed to turning to mud). I find that the loose is much more flavorful than the portions, although I haven't tried a whole lot. I'm still favoring Skruf and Gustavus, but I've got a couple of Grov too. Nice.
Took some time getting use to the texture, and upper lip and all, but once ya do... it's the only way to go (personal opinion, at least).
Just took a pris of Gotlandssus (via the Icetool - what a great gadget). Once adjusted it'll keep for as long as I want. I will continue to sing the praise of loose snus over portions. Anyone else?
I've only been snussing for about 3 weeks now and my first encounter with snus was the portion format. I grew to like these quite a bit. In my initial order (with BuySnus) I ordered a couple tins of loose. I was a bit put off by the manual "baking" process so I bought an Icetool later. As soon as I got the Icetool, I opened a tin of General, and after a lot of fooling around with the portioning of the loose snus, I had a nice pris under my lip.
My impressions: instant flavour, faster, bigger nicotine hit, you can leave it in for a long time with a little tongue work. :wink:
I've finished the General and now I'm into a Nick and Johnny tin. I think that my preference is turning to loose.
I was pleased to find this forum. Greetings!
My current personal tastes (loose):
= Goteborgs Rape; Nick and Johnny.
8) = General; Diplomat; Goteborgs Prima Fint; Grov Snus.
:? = Ettan; Skruf Stark.
Addition: an interesting site I just found with pictures of old snus cans. Some very obscure names here too.
Will post this on a separate thread also.