Roda Lacket Los Review

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  • Chaz
    New Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 11

    Roda Lacket Los Review

    This is my first review and my first Los. I hope it makes sense. I would love some feedback from anyone who has used Roda los to see if I am on the same page and to make sure my taste buds are in check.

    Roda Los is a fine cut, almost like fine ground coffee, snus. It’s very moist (I don't know comparatively because this is my first los).

    When I opened the can I noticed an earthy tobacco aroma with just a hint of anise, maybe a whiff of truffle.

    My pris held together nicely. It had a consistency of playdoh, granular but smooth at the same time. It felt great on the gums and lip.

    The initial flavor took a few minutes to bloom. It was bright tobacco, slightly sweet, with a nonaggressive bitter (salty?) overtone and a light licorice undertone, becoming mellower after the first 3-5 minutes. The flavor progressed to subdued tobacco flavor, with a very light florally sweetness and earthy licorice undertone. The flavor held up well for the first 30 minutes then dropped off quickly. Overall a great snus experience!
  • bmwgsa
    • Jul 2008
    • 248

    I like Roda los (I'm not a fan of their portion) - it has a good flavor that lasts. Packs real well in an icetool....

    I kind of liken it to the General los taste (but I really can't taste a lot of subtle notes - just don't have that kind of tongue).


    • cocsp2002
      • Jul 2008
      • 509

      Nice review, and welcome to SnusOn! I'm definitely a fan of rL, it's a really nice, mellow snus that is a good augment to my daily variety of General, General and...well, General. Getsnus just started stocking rL los, so I'll definitely be ordering a roll with my next order. I'm glad you liked it; lately the forum has been leaning toward V2 snus as the majority favorite, but I'm a loyal SM devotee (OK, well, it's the only snus that doesn't seem to mess with my stomach, so...). But, keep snusing, keep reviewing, and most of all, keep posting! Looking forward to seeing you on the forum!


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