The stuff is good. The nicotine-delivery is on par with most other brands and the taste is absolutely identical to liquorice-candy. I read here on the forum, that the brand is going to be dicontinued, though.
It's none of my favorite brands but one that's worth considering with every order.
I thought it was going away too, looks like it's just been repackaged. Don't remember the portion material being black though. Then again I haven't had this one in a while.
I thought it was going away too, looks like it's just been repackaged. Don't remember the portion material being black though. Then again I haven't had this one in a while.
It has been in black portions since the end of 2006 at least. The black portions are very moist and very easy on the gums. Only the taste (really absolutely identical to liquorice-candy, virtually no tobacco-taste and also no salt-taste noticeable) is something you just have to like. I'm used to the taste of liquorice, but for me it's also nothing I could use every day.
LD Black - Upon reading the news of its eminent demise, and never having tried it before, I violated my first rule of snus. That is; To never purchase more than one can of anything (to try) at a time. I bought three cans from Buysnus.
When it arrived, I was immediately surprised at the quality of the can. Ok, so it's just black plastic, but it has nice (understated) graphics on the label and something I've never seen before. A very cool hinged waste compartment top lid. Inside are the shiniest black portion bags I've ever laid eyes on. They seem to sparkle and looked like they might taste great!
(from the link that jamesstew posted above - I see that this is the newly redesigned can.)
I'd read (from you guys) that it tasted sweet... I should've realized that though it isn't really sweet per say... I never did like black licorice.
So this is what Salmiak tates like. Live & learn... not for me, though some may relish it.
Yeah I mean if you like licorice ya'll will love this. Apart from OR Coffee Vanilla, this is the only flavored snus I really enjoy. Having said this, I only order flavored snus every couple of months and it hangs about for quite a while, it's something you gotta be in the mood for I guess, as chain was saying... definitely not something I would think someone could use everyday.
Talking of which, Gotlands Julesnus is out soon I think. Now that is a flavored snus I can use everyday
As one of the few flavored snus I still like, I'm glad that reports of it's demise were exaggerated. Right before stopping in here, I was on Buysnus looking at all the cool new snus and saw the LD Black there. Made me happy!!
And itchystiches, good to see you around!! Or you have been around and it's just me who has been kinda scarce. Either way. good to see you!!
Haha, no it's my bad bro. I've been caught up with graduating from college, trying to find work, moving house etc. Things are starting to settle down but thanks to the General I got through it all
Good to see you around too man, hope everything is going ok?