GetSnus/Northerner- FREE Mystery Can!

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    you are correct Owen. It wasn't that way a few days ago. They must have changed the promotion just recently, for the better.

    With that said.....

    I do believe that Northerner may be back to really showing appreciation for its customers. Is it possible all the SC and other cheaper supplier threads here lately might have contributed to this? Or does northerner have a ton of nearly expired snus? I'm thinkin that Northerner is getting past the PACT crap and can now focus more on it customers and service. Only time will tell. If thats the case let me be the first to thank Frank.

    Thanks Frank

    @ driverfound.....they send you some decent snus. Think about all the crappy snus they could have sent. The packer I spoke to said that her instructions were to give out cheaper and near best buy snus for the freebies, which I can fully understand. What she sent to you isn't the cheapest thats for sure. You scored good.
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • DriverFound
      • Dec 2008
      • 21

      Hear hear, PP. Thank you Frank!

      As for the Jaks deal, it was only with a Jaks order that you got a 5 pack of mystery cans when I ordered too. Seeing as that's not the case now, I may have to order another roll of something! Now...the question becomes...where do I store it...freezer is getting mighty full... lol


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        its been a year or so since any promotions offered actually made me want to order a few rolls just for the freebies. Five free is incredible.

        Alas....I have a freezer full already tho. I'm waiting for V2 to come out with another limited edition of the original offroad coffee/vanilla....then I will stock up. hint hint

        yea Patrik I'm hinting to you dear. Keep thinking "coffe/vanilla coffe/vanilla..."
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • Santafechestnutred
          • Dec 2009
          • 76

          Originally posted by truthwolf1
          I think you pissed somebody off. lol
          I have not ordered from them ever since Northerner took over.. I dont mind a couple of cans of icefruit....Just lookin for a little more variety..even if it's cheap snus..Red


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            Originally posted by Santafechestnutred
            I have not ordered from them ever since Northerner took over.. I dont mind a couple of cans of icefruit....Just lookin for a little more variety..even if it's cheap snus..Red
            Amen brother


            • Renico
              • May 2011
              • 237

              Mystery cans?


              I was wondering if anybody tried the current offer Northerner do? Buy a roll of any Jakobssons snus and get 5 free mystery cans?

              Thinking about doing it myself. But what did you get in the 5 mystery cans? I think it sucks if you get 5 of the same product.


              • Santafechestnutred
                • Dec 2009
                • 76


                Originally posted by Santafechestnutred
                I ordered 20 mystery cans......I got 17 cans of icefruit...2 flader and 1 coola....I hate icefruit.....but at 2 bucks a can ,including shipping, it keeps my nicotine monkey off my back.....I wish there was more variety...Anything but icefruit( or catch eucalyptus).....I think I will bite the bullet and order what I really like from premiumsnus....I gotta have some skruf... Red
                the icefruit is kinda growin on me....I wont order it again but I am starting to appreciate it...Red


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  I did fairly well with this. I got 2 cans of Jaks Flader, 2 cans of Odens and 1 can of Jaks classic. All are sterk or extra sterk. Normally I don't care for flavored snus but the Flader isnt too bad. Not an all day snus but it makes for a nice change in the routine.


                  • Owens187
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 1547

                    Feels like Christmas. Here's what the dude in brown brought me today. I bought the Coola and Frosted, and for my free mystery cans I got 4 cans of Jaks Classic, 5 cans of Jaks Flader, and 1 can of Jaks Licorice.

                    Can't complain about that!


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      Not bad at all there Owens! It coulda been a roll of blue ocean ha..

                      You know nobody is gonna get a best seller snus. If anyone gets a can of say ettan, Gote rape, even say gen op, is be extremely surprised.


                      • sirloot
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 2607

                        Originally posted by EricHill78
                        Not bad at all there Owens! It coulda been a roll of blue ocean ha..

                        You know nobody is gonna get a best seller snus. If anyone gets a can of say ettan, Gote rape, even say gen op, is be extremely surprised.
                        Sh*t bro Jak's is top notch idk what ya say


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Originally posted by sirloot
                          Sh*t bro Jak's is top notch idk what ya say
                          Ya jaks kicks ass, but I don't think its a Northerner top seller.


                          • SmokedEuro
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 280

                            Originally posted by EricHill78
                            Not bad at all there Owens! It coulda been a roll of blue ocean ha..

                            You know nobody is gonna get a best seller snus. If anyone gets a can of say ettan, Gote rape, even say gen op, is be extremely surprised.
                            That would be pretty sick. I got 5 Jacks Classic 2 flader and 3 Kaliber with my last order. I also got 3 rolls of Phantom blue because they kept sending me rolls of it that was expiring the same week i received. But Northerner/getsnus did me right. The mailed me a replacement roll the next day. Unfortunately this was also expiring but they got a good one out the same day I received the 2nd expired roll. So 30 cans of blue los for the price of 10.

                            ps. don't take this as a blast on N/GS. They are a great company and are doing us American snusers a great service by supplying the local shops and raising snus awareness in America.

                            now back to your regularly scheduled programming


                            • spinyeel
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 175

                              Knowing my luck,I would get a roll of Chaini Khaini Saffran.


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